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Locked .59 Exp Discussion?

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So... What's that about? I'd hate to get my hopes up for something amazing coming out of the woodworks xD

Is this normal and am I not the only one who's perplexed - or am I just overthinking the business? Haha.

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It was only a topic for that failed hotfix that basically made everything worse ^^ There was no real difference between it and the current stable, imho (except the stable works better). So perhaps there will be another hotfix soon, because we all know 0.59 needs it (cars you can't drive, magazines that disappear, stairs that kill you...)


I expect we'll see at least two more hotfixes, before another experimental arrives. There are quite a few issues that have been adressed in the thread, and I wouldn't say adding the bike and enduro actually warrants a 0.60 update. I'd also appreciate it if weather was brought back and the animal population upscaled.


I'm guessing in 0.60 we'll see updated renderer/particles, infected AI + custom infected, weather + health updates and possibly the first iteration of the new character controller (why is that taking so long, btw. Human IK is not that difficult to implement, unless they come out with a new UI aswell). So don't start saying your goodbyes to 0.59 too soon ;) I wouldn't expect the arrival of 0.60 anywhere before Mid/End-February and the team should concentrate on getting some of the serious problems with vehicles fixed, before taking giant leaps ahead. Sometimes I fear they'll just leave everything broken anyway, so they can meet their beta-release date. If so, it's probably not their fault, but a matter of having to deliver the product. The problem with that is: if the Beta is flawed they will achieve the opposite effect of not selling more copies. I hope they are aware of that and do the fixes, pronto.    

Edited by S3V3N
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Fair enough. Thanks for the reply, guys.

Looks like I won't see any new content for a long ass time >.< Leaving this Friday to go back to an AF training school and be stationed overseas. On the up hand, maybe when I actually do see the light of day the game will actually be finished

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So... What's that about? 

No mission or client update, no servers, nothing to discuss.

No need for this Topic.


Things may change.

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