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Why is the north so laggy?

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Just curious if they are loading the objects as script or perhaps they don't have enough LOD's or both, but man its a slideshow up there even the smaller towns run way worse than their southern counterparts with the exception of the heavily modified towns like stary or polana. 

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My guess is that even if the towns appear small, the concentration of map objects in them might be greater or equal to larger cities.  The northern towns have been built from scratch by SenChi, and they are thick with little bits and bobs.  They seem to feel more detailed (which is why I prefer to run around up at these new towns).   Running through good ol' Cherno feels more empty between buildings, even though there may be more of them. 


To be honest I don't really experience a slideshow up there.

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My guess is that even if the towns appear small, the concentration of map objects in them might be greater or equal to larger cities.  The northern towns have been built from scratch by SenChi, and they are thick with little bits and bobs.  They seem to feel more detailed (which is why I prefer to run around up at these new towns).   Running through good ol' Cherno feels more empty between buildings, even though there may be more of them. 


To be honest I don't really experience a slideshow up there.

Its gotten better, But i suspect they haven't added enough LOD's yet so you are rendering distant objects at higher detail than you need to. But I'm not 100% sure.

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Also Kichi mentioned one day he had heard the textures weren't optimized yet as well, so I'm sure that contributes...

Edited by B@ker

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This is absolutely true. For me, getting into the towns along the northern east-west main road is a slideshow - much worse than Cherno or the other big towns. Driving a truck, at speed through the towns along that road is hilarious...

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Also Kichi mentioned one day...



He also told me he had a bridge for sale in Dusseldorf.   :(

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*Cough* Thank ya Dev for the water up north ./amen*CHOO! carefull stuff up here could ya kn ow....

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It's obviously the brain scorcher...

Go see the doctor in Yantar.


TBH just about everywhere is either blanket choppy or local/time based choppy for me.  The 'coast' is just as terrible as cherno or elektro.

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