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Toperek1990 (DayZ)

Cherno is not a place You want to stick around... mind blown

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You really like hanging out around Cherno, don't you ^^ 


How do you know they are dead when they are on the floor? I often thought I'd killed someone, but they were just unconscious. It would be kinda nice, if the "alive" characters had some animations still. 


Good game you have going with your friends. Big kill streak on this video ^^ I just imagined how this situation would look with infected in town. It would be total mayhem.


"Do you have a blue mountain backpack?"


"Yes, you have!" 




I'm gonna have to use the revolver more, it seems. The CR75 is nice on short distance, but I don't think I would have killed or even injured some of the guys you shot at at the distance.  

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You really like hanging out around Cherno, don't you ^^ 


How do you know they are dead when they are on the floor? I often thought I'd killed someone, but they were just unconscious. It would be kinda nice, if the "alive" characters had some animations still. 


Good game you have going with your friends. Big kill streak on this video ^^ I just imagined how this situation would look with infected in town. It would be total mayhem.


"Do you have a blue mountain backpack?"


"Yes, you have!" 




I'm gonna have to use the revolver more, it seems. The CR75 is nice on short distance, but I don't think I would have killed or even injured some of the guys you shot at at the distance.  

I like being once in a month in cherno :D U can easly tell if someone is uncouncious or dead :) if hes unconcious he just drops and if he dies he ragdolls. ye magnum is great :) about the cr pistol - if You will watch the next memorable moments You will see how good it is on long distance :D cheers mate! thanks for Your comment and Your opinion!

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The people your playing with makes this video hard as shit to watch and enjoy....

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You did amazing, but like ComikZ said, your friends were hard to listen to.  That was painful to hear you call for help and call incomings in that TEC building over and over with only one guy coming at the end to assist.  I don't understand what they were doing or trying to accomplish.  You gave perfect directions each time.

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