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Updated Timeline

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Forgive me if I this exists already, I couldn't find it though. 


Since we can concede the original development timeline is shot. Would it be possible to get a new one that reflects where development is today and the teams current expectations as to where it is going?




Jesus there are only 15 members online to read this. 


Edited by B@ker

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I mean a new time line, like


Q1 2016

  • New renderer
  • New Zombie AI
  • Basic stealth system (zombies, animals, ...)
  • Diseases

Q2 2016

  • Advanced vehicles (repair, modifications, ...)
  • Advanced animals - life cycle, group behavior
  • Player statistics
  • New UI Stamina / fatigue

Q3 2016

  • Traps
  • Barricading
  • Character life span + soft skills
  • Animal predators + birds
  • Aerial transport
  • Console prototype

Q4 2016

  • BETA version
  • Animal companions (dog, horse)
  • Steam community integration (Achievements, Steamworks modding, etc)
  • Construction (building shelters / walls / ...)
Edited by B@ker
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Wow, it's pretty shocking to see how little of last years timeline actually made it into the game...

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