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Nature mans ban hammer

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You clearly are missing the point here. I have no problem with people using or not using punctuation, however I do have a problem with people who call out others for it and not even bother "attempting" to use it themselves. I know I'm not perfect at typing hence why I don't go around being a dick to others for it unlike that other guy.


Does it really matter? Who gives a fuck? The OP's post, even though it contained several good ideas, was a pain in the ass to read. Does that even matter? Not really. But, if we're going to nitpick, you can't really compare the OP's post to that of the guy who complained about it (albeit unnecessarily) in one sentence.



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Greatest thread in the history of forever.


We need more mother nature ass kicking.  Bring on super-volcanoes and nuclear winters!!

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Increase the number of cow spawns. Cows>Cow Farts>CO2>Global Warming>Nature Defeated. My logic is infallible.

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RagedDrew and hooligun play nice or do not play at all.


hooligun please don't report someone and then attack them, That just brings attention to your wrong doings, you've done this before. No more.

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