preka 0 Posted July 3, 2012 still harking on the same old stuff that doesn't matter prekaBut it was YOUR argument! So you're saying your argument doesn't matter?And if your argument doesn't matter, you should simply be ignored, then, yes?If it doesn't matter, why did you say it in the first place?Can we not just as easily say that nothing you have said matters? Why would it? You haven't made a particularly strong case that any of your whinging is important. Very little of it seems to be about the good of the game as a whole - it mostly revolves around your *personal* wants. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
septuscap 42 Posted July 3, 2012 Wild West Server (does all the work for you, go interact "meaningfully")Wasteland MedicsFreeside Trading Co, join survivors, trade, help set up a citySurvivor Checkpoint between Cherno and ElektroThese are a few of the more unique things being done. There are also numerous anti-bandit clans, survivor clans, clans that help new spawns with morphine/blood/food/soda/water, solo players who avoid players via stealth, etc. And if you must to meet strangers in-game, do it like you would in a real zombie apocalypse. You wouldn't just walk up to a guy with a gun and yell "HI THERE FRIENDLY?" Keep some degree of cover while you initiate conversation. Have a friend on overwatch in case the situation goes bad. Test the waters; turn your back and use alt-look to see where he's aiming, chat him up and see if his responses lag like he's also talking in some VOIP (with his REAL group), see if he's trying to lead you into a trap.Granted, there could be more features implemented to help survivors make cities, establish communication via radio, etc. But the problem isn't the game, it's you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deviantdigi 22 Posted July 3, 2012 Imo, there shouldn't be any form of penalty for killing another player. It is every man for themselves. I appreciate that freedom aspect. If your looking for commendatory you can form a group of friends. I'm not the killing type in game. But when a stranger comes straight at me with a gun what other option do I have? I have hunted, the hunters. Shooting players from a building with no intention of retrieving the loot.I can notice first hand how disturbing it is to see nothing but trolling. I saw one unarmed guy get shot in the leg and kidnapped. Held for ransom for a vehicle. The good side of the story is he stole an m4 from one of their backpacks and killed the two suspects. But he understood its just part of the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ypsan 20 Posted July 3, 2012 Most people kill on sight because there's nothing else to do once you stock on supplies and get decent gear, which doesn't take very long. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zipper 69 Posted July 3, 2012 In any other game that has this kind of system(where you loot all gear) there is almost always a penalty to murdering innocents. If anyone has played ultima online' date=' you know what I am talking about.[/quote']Diablo 2, infinitely more popular than UO, had a system where you looted all gear. It also had a system where you got 1 life. There was zero penalty for killing other players in that game. In fact, it was so popular they didn't need to make a new one for another decade.And my point is' date=' the game will devolve to the point of not even bothering to ask 'friendly' anymore. Just shoot them. Because there is no reason not to.That's my attitude to other players.[/quote']Also find it pretty funny that just because you tell a complete stranger you are friendly, you expect them not to shoot you. Perhaps instead of complaining about the PvP in the game you should just take steps to be more cautious. Nothing says you have to run right up to someone yelling friendly, you choose to do that on your own, and really, only someone with a deathwish or someone with absolutely nothing to lose would do this IRL. The steps you propose, while creative, are not needed. There is not a problem with PvP in this game. There is a problem with too many people running around thinking everyone in the world is friendly.This is from the FAQ on these forums."Q: Turn PvP Off?A: No. PvP is a core part of the DayZ atmosphere and we aren't going to restrict it. Just go inland away from the built up towns along the coast where players spawn."Link: can only suggest you learn to adapt.P.S. - for all of you complaining about being shot after telling someone you are friendly, you don't even know if they speak the same language as you. For all you know you could have told someone to fuck off right before you ran up to them with a gun pointed at their face. Try to think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkTaco24 10 Posted July 3, 2012 ' pid='241525' dateline='1341350461']Diablo 2' date=' infinitely more popular than UO, had a system where you looted all gear. It also had a system where you got 1 life. There was zero penalty for killing other players in that game. In fact, it was so popular they didn't need to make a new one for another decade.[/quote'] diablo 2 most definitely did NOT have a loot all system. Not unless you selected for other players to loot you. If you didn't, they couldn't touch your gear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zipper 69 Posted July 3, 2012 diablo 2 most definitely did NOT have a loot all system. Not unless you selected for other players to loot you. If you didn't' date=' they couldn't touch your gear.[/quote']You are correct. After thinking about it I remembered the only way that could happen is if someone spread crap all around your body and made you loot something before you were able to loot your body.Still doesn't change my point, and correcting me doesn't refute it either. You got 1 life in HC mode in D2. Die and you lost it all. One of the most successful games of all time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeadManDan 23 Posted July 3, 2012 I'm sorry I saw deathmatch and flags and immediately imagined players setting up ctf bases while bandits steal their flag and ride off in a jeep.And I think it was diablo 1 where you could kill anyone and loot their body completely without exception (aww the good old days when we were little brats with not so friendly 'friends'). Of course they nerfed that for d2 and 3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keshik 1 Posted July 4, 2012 So, I've read through all 24 pages...For the flagging people as bandits: The current system is enough for me (heartbeat on bandits audible when you mouseover them). I *personally* don't want a system that changes their skin or makes it any easier to determine who i can "trust" - Only I can determine who I can trust and I don't need the game helping me out with that. If you change their skin to the old models, what happens with camo and ghillie suits?Setting up hunts to track bandits down for revenge - or the "bounty" system won't work either. People generally won't fight unless they think they have the upper hand. It's just a smart way of doing things. With the current game mechanics, people that don't want to fight your hunting party would just swap servers. That's the end of that. People that DON'T swap servers to avoid you are probably pretty established in game and will have an ambush set up with their friends for your hunting party, gaining the upper hand.I really don't think the game is as bad as you describe. As recent as this past weekend I started on a new life. I spent a half hour in Electro looting buildings then ran off into the hills. I ran into a couple people in Electro. One opened the supermarket door, saw me, then immediately ALT+F4'd, and another I had a conversation with and was friendly. However, when I say "ran into", I don't mean running at each other yelling "friendly". I spotted them and followed them around for a bit before making contact. No need for the game to tell me who is friendly or not. Pretty much everyone in game is as scared of you as you are of them. It's just how it works. I'm actually surprised one of the guys didn't actually attempt to kill me. We were taking the same route through Electro and I was a couple minutes ahead of him. He was only getting things I passed on.This game isn't an MMO - there are 40-60 people usually on a server. Things like city control or massive survivor camps would probably play a very little part in the game in it's current state. If the area was expanded considerably, a few hundred people playing on a single server, and more than one "best loot" (besides choppers) point were around, then things like sector control and large survivor camps would be more worthwhile.The full corpse loot and having to restart from scratch combined with the fact that you can't trust anyone instantly is what attracts me to this game. I really don't want to see it dumb down. This is, for all intents and purposes, a niche game. If you really want to cut down on the kill on sight gameplay, you do it by providing more benefits to cooperate. You don't fix it by punishing people who kill others. However, I do agree with the fact that camping the beach and waiting for someone to spawn in is very lame. However, I don't know how to fix that issue, but I think it should be allowed. I'm not a big fan of game developers implementing a ton of rules. I'd rather the playerbase work it out themselves.Maybe my perspective comes from being an Eve Online player and I prefer the sandbox style gameplay. For the longest time Eve had jack for a tutorial and the learning curve was steep. That's what I like about DayZ. Anyways, I guess what I'm getting at is that more rules and regulation is never good. Especially in a post apocalyptic region where there are no enforcers of the law. I'm sure there is a good solution for what you perceive is a problem, but no solution comes from punishing people.TLDR: If you really want to cut down on the kill on sight gameplay, you do it by providing more benefits to cooperate. You don't fix it by punishing people who kill others. -Kesh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 16 Posted July 4, 2012 all you nerds need to stfu about the realism bs. "OH HOW WOULD I KNOW SOMEONE HAS MURDERED JUST BY LOOKING AT THEM ETC ETC". It's a fckn game, geeks, get over it. It's called balance. There's actually potential in this mod for something different to the usual trash we get fed in FPS on a monthly basis, but you adhd kids are intent on messing it up. And yes, I do play as a bandit so I'm not crying about being shot.y'all need 2 get laid, seriously Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bonesnap 75 Posted July 4, 2012 I prefer fun over "realism" in a game anyday. Ever wonder why BF3 and such are so successful?Yeah one of the main draws of this game is the realism, don't get me wrong. But it's also the fact that there are no other sandbox zombie FPS' on the market. At all.I really wish I was around to play before the bandit skins got taken out, just to at least see what it was like. Sure probably didn't do anything since alot of people were soon-to-be murderers and weren't bandit skinned yet lol, but would at least help identify them. As far as I can tell the heartbeat mechanic doesn't do crap, I put my cursor on my buddy when he had 1 murder and I didn't even hear a -faint- heartbeat. No sound whatsoever.But yeah what buddy said about including more benefits to cooperating makes more sense than penalizing murderers. Just how it will be done is the question. TBH sniper ammo is too common for such a parmesan weapon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KWilt 157 Posted July 4, 2012 I prefer fun over "realism" in a game anyday. Ever wonder why BF3 and such are so successful?It's a decade old franchise that was highly coveted for its realism when it first launched, as well as the complex mods that caused it to continue to thrive, even into its older years.But that's a non-issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
osiriszoran 33 Posted July 4, 2012 all i can read from pinkTaco is "HERP DERP You're stupid im right and you should play how i want you to". x 100. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milt0r 0 Posted July 4, 2012 The chance of getting shot in the face has completely shaped how I play the game. Generally, I don't go near big cities unless I'm playing with a friend or two. I stick to wooded areas and low population or remote areas. This is pretty much what you'd have to do in a "real" zombie situation. You need somebody you trust watching your back. Sorry, person I just walked up to and have never met before, but I've got to shoot you in the face and take your gear before you shoot me in the face and take *my* gear. No hard feelings. Personally, I'd rather avoid the situation altogether and keep to myself. I kill zombie, you stay away from me, I stay away from you. Unless you get in range of my DMR.If you want to play with people you trust, get friends to play or join a clan/guild/whateverthekidsarecallingittoday. Doing something to change this part of the game, to me, would ruin it. There shouldn't be a penalty for doing what it takes to "win" DayZ: Surviving. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkTaco24 10 Posted July 4, 2012 all i can read from pinkTaco is "HERP DERP You're stupid im right and you should play how i want you to". x all these flame posts directed at my idea that fundamentally changes nothing aside from some visual effects (you can still murder all the people you want if you choose to do so) and all you see is me saying 'HERP DERP IM RIGHT' must be fucking joking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Korppi (DayZ) 0 Posted July 4, 2012 Well realistically two persons would have higher chances of survival than a single person. Other one' date=' for example, can keep a lookout when you're scavenging for -two- cans of beans. If the person holding out on the beans however refused such a notion I'd either walk away to find a more likable character or, in case someones welfare whose close to me would depend on me, I'd threaten the person at gunpoint to hand over the beans and do my best not to have to kill another person.[/quote']That's a good point, as well. But I suppose maybe a can of beans wasn't the best example to throw out there. If you were starving, yeah, I'd probably try robbing them before I shot them. But you can't rob people in DayZ. If that were a possibility, hell yes I would embrace it. But people always have their guns out, so they can always shoot you. And that's the one problem with trying to find a reason not to kill people. They can always retaliate against you. Sure, it's not going to be the best retaliation (Makarov vs. DMR, for example) but it's still possible for them to kill you if you let your guard down.And on the abiding side of the argument, as someone who wants to surrender my goods, whose to say they won't just shoot you in the end anyways?Those are the things we have to play out in DayZ, and we can't realistically do yet. And I suppose that's why the game is so 'shoot on sight'. The only person you can trust is yourself or a person without a gun, really.I do agree that this game is limited namely for being a game over the internet :D Thanks for the conversation, I don't feel as depressed anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwiftSpear 2 Posted July 4, 2012 I'm sure glad everybody claiming 'deathmatch' knows all the numbers and statistics to back up such a well educated and non sensationalised argument for what can be the only possibility of things happening.The bandit system was flawed and moronic' date=' a binary system of 'evil' or not when the factors for becoming evil are much more varied than the results in no way improves or enhances gameplay or variety. It gives idiots a safety net telling them what they should do, even when that advice is very easily massively flawed, and that it not what day z is about. It doesn't hand hold you for anything else and the number of people advocating it should hand hold your human interaction actually saddens me.[/quote']It's a simple replacement for complex real world systems that aren't consistent with the reality of anonymity in a game where you can quickly hop from one server to another, and "worldwide" population is never really greater than about 20.It's also because loot is over consistent, and never extremely good. There are no real gold mines in DayZ aside from catching another player and being able to loot the haul they amassed over several hours. Your best hope of getting rich quick, so to say, is ALWAYS murder, and you're never really punished for it except in a really abstract way that possibly someone else tries to do the same thing to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jacknine 1 Posted July 4, 2012 At last I am able to post! , I am free!Been reading this thread with interest.I do agree that there should be something in place to (not deter) , but to make potential murderers think harder before killing, after all , in real life we all live by morals and no matter what people say - they would find it a difficult decision having to kill for food/water/equipment if they had to and they would probably regret it afterwards too.Anyway , Just wanted to throw a little idea out there and it may not be great , but I think its on the right lines and ive nothing to lose by posting it whilst i remember it!What if , in towns where there is a police station , those stations have a small light outside , on the building. Small enough that you would need to go to the building to take a look.If the light is on , then there is a murderer at large within the city radius , if its off , there are no murderers at large.Im not talking about all towns, just some of them. All this does is give you an indication of whether the town 'should' be safe , it doesnt stop someone from killing you , but it makes it more likely that those players are/arent going to kill you depending on the light's status.Simple as that - it doesnt tell you who the murderer is , just that one is at large. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 16 Posted July 4, 2012 It's [battlefield] a decade old franchise that was highly coveted for its realism when it first launched' date=' as well as the complex mods that caused it to continue to thrive, even into its older years.But that's a non-issue.[/quote']LOL[attachment=1766] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KWilt 157 Posted July 4, 2012 It's [battlefield] a decade old franchise that was highly coveted for its realism when it first launched' date=' as well as the complex mods that caused it to continue to thrive, even into its older years.But that's a non-issue.[/quote']LOLYou must not've played too many shooters a decade ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keshik 1 Posted July 4, 2012 I'd just like to know what kind of skin the OP wants to implement for people that murder others. If it's the same as the skin from last month, I'd prefer to start off a new character in that skin. It's way better than the "white sleeves" civilian clothing. However, what happens when you equip a ghillie suit or the camo set? Also, if you implement this skin change, I can definitely see more people murdering others, just to get a new cool skin. Since it degrades over time, you have to keep murdering. If i were starting a new character, I'd immediately attempt to get a few murders just to get rid of the white sleeves and blue pants model.In reference to the guy that said the heartbeat wasn't working on his friend - You need more than 1 murder for the heartbeat to be audible. You need a few - just like the OP's proposed changes require. The differences are that it's not persistent after death and I don't believe the audible heartbeat can go away once you get a few murders, but I'm not sure on that last part. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted July 4, 2012 Haha this is so true Keshik, I started to play DayZ back when bandit skins existed the same exact day I started playing and saw ppl with the bandit skin I thought it was so badass looking that i want it too... So I asked in side chat how to get it and they told me to kill other players.So thats how i was born a bandit :P rewarding to look badass & get their loot just a win-win situation and if they implement something like this again i will shoot people just to get the skin :)If they want to stop murder they should make a ugly ass skin that nobody wants atleast i would stop kill people just because i dont want the skin. :DSo giving another 'bandit-ish" skin would just feel rewarding. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
herd 69 Posted July 4, 2012 A victim is moaning ITT. Thanks for the beans' date=' people would kill you IRL for your beans too if there was no laws to stop them. Mongels much?[/quote']Please study human history to no post such idiotic and uneducated posts. Too stupid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ballistixz 12 Posted July 4, 2012 It's [battlefield] a decade old franchise that was highly coveted for its realism when it first launched' date=' as well as the complex mods that caused it to continue to thrive, even into its older years.But that's a non-issue.[/quote']LOLu must be 12 or something. after all a decade ago u were just barely walking and talking let alone old enough to play the top shooters of that time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coolboynaked 0 Posted July 4, 2012 If lawlessness existed as it does in Day Z, the exact same thing would happen. Anyway, what do you want the game to be? Players running around and looting in order to fight zombies while working together? What would be the point? The PvP IS the point.If you're careful it's very easy to avoid dying anyway. I played on a 40 player server yesterday for hours and got stocked up with a ton of food, ammo, and a primary/secondary along with bandages/morphine. I even looted the Cherno hospital at one point, while hearing tons of gunshots around me. I wasn't stupid enough to go towards them yelling "FRIENDLY IM FRIENDLY FREE KILL HERE" - I looted and got the fuck out as soon as possible.Also just FYI being a Bandit is not punishment. Someone whos able to stay alive long enough to get the kills required to be a bandit is NOT going to be walking up to you and trying to gain your trust so that they can double cross you. They're going to approach towns and cities very carefully and either snipe you or try to ambush you. Either way, the skin makes NO difference whatsoever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites