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bad_mojo (DayZ)

Firing from vehicles

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New vehicles should be added where you can fire your weapons from the passenger areas. Or if possible modify the current vehicles to allow it.


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Yupp. All of us are complaining at least once a day that this isnt working. :(

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Id like to see pickup trucks 2 people ride in front an 1 person can sit in the back on the window and shoot. Or even Crouched in the middle of the bed of the truck and shoot. Would make defending yourself while in a vehicle easier rather than a loud zombie and bullet magnet.

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Hell no, you should be able to mount a machine gun to the back of a pickup truck, or at least include the variants that have it already mounted!!!

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Septic, this isn't war. This is survial. You don't walk down your street and see a neighbor washing his pickup and a MG mounted on it. Really now?

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'Septic, this isn't war. This is survial. You don't walk down your street and see a neighbor washing his pickup and a MG mounted on it. Really now?'

I live in the sticks of Ky. I see it from time to time, honestly LOL

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I like the idea. I mean, otherwise, you're a sitting duck in a vehicle. Granted, you have the ability to (usually) out run your enemies shots, but other than that, vehicles are pretty much the glowing essence of 'shoot me!' all packaged in a 50 to 70kph can.

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Septic' date=' this isn't war. This is survial. You don't walk down your street and see a neighbor washing his pickup and a MG mounted on it. Really now?


How many zombies do you see walking down your street? In a ZA I would mount a machine gun on my truck lol.

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Mounting a machine gun on a pickup would be kind of cool. But, they could just add in the humvee or insurgent technical from Arma. But, that's a whole other suggestion in itself.

I just watched the movie The Road after Rocket mentioned it in the pcgamer stream, and I have recently been going back and watching the latest season of walking dead and wondered why vehicles aren't used in the same way, and it's because we can't roll down the windows and pop a cap in the zombie running beside it. Or load up a bandit clan onto the back of the flatbed and patrol the streets.

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Yeees, ye should be able to fire from vehicles, should certainly factor in how inaccurate it probably would be but yes you should.

And i think ye should be able to mod vehicles to fit weapons on, tbh if its possible i think vehicles should be completely modable... mOOodable (if thats a word :S) obivously with some limitations so someone doesnt script nuclear powered submarine on wheels. But the capacity for making them look unique or reinforcing/arming them.

This would blatantly be your end-game for surviving an apocalyptic zed infested loot based economy.


Well unless your a lone wolf.

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I like the idea of being able to shoot from vehicles as long as your speed and the size of the gun affect it, even going slow being very inaccurate still. I don't overly think vehicles with large guns attached are a way to go unless you scavenge the gun and ammo, even so I don't like the idea but atleast it's plausible.

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I don't think anything should be done to accuracy. Your moving, it's going to be hard enough compensating for that. And any bump the vehicle hits is going to move your crosshair right?

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I've only seen mods where the passengers can shoot from the littlebird, but that's all.

it would require a whole new set of vehicles I think, plus mods that would be hard to produce. but I've seen DayZ devs do other things i thought where impossible

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It can be done, but it has serious limitations, probably the best way would be using AttachTo command, but be prepared for desync and lag while your buddy drives you and you are rubberbanding all over the place. It has been done even before the introduction of that command http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1519

but again it had limitations.

And you wouldn't be able to be in the vehicle because the only way to fire "something" inside a vehicle is using the vehicles weapons, so you wont be able to fire your gun, or your ammo. Maybe not the best explanation ( don't have the time ) if someone wants more info on how it can be achieved or why it cannot be, just check for the extensive threads on this subject at bis studio forum.

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I dont see why not, yeah, you probably won't see your neighbour with an MG on their truck, but if you look at the current rebel wars going on, they all mount weapons and whatnot on their vehicles, i would do that too if i was in such a situation

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Septic' date=' this isn't war. This is survial. You don't walk down your street and see a neighbor washing his pickup and a MG mounted on it. Really now?


it's russia dont forget that buddy

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Septic' date=' this isn't war. This is survial. You don't walk down your street and see a neighbor washing his pickup and a MG mounted on it. Really now?


it's russia dont forget that buddy

In some ex Soviet states, police organizations occasionally DO have some vehicles mounted with machine guns in the rear. And I love how the military left their guns and ammo scattered all over the place, but systematically managed to airlift or sabotage every single one of their armed vehicles.

I have a feeling it would be difficult to do this scripting-wise, but I'm not a coder so I wouldn't know. I don't see why they can't simply work on making a way to be contained inside the cab of the vehicle, and move with it, while still being considered on foot for certain things like shooting, bandaging, etc. etc.

But I'm not a coder, so don't take anything I say as anything anywhere near accurate.

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This has been asked in about every Arma mod forum before Dayz. I think it would be too difficult to incorporate the feature being Arma 2 doesn't have anything of the sort by source. Perhaps you could mod the turret of some vehicles but odds are it would function bad and look terrible.

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You're likely to find that in real life a mounted machine gun on a pickup is wildly innacurate unless you drive at a snail's pace. Yes to firing sidearms out of vehicles, but not primaries. And they should have a big effect on stability.

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shooting from vehicles +1

weapons on vehicles.. no thanks

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Perhaps a way to convert passenger seats into turrets that fired from the windows, detected the player's current weapon and ammo count, and all that? I wouldn't mind just seeing crosshairs and gunshots if the visuals are a problem.

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