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Iron sight is weird

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Hello, I noticed that on some weapons my iron sight is not correct. For example wit the MP5, I barely saw the iron sight when i aimed in. Anyone else experiencing this? Its pretty annoying to aim with the iron sight, and it doesnt hit where it is supposed to hit.

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Currently the MP5's iron sights are bugged. Apart from the MP5 though, I don't know any other gun that has it's iron sights glitched. It's known, and it'll be fixed pretty soon. (I hope.)

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most of the iron sights in the game are pretty much crap. 

Majority of them at the least block your target making good shots damn near impossible . 
Same goes for most of the scopes as well for that matter. 

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most of the iron sights in the game are pretty much crap. 

Majority of them at the least block your target making good shots damn near impossible . 

Same goes for most of the scopes as well for that matter. 

Are you playing Dayz? Most the iron sights in the game are really easy to shoot with along with all the scopes. The only ones that are more difficult at further ranges are the thicker ones like the Repeater or the Magnum for example. The only thing that makes Dayz's combat system hard is how broken it is.

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Break your habit of using the ironsights, at least if the floating crosshair isn't going away.  It's infinitely better to aim with that, as cheesy as it is.

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Really? Up to about 15 metres maybe, but after that forget it.... Granted a lot of combat happens within that range because people bump into each other and panic shoot, but some does not.


Some of the iron sights (Blaze especially, but also SKS and FAL) are pretty good IME. I hit a moving target last night at about 250m with my FAL (he would not stop following me), though that was mainly luck.


The MP5 is very buggy at the moment - OP get a UMP, stat.

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Really? Up to about 15 metres maybe, but after that forget it.... Granted a lot of combat happens within that range because people bump into each other and panic shoot, but some does not.


Some of the iron sights (Blaze especially, but also SKS and FAL) are pretty good IME. I hit a moving target last night at about 250m with my FAL (he would not stop following me), though that was mainly luck.


The MP5 is very buggy at the moment - OP get a UMP, stat.


Bear in mind my experience is from 3pp servers and I'm not including sniping.


Most pvp in my experience culminates within 20-30m, even if the initial shots are further than that.  Of course past that distance ironsights are still preferable, but the goal in most cases is to get closer.  There's little benefit to remaining stationary because you can't really trust most concealment.  The result is that pvp is usually fast paced, sprinting results in increased sway and a tendency towards spraying at close range rather than mid range engagements.  


Basically, sprinting up to each other, while trying to be the person who gets the flank is the end result.  Which greatly favors hip firing, as you can remain in third person for more situational awareness, move faster by not having to transition into first/aim down sights, remain entirely accurate as well as having increased control over recoil/sway and not having to suffer the flash/smoke obscuring your vision of firing in first person.


Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means saying this is exclusively true, it is just the majority of my experience.  I find myself still using ironsights frequently, but the majority of the time it's to my own detriment and most of my kills end up a result of hip firing whether I intentionally meant to or not.  I personally hate the current state of things.


Here's a nice video by Gews demonstrating the accuracy of the floating crosshair:



Why they decided to improve it when their original goal was to remove it is something that still drives me bananas trying to figure out.



BTW, aside from the crosshair representing sway, it's also projected in a 3D sense.  Aim it at a tree or other object to see what I mean.

Edited by Bororm

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The sway sucks, totally sucks and listening to yourself breath like your constipated just bothers me even more.

Most of the iron sights suck too. and some of the short range scopes are as bad as the iron sights.


I do hope its changed later.

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Part of the issue with iron sights is that your view is pulled out pretty far from the gun.  In the mod/arma you're much closer up on the sights, so you perform the right mouse zoom function while aiming down the sights it feels like a greater effect.


Some one like Gews has better information on the actual zoom levels compared to the mod, but the resulting "feel" is that you don't get that same sense of focus.


Mid range engagements are pretty dead in the SA due to this and a number of other issues.  Mookie's 250m FN FAL shot is fairly impressive for the SA, but from personal experience that was pretty much my normal distance of engagement in the mod.  It's not mutually exclusive to being a problem with the sights, weapon damages as well as movement and a tremendous increase in the amount of cover (enterable buildings) all play a role.  But the sights are definitely an equal part of the equation.

Edited by Bororm

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