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What 7 days of dedication got me - My Camp

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It took me about 7 days, alone with no help, using the same server the entire time, with no vehicles to get this camp together. 

If you find it, you're welcome to help yourself to what is there.. *and no hints or confirmations will be given. 

Imgur album of camp: http://imgur.com/a/cT0Tb



Edited by lrishjake
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It is most definitely at that location.  Strange though, that there aren't more tents; seeing as how it is within 1km of the most abundant tent spawn on the map...

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7 minutes ago, emuthreat said:

It is most definitely at that location.  Strange though, that there aren't more tents; seeing as how it is within 1km of the most abundant tent spawn on the map...

Maybe it's a really cheeky camp. Just a bunch of tents full of tents.

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I used to have a military tent in that barn ^^ and a car-tent parallel to the barn where your camp is. It's a nice spot and you can often find deer at the farm at (032/016) or on the meadow at (034/016). You should have more than enough space for a while. I pretty much lived in the Novaya-Area for nearly two months and only moved around in the north. Sometimes it was more relaxing than a real-life walk. I love the north and can't wait for pretty renderthings to happen and for the new water and fx. Congrats on your camp!

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19 minutes ago, [DGN] Johnny said:

Maybe it's a really cheeky camp. Just a bunch of tents full of tents.

Didn't view the gallery, I'm assuming?

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1 minute ago, emuthreat said:

Didn't view the gallery, I'm assuming?

Yeah... I failed. v.v

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5 hours ago, lrishjake said:

 *and no hints or confirmations will be given. 

Will you not even say whether it is on public hive or private?

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7 hours ago, emuthreat said:

It is most definitely at that location.  Strange though, that there aren't more tents; seeing as how it is within 1km of the most abundant tent spawn on the map...

I am only one man.. also, I am not a hoarder. Just a light collector ;)

6 hours ago, [DGN] Johnny said:

Maybe it's a really cheeky camp. Just a bunch of tents full of tents.

Its fairly empty now.. friends heard I had extra stuff I didnt want and came running :P

4 hours ago, emuthreat said:

Will you not even say whether it is on public hive or private?

This post is not one of my typical "giveaway" posts.. which I do often btw.

This was just to show those who felt like having camps or high end loot was too tough without a group, that its very possible even with a very small amount of time invested (approx. 15-20 hours total).

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More like seven hours, with a car... ; )

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