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Realistic Animal Behaviour planned?

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I'm just wondering if there already is (rudimentary) or if there will be realistic animal behaviour in the game? I'm not talking about wolves not usually attacking humans and stuff like that; I'm not concerned with more game-like than real-world behaviour, as long as it is entertaining. I'm talking about things such as deer coming out of the forest to graze at night (rather than during daytime) and them being more alarmed when there is a full moon. The reason I'm asking is, because every other night I play I check a spot I've shot some deer at, north of Severograd. I've seen them there once - and there was server maintenance and at least two weeks of gameplay from then to now and they never came back. It wasn't at nighttime either, but in broad daylight. So I'd definitely think, instead of wasting time checking out that spot over and over there should be certain conditions that make it more probable to actually find something there; one of them being time of day.


I'd like more hints at deer, like trees (e.g. birch) with their bark eaten off, or broken off bushes or leaves or traces/footprints that point a certain direction and fade over time. That would really help to make the whole hunting aspect feel a lot less random. I know there are people, who've had incredible luck with hunting animals in this patch. I had some luck myself too and shot everything except a rabbit (it was too fast). However, all those occurences were seemingly completely random and I often had to make room to be able to take just the pelts. Hunting and crafting is really a big bonus Dayz has over other survival games, or at least it's done to an extend that feels more realistic than in other games. However, those pieces that would actually make it less random and more enjoyable are missing. So I wonder, if anything in that direction is planned. Hunting could really be awesome and interesting with just a few more tweaks. 

Edited by S3V3N
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I've yet to hunt in 0.59 but judging from what people report, it's already awesome and going to be better. Can't wait!


Also, if you spotted deer north of Severograd, I believe it must've been chased there. Game never spawned north of the Northern Highway and nothing has changed in this department, from what I hear.

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Oh, I am sure it's planned. They wouldn't go lackluster on the animal A.I. :) 

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Yes absolutely , it's planned.

In one of the last status reports they talked about the tracking a bit, in another SR they talked about the life and day cycle oft animals.

If you want to know where they want to go, play The Hunter (f2p) on steam.

Behoemia bought the devs of The Hunter, so that should be a good sign :)

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