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Melee Weapon Petition

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People say it would take away from the feel of the game and I just chuckle.

This game is about scavenging and surviving I agree. This game doesn't need L4D or Dead Rising style melee most definitely.

However, when it comes down to it the first tool of survival when you have no ammunition / guns is using / SCAVENGING what you can find to defend yourself.

If this were real life and I had 0 weapons / 0 ammo my first priority would be to find some sort of object that I could defend myself so that I had the tools to survive a trip out to scavenge weapons and ammunition.

I wouldn't just go crouching around in a damn city with a can of beans and road flares. I would find a pipe, a knife, a large stick, a hatchet, anything that could be used to stop me from being killed / turned.

Fact of the matter is crude weapons are more prevalent in the world than modern weapons. The tools we use for our everyday lives now are also key to surviving situations like this (if it would ever happen).

The drawback to these crude weapons are their lack of safety when using them / the fact that they only last for so long.

All you would have to do is make it so you can't swing them while in full sprint so people aren't just running in circles around zombies swinging away. Add durability to the weapons, make them usable for other situations (hatchets being able to cut wood for fires or something), and limit the availability like any other weapon in the game.

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/signed. Even using the hunting knife to do laughable amounts of damage would curb the hopeless feeling you get when you fire your weapon to hear a "Click" multiple times. Either implementing a melee feature' date=' or amping up the zeds' awareness to sound to make the tin cans more useful for a more pacifist approach would be ideal.

There have been times where I've been two feet behind a zed and I've wanted to go behind them and pull a "Hunk" from Resident Evil and snap their necks, though. I know, unrealistic, but it would be badass.

Also OP, regarding your signature, Vanu Sovereignty is better.


Nope. NC for life baby!

Cannot wait for Planetside 2.

Planetside 1 vet here. Played it since Beta.

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I would love to see some melee weaponage. Im not sure why some people say it would be way overpowered or underpowered.. its a game the devs can make the melee do what ever they want it to do.

You could still keep the realistic feeling with melee using stamina and weapon durability and make it so it would take alot of hits to cave in a zs skull.

I would just like the chance to maybe break a zs legs so he stops chasing me or slows them down so I can hightail it off into the sunset.

/signed -would love melee stuff.

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I like the durability idea and if your using a hatchet or any other sharp object you'll need to re-sharpen It after a while, Bats/Sticks/2x4's well you'll need to get another one of those all together. Lead pipe with barbed wire, you loose barbed wiring after a few swings pipe itself tires you out, drink/eat more which ever or both.


Gun butting! repeatedly, weapon durability can be added here.

Whatever is cleaver, because well I run out of ammo too, what do we do then? =/

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arma 2 just doesnt support melee. thats about it.

Really now? How do you think the zombies attack?

It may not be the smoothest melee seen to date, but you can do silent takedowns, charge attacks.. etc. would work for me.

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What would be the point in rationing ammo and sneaking around if you could bludgeon your way through the zombie hordes?


The point would still be that guns are more effective and dangerous.

You know "who brings a knife to a gunfight", so if you rationize your ammo and try to find more, you still have a better way of surviving and just IF you can kill 1 zombie, doesn't mean you should be able to kill 2 easily.

so i support melee weapons, but they should still be dangerous and difficult to use

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We should be able to use a hunting knife to attack the zombies but it should take multiple hits to kill them. In other words make it possible to kill the zombies with it but make it difficult...

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You don't want to melee due to risk of getting infected. :idea:

This isn't the real apocalypse dude.

Tis merely a video game.

Relax...put the phone down. The CDC doesn't need to be warned.

with how awesome this game is maybe we should warn the CDC lol!

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Maybe it's is an instinctual thing to want to bash the zeds when i run out of ammo or i just want to take out one standing in my way.

Difficult to implement? sure.

In addition to the risk of infection- maybe a really short stamina gauge for melee, like 3-4 good solid whacks before it becomes useless. Don't want people hacking their way thru crowds...

just my two bits

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could adapt a similar system to that in deadisland with its melee weapons not the crafting but the way they deteriorate after being used a while and then being unusable as well a damage being reduced at the same time and your stamina being drained

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I'm pretty sure there's an ARMA 2 mod out there with melee, can't remember the name though.

People have talked about it in game.

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Been reading about this game on kotaku, and viewing some youtube videos by the user "kamikazemelon787" and it looks like a good mod i could play with some mates. But in groups, it seems maintaining ample ammo is a huge challenge. You need more people to have a better chance of survival, but the ammo is split. Seems like if you go it alone, you can get swarmed and incapped pretty damn quick.

Are melee weapons coming? is it something thats been talked about?

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Okay, whoever said you don't want to melee because of infection, is it better to run until exhaustion and be eaten, or try to fight them off? Melee is obviously an act of desperation. Melee weapons should be poor and difficult to use. Never a first line of defense.

I am sick to death of dying because ONE zombie out of a dozen survived and I ran out of bullets. For a game that is otherwise so realistic and so sim-like, it makes absolutely ZERO sense that I wouldn't be able to pick up a shovel or a hatchet in a last ditch effort to save myself.

In my opinion melee weapons aren't optional. They are a must. Keep them unwieldy, good only in times of desperation, or perhaps for popping lone zombies quietly.

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In my opinion melee weapons aren't optional. They are a must. Keep them unwieldy' date=' good only in times of desperation, or perhaps for popping lone zombies quietly.


100% agreed. As mentioned before, a rough melee system is not impossible to do in ArmA 2 engine.

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melee system "SHOULD" (Never looked in Arma 2 code) be easily designed in arma....hell, zombies uses melee.

Just put an animation in first person, when a certain frame of the animation is done: "the point of contact"

Instantiate an invisible bullet that lasts a super short time/long enough to where it only damages something in front of you, but that isn't very professional.

Simply do a distance test and a half zone test (Dot product the position vector of the zombie and the player) to determine all zombies in front of you, and call a code that damages them/pushes them back.


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Okay' date=' whoever said you don't want to melee because of infection, is it better to run until exhaustion and be eaten, or try to fight them off? Melee is obviously an act of desperation. Melee weapons should be poor and difficult to use. Never a first line of defense.

I am sick to death of dying because ONE zombie out of a dozen survived and I ran out of bullets. For a game that is otherwise so realistic and so sim-like, it makes absolutely ZERO sense that I wouldn't be able to pick up a shovel or a hatchet in a last ditch effort to save myself.

In my opinion melee weapons aren't optional. They are a must. Keep them unwieldy, good only in times of desperation, or perhaps for popping lone zombies quietly.



Running around with zero bullets and one zombie left tailing you sucks.

And I know for a fact that Chernarus life allows you to melee.

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Okay' date=' whoever said you don't want to melee because of infection, is it better to run until exhaustion and be eaten, or try to fight them off? Melee is obviously an act of desperation. Melee weapons should be poor and difficult to use. Never a first line of defense.

I am sick to death of dying because ONE zombie out of a dozen survived and I ran out of bullets. For a game that is otherwise so realistic and so sim-like, it makes absolutely ZERO sense that I wouldn't be able to pick up a shovel or a hatchet in a last ditch effort to save myself.

In my opinion melee weapons aren't optional. They are a must. Keep them unwieldy, good only in times of desperation, or perhaps for popping lone zombies quietly.


Yes. It was an idea for the reasoning of not having melee. I wouldn't mind either way. But I agreed with hexik's idea about how to implement it.

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I love the idea of melee, but only if it the end product feels right. Which may be difficult with such a non-melee engine.

Would be cool to have knock-out attacks to use on people, take their stuff, and keep your humanity also =)

It really is the need for a silent takedown though. The odds of finding a silent weapon aren't that good, and if you can take out an entire city of zombies with melee, then I commend you!

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As was mentioned above, it's important to bear in mind that in a game, developers can balance any system that they care to put effort into, and this game is clearly a project that this guy is willing to put effort into!

This game is about survival. That is the absolute primary conceit. Everything about this game centers on survival, and all other pursuits are auxiliary. The better survival horror games that have ever been made have used scarce resources as a primary method to apply tension, and this mod is right up there with the best of them.

However, another great aspect of good survival horror games are the last moments where you see a threat bearing down on you, and you hear a click from your firearm, and you pull out a length of pipe or a 2x4 and say "Eff it. I don't want to die, and this is all I've got left, so let's do this and see how it goes." Managing to overcome a threat that should have killed you with your very last resort is one of the most satisfying, visceral game moments that a player can experience, and Day Z is nothing if not visceral.

If the system were properly balanced, I don't believe that it could do anything other than improve the overall experience.

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Great suggestion! I hope someday it will be added and it should be very hard and dangerous to use melee, not like in l4d2 :D

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Man I love this mod, but I just can't figure out the community surrounding it. Every time somebody has some idea, people have to ridicule it or say he just wants the game easier.

This game aims at realism, right? Did you ever see some of the most popular zombie fiction? Trilogy of the Dead? Walking Dead? Melee is CRUCIAL part of zombie survival. We won't ever achieve realism in Day Z if there won't be some sort of melee.

Think about it. Why would anyone risk shooting a zombie standing by the doorway to the house where the loot is, and risk alerting a whole town of walking dead, if they can just wack a zombie in the head with an axe or something? It just doesn't make sense.

Thinking that melee would make the game easier just shows, that you have no idea how that kind of combat works in real life. It should take at least a few swings to kill a zombie that spotted you, and one hit for one who didn't. Also it would trigger a fighting animation, that would make you an easy target for any zombies that are around you. You couldn't ever manage to kill more than two or three zombies that way, and even that would result in massive amount of wounds and bloodloss.

It wouldn't make the game easier, it would make it more realistic, and I think this is what most of us want, right?

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Every community sadly works that way.

People try to force their playstyle or ideas of how the game should be played on others, playing ideas down or comparing it to cheating.

The big responsibility for the devs is to figure out themselves what is good for the game, without listening too much, or else you get the usual MMORPG Nerfpatches, followed by waves of complaints, til they patch the values back up and so on and on...

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Let me throw tin cans at them! /humor

On the serious side, however, I do support melee as a last attempt to survive without bullets. Even if Rocket implements "Zombie Slap-fight" mode, where your hits are ineffective, I think the animations would be hilarious.


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Let me throw tin cans at them! /humor

On the serious side' date=' however, I do support melee as a last attempt to survive without bullets. Even if Rocket implements "Zombie Slap-fight" mode, where your hits are ineffective, I think the animations would be hilarious.



if they would go for tincans as much as for smoke grenades, that would actually lower the need for melee (yet not taking it away completly)

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