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Sooooo...whens .58 going stable?

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It gets pretty irratating that the devs say it will be out today and its still not ...i doubt it will be released today. anyone know when?

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You would have found it irritating if it had been released. Why not play some exp?


I think they made the right call not releasing.


Next week probably btw.

Edited by freethink

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It probably won't come out today because they are still testing with the recent exp they pushed. Trust me, I am so ready for this patch and it seems like this will the first big step into being able to play this game all the time. Before this patch there wasn't much a reason to play because persistence was not enabled.

I still played the heck out of the other patches though but this one will be the one that makes me want to play every chance I get.

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0.58 Stable will come after you clam your tits

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All things come to those that wait.

Irritation is bad for the soul, results in hair loss and many other negative effects that really are not recommended, keep calm, twiddle thumbs and wait.

You will sleep better for it.

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I'm now googling how to "clam your tits"...

think he meant "calm":D

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No one knows when it will come out, other than the developers themselves. :P 

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When its done will persistence be working again?

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But I would like to know where Brian's RTX Presentation is!


It's going to be part of the next status report presumably. Thing is I'd imagine the status report that Brian intended to deliver today is significantly different to the one we will eventually see.


Also the .58 patch one back was better than the release candidate currently on exp which was great but had a couple of bugs. The latest patch was chasing perfectionism and in doing that there were unintended consequences when they tried to fix one last bug. All that said .58 is a huge leap forward. CLE mostly works, Persistence mostly works, Phantom sounds are gone. I played a bit of .57 this week and honestly I don't how people are still playing it.

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