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Regarding the renderer

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I'm sure i know the answer to 99% of the community, but i just wanted to be sure. And before you ask "If you already know their answers, why ask it?" Well, purely for the reassurance ofcourse!


So the question is:    Despite the fact that we know little about the renderer as it is right now, how many people would like to see a "Early-Access Alpha" for the renderer.


What i mean by this is simple. If the community were to have its way at the current time, the developers would publish the renderer in it's current state in a SEPERATE branch, not Experimental or Stable, despite any bugs/inhibiting factors that may be present in its current state.

Let me know what you think.

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Sort of like a pre-Experimental branch? I don't think that'll happen. Before a build is ready to be released on Experimental branch servers, there are usually quite severe blocker issues (as you also mention) which would hinder basically any kind of testing, and as such there would be little to no gain in setting up an extra branch for this.

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I feel that this would be a loss of ressources. I prefer having the team pushing on the exp build then just a pre-experimental.


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Just what we need is a pre-pre-release of anything related to this game. 

Thanks for bolding and underlining the question though. Plain English is a little ambiguous without it. 

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Pre-releasing the renderer before it's even ready is a bad idea. Not only would it cost them unnecessary resources but it would cause a lot of nerd rage because quite a few people expect the game to be perfect from the beginning and if there are blockers, bugs, etc. that make it less than perfect then those same people would bash the developers even more than what they already are. We really don't need any more topics full of nerd rage as we have plenty as is.

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 Yeah I have to agree with the others so far it's not worth the resources. I do not mind waiting even several months from now myself. It's been a long time already but I've grown even more patient then I was when things started. Thanks to the transparency in the updates and research I have done, understanding more and more of what is really going on and the complexity of rendering, programming, and trouble shooting code. Tbh I think debugging is definitely harder then compiling the stuff, whats doing that, where is it!?(I love this clip)


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This is merely the OP's attempt to deal with the stress of waiting for .60.

His mind insists that there must be a way to get to play with it sooner so he dreams up experimental-experimental builds as an option.

I also believe that the internal testing going on before release is not fun the same way testing on open public servers is either.

I personally guesstimate we won't see .60 for another 2-4 weeks.

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I see where all of you are coming from. I'll admit, i didn't thoroughly think about what i was typing. My excitement got the best of me. xD 

4 hours ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

I personally guesstimate we won't see .60 for another 2-4 weeks.

Although i hate to say it, i somewhat agree, but my timeframe would be more along the lines of 2-3 months. 

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We're all excited and anxiously waiting for .60 to come out so we can see for ourselves the direction that the team is taking DayZ with the new renderer.

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