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Experimental & Recent update troubles.

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I just try the experimental when click properties betas and click on experimental. Then i click play and its says unable to find instance of steam somthing like that...


How i can fix it?

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This may be a obvious question, but are you allowing DayZ to re-download from stable to experimental? Depending on your internet connection it can take a few moments. If you are, then try going into the Properties and verifying the game and trying to start DayZ again.

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When i press play button nothing happens.And then when i go to task manager i see dayz.exe and dayzbe.exe and when i close dayzbe.exe my pc not work normally.I cant open any game or any program one way is to restart my pc.Someone know how to fix this? I have over 1000hour on dayz and i got this problem first time.

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There is an acknowledged problem that is being investigated at this time, a possible solution may be forthcoming soon.

  On 11/21/2015 at 7:03 PM, BEdev-Sable said:

FYI, a fix for the launching issues has been found and will be released ASAP, hopefully this weekend.


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I've been trying to launch dayz but if flat out wont start, 

like the widow will but the battleye thing will show up and close itself, then the prosses of Dayz closes and my steam status turns to online again... 


ive reinstalled the game like 10 times 

ive varafied the game catche like 1000 times and allowed it through firewall 


plz help me 


i really want to play this game 


IT WAS $35.00  :(   :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  



Win 64bit windows 10

6 gigs of ram 

intel core i3 2.50 GHz

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I've been trying to launch dayz but if flat out wont start, 

like the widow will but the battleye thing will show up and close itself, then the prosses of Dayz closes and my steam status turns to online again... 


ive reinstalled the game like 10 times 

ive varafied the game catche like 1000 times and allowed it through firewall 


plz help me 


i really want to play this game 


IT WAS $35.00  :(   :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:     <_< 



Win 64bit windows 10

6 gigs of ram 

intel core i3 2.50 GHz

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I had a similar issue before but it was fixed once I had done what you did; disabled firewall and verified the game files. What GPU are you using?


Although the is currently a launch issue with Experimental since yesterday so this may have something to do with your problems too. Are you trying stable or experimental?

Edited by Konfucious K

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I too am having an issue with my dayz not launching. When I click play in the steam library, The BE launcher starts like normal and when it minimises the game never launches.... HOWEVER.

when i got to my Task manager, it says the game is open/ running, but only using 180 to 197 K of memory, and is not doing anything.  When i right click on dayz.exe in the task manager under the processes tab, because it never shows up in the applications tab, and try to end process. It does not end the process, but i can teminate the BE client. cdm taskkill don't work either. When I try to end the process. steam changes my status from "playing dayz" to "online" as if i exited the game. So steam thinks that the game is not running, but Windows does. This i also preventing me from Turning off my PC, through normal Windows shut down as it Never logs out of the windows Account... Just sticks at "logging Off" FOREVER! Forcing me to Hard Restart Every time I try to fix this Issue and test it.


Things i have tried.( I'm Running Windows 7 64 bit)


(not in this order)

- Uninstall Dayz / Reinstall with restarts.-- To include Eraseing All left over files. I.E. Document and Appdata Dir. As well as the Dayz file under my steam folder. (I did this 3 times)

- Swapped back and forth, from Experimental and stable. (did this 3 times)

- Tried cmd lines to kill the day.exe task that will not Kill.

- Hunted for hours on Google for alternatives and i see alot of people having the Issue but to solutions.

- Run as admin (tried both Dayz.exe and BE )

- Reinstalled Graphic Drivers for My GTX 980

- Restarted Steam.

- My BEservice is Running


*Note I am running Steam from a hard drive that is not the same hard drive that my Operating system is on. I use a second SSD for my steam install.


*Note I have never had an issue with this game in this manner, Untill the 2.1 MB update on the experimental branch they other day.

THAT IS WHEN THE PROBLEM STARTED. I was playing experimental just fine before that patch.


Any Suggestion would be Helpful Thank you.

Edited by CommandoKain
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I too am having an issue with my dayz not launching. When I click play in the steam library, The BE launcher starts like normal and when it minimises the game never launches.... HOWEVER.

when i got to my Task manager, it says the game is open/ running, but only using 180 to 197 K of memory, and is not doing anything.  When i right click on dayz.exe in the task manager under the processes tab, because it never shows up in the applications tab, and try to end process. It does not end the process, but i can teminate the BE client. cdm taskkill don't work either. When I try to end the process. steam changes my status from "playing dayz" to "online" as if i exited the game. So steam thinks that the game is not running, but Windows does. This i also preventing me from Turning off my PC, through normal Windows shut down as it Never logs out of the windows Account... Just sticks at "logging Off" FOREVER! Forcing me to Hard Restart Every time I try to fix this Issue and test it.


Things i have tried.( I'm Running Windows 7 64 bit)


(not in this order)

- Uninstall Dayz / Reinstall with restarts.-- To include Eraseing All left over files. I.E. Document and Appdata Dir. As well as the Dayz file under my steam folder. (I did this 3 times)

- Swapped back and forth, from Experimental and stable. (did this 3 times)

- Tried cmd lines to kill the day.exe task that will not Kill.

- Hunted for hours on Google for alternatives and i see alot of people having the Issue but to solutions.

- Run as admin (tried both Dayz.exe and BE )

- Reinstalled Graphic Drivers for My GTX 980

- Restarted Steam.

- Reinstalled BE from their Site.


*Note I am running Steam from a hard drive that is not the same hard drive that my Operating system is on. I use a second SSD for my steam install.

*Note I use Avast

*Note I have never had an issue with this game in this manner, Untill the 2.1 MB update on the experimental branch they other day.


THAT IS WHEN THE PROBLEM STARTED. I was playing experimental just fine before that patch.


Any Suggestion would be Helpful Thank you.

Edited by CommandoKain
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my gpu is an Intel® HD Graphics 4000

but the game has run before
and i tried running experimental and got the same results as stable  
so, the fix you have might work because i mostly use experimental  
Edited by PredatorAdventure

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Some folks have blamed Avast on the launch issue but best place is to keep tabs on this thread as there has been discussion on it and a fix is pending so hopefully it will solve your issues too. Shame this is how you got introduced to DayZ but probably for the best :), at least you know what to expect until we hit Beta next year. :thumbsup:

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appreciate it 


(worst way to start playing dayz lol) batteye sucks

Edited by PredatorAdventure

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I was having Battleye issues with DayZ not starting all of a sudden as well and this worked for me. Try to go to the Battleye website and re-download the approporiate download for your system (32-bit or 64-bit) here (http://www.battleye.com/downloads/). Then navigate to your Battleye folder where you have your games installed. For most people it will be the following: c:\program files (x86)\steam\SteamApps\common\DayZ\Battleye. Once in your Battleye folder, replace the old BEService_x64.exe with the new one you just downloaded. Try to start the game and see if that helps.

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im glad you said that I use avast. but i dont see how it is causing it. i've used it for years with Dayz. But such is the way of Programming.

Edited by CommandoKain

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  On 11/21/2015 at 7:03 PM, BEdev-Sable said:

FYI, a fix for the launching issues has been found and will be released ASAP, hopefully this weekend.
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Much speculation including Avast/Antivir/Nvidia/W7/Sound output.

Not everyone is having this issue, please wait for a fix to roll out.




Please take the time to browse the Forums before making a Topic.


Moderators : Keep it clean, keep it tidy.


Mixed, merged and matched.

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Hey what the fuck. I was calling about my problem why evryone spam on this for theyr problems. MAKE ANOTHER TOPIC LOL...

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  On 11/22/2015 at 3:43 AM, PrincessRobotBubblegum said:

I was having Battleye issues with DayZ not starting all of a sudden as well and this worked for me. Try to go to the Battleye website and re-download the approporiate download for your system (32-bit or 64-bit) here (http://www.battleye.com/downloads/). Then navigate to your Battleye folder where you have your games installed. For most people it will be the following: c:\program files (x86)\steam\SteamApps\common\DayZ\Battleye. Once in your Battleye folder, replace the old BEService_x64.exe with the new one you just downloaded. Try to start the game and see if that helps.

Already tried it No luck.

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