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On another note I reparied a rhinoceros in the forest above Cherno as I rode him through the sunset admiring the landscape and drinking mountain dew off his back I heard what sounded like snapping noises coming from behind me i could not help but to press alt to look at what it could be... nothing just grass i thought when i turned to view forward there was a pack of wild caiman crocodilus staring me down..unaware of how caiman's hunt in packs i decided to make a run for it with sherman my rhinoceros i broke free of the caimans v-formation and was able to head north and escape the axis of evil. i thirsty as did sherman so we approached the dam in hopes to wet our whisltes at the local watering hole. But today seemed different then before there were no Z's around i filled my military issue canteen and allowed sherman to have a cool drink when i heard the snap noise in the distance.. at this point i knew they were back to finish the job sherman spooked and began to run up the hill i chased him calling out his name when the caiman's came from the forest and murdered him i wept and tried to save him to no avail... now rhinoless and heart broken i forced myself into submisson and allowed the caimans to consume me as i would see sherman again on the other side.... once a rhinoceros friend always a rhinoceros friend RIP sherman van grey skin 08-22-2012 you will be missed .....

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So, got more strange phenomena happening at the Green Mountain. This time, it was my friend, Goof, and myself. It wasn't as scary as it was unsettling, but I made it out alive, albeit with a cold. Got a few screenshots to accompany.

So, it started off with my friend, Goof, repairing a UH-1H Huey on TH1. I was at Berezino, grabbing some extra fuel for it. Goof flew the Huey to the northern forests, landing in a surprisingly small clearing. Such a show-off. I filled the fuel tank up a bit more, and got on board. After joyriding for a while, scaring a few people in Cherno into hiding (Alt+F4), Goof and I then decided to check out Green Mountain while we had adequate equipment to survey it from multiple angles. The risk of a helicopter, a friend, an M14, and an SVD were secondary thoughts in my head when I entered. That said, I have fun re-gearing, but I digress.

Goof dropped me at the edge of the mountain's treeline, east of the radio tower. I ventured into the forest at a brisk pace, constantly moving should anything jump out at me. Watching every angle, I moved swiftly and silently through the trees, approaching the clearing in which the so called 'radio facility' was constructed. The first possible eerie thing in what could be considered a swiftly escalating chain of events began with this little piggy, who was running straight up the road, directly away from the radio tower. It didn't change direction once in the entire time I watched it. Continuing onwards, I began to close in on the front gate while Goof soared overhead, and I advised him to keep a better distance. I've read the stories about helis exploding completely randomly and I wasn't willing to take unneccessary chances at this point. Shit got real in my head after that first little piggy. It after Goof had flown half-a-click out and was turning that the next oddity occurred. The gates swung open, yet another little piggy barrelling through them as a small horde of zeds shambled after it. It too ran straight up the road, and straight past me. The zeds turned and shambled, blindly following the frightened animal. I quite easily flanked around behind them and entered the compound without a single zed.

As I poked around in the complex, nothing really struck me as odd, frightening, or out of place. I paid the corpsepile as much attention as I did the ones at Balota and the NWAF. I'm no undertaker. I continued poking around, behind the buildings, up the ladder, down again. Nothing out of the ordinary. Climbed back down without so much as a hitch. On the way down, I was discussing the ARMA 2 flight mechanics with Goof. The server was empty, so we spoke in Side chat rather than through Steam, as it was faster. Jumping from a metre up the ladder, my feet softly crunched into the gravel as I landed. I swiftly headed towards the gate, making minimal noise. As I was walking out the front gate, I heard a dull hum. Very dull, very soft. It wasn't enough of a hum to immediately catch my attention, but as I moved further away from the gate, it became more and more droning. It grew in volume. I began to move swiftly now, get a bit of distance, should it be some sort of immediate threat. It was clear this sound was emanating from the radio tower itself, at ground level. Then, things escalated quickly. The hum intensified, and then quite swiftly peaked, cracking like an extremely loud whip. I was very swiftly bathed in light. Adrenaline shot through me, and I sprinted away into the shadows before removing my nightvision goggles and turning around to observe.

The sight before me was unsettling, as was the sudden nature in which it occured. The entire of the Green Mountain radio complex was bathed in green light. I informed Goof of this occurence, and he maneuvered to get a better view. I'd had enough. I was curious about the glow, but things were getting far too serious for me to want to lose my hard-earned gear. As I ran down the hill, I turned once more to the Green Mountain, and took a final screenshot before moving to our designated LZ, and getting the hell out of there. It was only once we were halfway to our landing point that I realised; I was coughing. A lot. Thankfully, our only pack of antibiotics saved me.

And that is some really sketchy shit,omg lmfao. I'd have booked it the minute zombies were chasing a pig as that NEVER happens in the game. It can't be faked because green chemlights would never be able to do that and to get the color evenly distributed from top to bottom of the tower is impossible. Wow, lol. Brave soul you are.

Edited by Littleassassin2

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Yeah, so needing a good scare and being a little inspired by the urban legends I decided to make a quick night time visit to Green Mountain tonight.

I rolled up from the NE and parked 125m from the tower, in the woods.

Standing near the road, I watched from less than 100m away as nearly 10 freshly spawned zombies began to disperse.

Only 2 of them were walking in my direction, which just seemed odd. Almost as if there was something else for them just on the other side of the hill.

I headshot one zombie with my PDW, and he falls. I headshot the 2nd zombie walking towards me, and he keeps walking. Another headshot, still walking. 4 fast rounds center mass, doesn't even flinch, WTH!? At this point, I thought I heard my character make an usual and faint moaning sound, but I chocked it up to hearing the sound Zombies make when being shot.

Zombie number 2 finally aggroes from the sound of the gunfire as he has closed almost half of the gap between us. I back up towards my bike, reloading, my first round from the new clip finally drops him.

I stood there for a moment confused.

Something wasn't right. There was no more Zombie aggro, and at that moment, not even a zombie in sight, but I felt like the mountain itself would swallow me up at any moment.

Just at the peak of my most irrational moment my character DID let out a very distinct and unusual fear laced moaning sound. Which freaked me out, 400%.

Now I remembered Dreganius speak of intense infection after visiting Green Mountain, and fearing the moan was a sign of exposure, and thoroughly scared, I hastily mounted my motorcycle and flew off the mountain to relative safety.

After this, I decided that heli crash sites and deer stands would be a much better way to spend my evening.

I searched 12 heli crash spots and no heli's found, and 6 deer stands with 1 stanag clip from a zed for my trouble.

No coughing, so I guess I'm not infected. *phew*


Edited by BioHaze
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On another note I reparied a rhinoceros in the forest above Cherno as I rode him through the sunset admiring the landscape and drinking mountain dew off his back I heard what sounded like snapping noises coming from behind me i could not help but to press alt to look at what it could be... nothing just grass i thought when i turned to view forward there was a pack of wild caiman crocodilus staring me down..unaware of how caiman's hunt in packs i decided to make a run for it with sherman my rhinoceros i broke free of the caimans v-formation and was able to head north and escape the axis of evil. i thirsty as did sherman so we approached the dam in hopes to wet our whisltes at the local watering hole. But today seemed different then before there were no Z's around i filled my military issue canteen and allowed sherman to have a cool drink when i heard the snap noise in the distance.. at this point i knew they were back to finish the job sherman spooked and began to run up the hill i chased him calling out his name when the caiman's came from the forest and murdered him i wept and tried to save him to no avail... now rhinoless and heart broken i forced myself into submisson and allowed the caimans to consume me as i would see sherman again on the other side.... once a rhinoceros friend always a rhinoceros friend RIP sherman van grey skin 08-22-2012 you will be missed .....

Dont worry about dogs in DayZ, gimme a Rhino any day!

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Hello Guys That My First WTF Expierience In DayZ

sorry if my english is baaaaad


Last night At The Morning 5:24 AM or so i walked trough A Forest near the Krasnostav Airfield I hear Zombies once i thought it was normal because is was near a House but then..it..was..getting paranormal

I heard Zombies in the middle of the Forest On the left and Right side I saw around me not a single House Not a Deer Stand only..Trees i saw a Light and yelled YO FRIENDLY?

The light was gone.. i turned around and checked my Map.. i was at Black Mountain when i get back into the Game I was at ..wait for it... THAT MOUNTAIN! nstanding right next to the Enterance ....

I saw a guy At the Radio tower looking at me..He dissappeard But where he was standing now stands a Z...That was creeping me out

I shot it with my M107 Then The Z was gone but there was not a dead Zombie Body

then i got into the Radio tower then i saw a Flare Coming out the enerance of the Tower I saw a guy a guy with nothing he starred at Me Again

Then I said yo friendly

-No response....

then the Guy was again a Z then i shot him and he was gone.....

Then i was at Skalisty Island teleported..again

Then i saw the Heli were spawn there I looked at The Yellow green House I heard a story about that House.. I was trying to recoerd.. but I noticed i cant get ine the House......

Then I said Huhhh...Maybe The story was fake...

*BLAB* Z attacked me I was in Panic...

Saw a Player..In a Ghillie suit starring at meh

I was in Panic i got in The Heli

Then i said WTF? 4 Other guys were In the Heli and The Heli was fully repaired I tryed to shoot the guys They all turned into ZAwmbies I decided to fly away..


Again Teleported ....but where?

Now im at the Church Of Krasnostav

I was in there cant get out why? barbed wire..

Then i Noticed Priests Surronded me....

Starring at me..

I shot them...

I put away The Barbed wire

Then trying to find the car soawn At Kranostav

the car wasnt there but...A Tent looked in AS50 Hell yeah..

Then i heard behind me Zombie Growls Hm Normal you think?

Then i Walked to Black Lake Good place to make a Base

surrounded by stones water source a Airfield and Town with shop nearby...

I saw The UAZ and Because Berezinos Factory was nearby.. i walked there

FOund some Engine parts Fuel tank everything..

Then shortly after that I was going to the Lake Now it was surrounded by..Survivors like 10

we were 5 Players Online Then i thought

Crazy shit is going on here..

I shot them but my First landed in head


Everyone looked at me..

I shot them One by One

I made my Base there and I said Time to go Asleep

Crazzzzzyyy SHiiiittt going on Out there

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Look at the first video, read the side chat :P would love to see the other video if you could find it

Oh look another one with my name in the corner XD

Wow, really? I've heard that noise in a mod of garrysmod.

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So has anyone worked out the Ancient Riddle of Lingor?

On a rock in Maruko is a riddle "A town where animal green is the name truly within"

Why is it the colour Green is so prominent in Day Z??

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I finally have a tale to tell... and yes, it involves that cursed place that we shall not name. Now - let me put in a addendum before I begin: I have kept up with this thread and largely believed that the majority of the stories are either hackers/glitches or out-right lies. However, after my incident, I'm back on the fence.

Having been alive on my current character for quite some time, I decided to just live off of the land for awhile. I was satisfied with my gear (nothing high end), had a few canteens, some emergency cans of food and some meat. I stick to the wilderness, hit up the ponds and small outlying barns for necessities, and hunt animals. However, I was starting to run into a few people who were doing the same thing. Ultimately, I decided that I would move to the wooded area around -you know where-; my thought processes being that people things it's haunted or creepy and will generally stay away from it.. if nothing else, you may have a few curious passerbys, but no one out hunting survivors.

Fully packed for a several day stay, I headed up the slope - but not too close to the mountain itself. As I'm scouting out an area, I notice the little white periphery circle pop up on my screen. "Great, probably a rabbit or boar. Easy meat" I think. I turn to move in that direction, and I don't see anything. I made several, slow circles and see nothing. I head back to the original area and see the spot appear again. This time it went from the top corner of the screen to the bottom. Again I turn toward it and see nothing. Make another, larger circle and again I see nothing. Now the sun is setting, and a slight creepy feeling begins to claw into my mind, but I ignore it and go on.

The sun sets, and it gets pretty dark.. that sort of dark, gray, smokey haze that occurs in the late evenings - as the last dying rays fade from the sky. I considered making a fire, but decide I'll wait till later. Now, I hear movement. It's running and walking in the distance. Fast, slow. Fast, slow. I go prone - I squint and watch, I listen. It sounds as if someone is making a semi circle through the trees. "Got to be someone heading up the mountain.. or maybe someone spotted me crossing the road earlier. Either way, they don't seem to know where I'm at... just sit tight." I tell myself. This continues for several minutes. I don't move a muscle, I just keep my G17 in that direction, as my primary is a sniper that won't do me much good in the dark.

Finally, as it grows pitch black, the footsteps head away and vanish. "Adios asshole.." I move locations just to be safe. Right as I go to set up a fire to cook some meat, I hear the footsteps again. Closer this time. They are slower this time, as if someone is deliberately looking for something. I ponder calling out.. but I don't want to give a confirmation that I'm here. Instead, I belly crawl away a bit, stand up behind another set of trees and hurl a road flare down the hill in the direction of the footsteps. I get ready to run and circle around, but as the flare lights up the area, for a brief moment I spot a man in a ghillie suit running from a tree. Now I'm in KIT (keep it together!) mode. I run perpendicular to the LOS and try to flank him. He's gone. No footsteps, nothing. It was a scene from a horror movie when the victim finally spots their tormentor for the first time.

At this point, I'm still convincing myself that this is a player.. though I couldn't determine a weapon during the brief moment I saw him. Surely he is laying prone in the dark, having fled from the flare. Nothing to be gained from this fight.. just move further on. I begin easing my way further around the mountain.. and I hear it again. This time, it's running behind me. I spin and pop on the light of the G17 and the guy is running RIGHT AT ME. I squeeze off two rounds in a mild panic at the figure, which cuts to the right and back into the dark. I try and swing my light to follow, but I see nothing. It's quiet again.

I've resigned myself that this is a hacker. I call out over the direct comm, "Everyone pays the piper.. you got me." Nothing. I turn and begin sprinting back toward the road. As I reach the road, I get on it and run up the middle of it like a noob. I finally reach the open field and turn to look. There up the road in the dark is a ball of light that vanishes. I kept at a dead sprint until I could see the outline of the next town.

I still don't know exactly what I was dealing with... but I am determined to go back again and see what else the mountain has to offer.

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Plenty of peeps have told here that Mountain Dew is cursed. Tales aren't fake. That thing is cursed!

I had survived for a bit over a month with my character. I had pretty decent stuff, loads of medical supplies, beans, drink, M41 with loads of clips... I had been playing with brother for few weeks, traveling in th wilderness of the north, exploring places. Then at one point we got seperated, because he got thrown to the coast for some reason. I was all alone in the north, didn't want to venture out too far without backup. So I decided to head to Berenzino. I remembered that there were these three apartment buildings in a circle and I thought, hell why not! With a good chance I might find some new clothes!

Off I go towards a new adventure, raiding Balota in process ja hunting some poor little piggies. After running few hours I finally see my destination. I scout it for a while with my binoculars to make sure there's no players on sight. I run to the apartment complex and start my search. Nothing special anywhere... M1911 mags, beans steel bolts, but no clothing. I was very disappointed after searching two buildings. I enter the third one, the tallest of three. I got upstairs and except to find nothing useful for me, but in the final room I see it, calling for me... Mountain Dew! I slowly walk towards it getting pretty excited. Then I remembered this thread and the warnings of the curse of Mountain Dew. I hesitated a little bit before taking it. But it was calling me... "Don't you want have a nice cold drink of Mountain Dew nd be the master of the universe?" So I throw an extra mag of Stanag rounds from my bag start happily making my towards Dolina. "Oh boy I can't wait tell my brother of my findings! He'll be amazed!" I think to myself. So on I go towards Dolina when I see the factory, that's located north of Dolina, in the distance. I go under a tree to check my map and when I start to read it a wld military zombie comes out of nowhere! I beats my up a little bit but I can shoot it down before it kills me. I was pretty short on blood before and now I had only 4500+ units of blood. I check my surroundings if there was a deer stand near by. Nope.jpg. Nothing that could've spawned the zombie. I just laugh about it that it probably followed me from Berenzino or something.

I make my way to factory and few zombies aggros me. Not a big deal, G17 can handle this one. Pew pew, down they go and I search the place. around a corner another zombie shambels towards me. I try to aim my G17, but it doesn't work. The hell? Zombie's getting closer. I try to shoot it from the hip. Nothing happens! I freak out a bit, but then my character starts to move. Left hand comes infront and the right one goes backwards and then the grenade flies towards the zombie. Apperently at some point I had clicked F-button and had equipped the grenade. I start cursing like a sailor and try to run, but my character decides that now is the appropiate to start and aim with G17. The grenade explodes killing the zombie, but knocking me out in the process. I'm bleeding on the ground watching as my blood supply slowly runs out. "You are dead"...

Moral of the story? Stay the hell away from Mountain Dew!

Also this thread is awesome.

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Got 2 stories. A mountain-dew one and a Green Mountain one. I'll begin with Green mountain.

It was night-time. I had a bus, a friend with an UAZ, M16 with 10 mags and lots of stuff. Alice backpack, Hero status and lots of stuff. Friend got in front to the radio tower at Green Mountain and however, driving straight, flipped the UAZ. I try to push it back in position, but it dissapears. Friend says nothing, lucky all stuff was in bus. We exit to loot what was there (we weren't ever at Green Mount so we never knew the curse), and started our flashlights. We get scared to see the body pile, lighting it up with flashlight, and hearing lots of zombies. We manage to kill them. After that, we see a Survivor walking like a zombie making unconscious screaming sounds going towards the bus. We aim towards him: No name. We were just us two on server. Blood was coming like he had an headshot. He got in bus as a ride in the back and I shot 3 rounds of G17 in his head. Friendly fire, he did not died. Friend takes his PDW and unloads 5 rounds: Not dead. He picks up his flashlight to light the SOB and I unload an M16 mag into his head. Did not died. Came out of bus as a zombie and died in front of us without us even shooting him. We drove like hell, downhill, and bus flipped... Zombies coming from uphill, made a last stand, lucky I had epi-pens and blood bags, aswell lots-a-meds and antibiotics. Friend got infected and unconscious from zombies. Killed the rest, and we ran to Zeleno, repairing the GAZ there and getting out of there like Chernarus was Hell.

Second story, the Mtn-dew one...

I found a can of Mtn-Dew in Cherno. I take it and being a new-spawned, I drink it out of thirst. IDK but I aggro quite 20 zed with drinking it. They eat me, as they ran in the building.

So: Don't go to Green Mount and Don't drink Mtn-Dew.

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Mountain Dew seems to have the opposite effect for me. I drink them the moment I find them and Zeds seem to try and avoid ME.

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Went today on a journey to Green Mountain. WIth my UAZ, Newly found M16 with 10 mags, lots of shit. 2 jerries in UAZ, full fuel, lots of meds, beans, water canteens, G17 with 7 mags. Basically, I was ready to see WTF Green Mountain got. And I tried to see if nighttime changes it. It was raining, and I entered the base. Got out of UAZ and no zombie aggroed, alone on server with 0 zombies alive? There were zombie-spawning buildings. Nothing paranormal for now. I enter the tower, go up the ladder, and I receive shock and 5 min unconsciousness, no blood loss, no doors oppened. After I wake up, the storm left like it never was. Moon lit the ground. I try to go to the ladder but the door was closed. I did not closed it. Still, no zombie. After I opened the door, finnaly 1 zombie spawns. I go down the ladder, look in my back and see... See the zombie attacking me, and dissapears like it wasn't there. I say to myself: Better lit a flare. I lit one and still no zombie. I get in UAZ: Jerries empty and fuel is 0. Wasn't going to leave the UAZ there so I took the jerries, left the meds, food and water in the UAZ and go to fill them in Zeleno. There was an GAZ. I was looking through Zeleno for an fuel tank, so I went to the farm west of Zeleno. There was an rusty tank. Well, when I come back to the radio station, on the way to it, I see a thing like yesterday: A headshotted alive survivor with no name, and nametags were online on that server. In the GAZ, on the road to Green Mount. It wasn't there, engine on GAZ was online and headlights online. I shoot that SOB and it dies. If it would had been a player, I would see "NAME has been killed", but nothing appeared. I pull his body out of the GAZ, and engine stops, headlights stop and I see that everything was on red. Windows broke too, and wheels popped. And the guy got nothing on him, and at Study Body, Name was unknown but said nothing about dead cause. Normal is: "Name was NAME, and died from an X cause". Well here was: "Name was Unknown". I freaked out, ran to UAZ, filled it up, took my items and left. And finnaly zeds spawned at radio station, aswell when I was filling up jerry. IDK how to take photos by Steam so sorry, no evidence. Well, the fact is the tower is normal on SP, but cannot be destroyed. Used an SU-25, all bombs and S-5's used on the tower, not even a crack. Satchels, IED's, nothing. The SCUD mod, nothing.

Now I try to enter the same server (was a non-hive one) and tried Steam, DayZ Commander, Six Launcher, no one works, says Loading... WTF to do? Any help? It keeps on without ending.

Edited by SpAz514

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Need all more hackers doing this rather than the shitty nuke/gayfest they love. I actually condone this.

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Good stuff!

A friend of mine told me (classic urban legend beginning there) that he was once scoping Cherno out with his sniper scope when he saw a zombie figure standing atop of a building (vague reference there - very good). The Zed appeared to be looking straight at him but was not moving, just frozen.

Anyway my friend made his way into Cherno to do a bit of looting and after climbing up to the top of another buidling scoped out the area again. He spotted the Zed but he had turned and had moved and was again starting straight at my friend! He said he did this a couple of times and every time the Zed was facing my friend staring straight at him.

Of course my friend never went to the building in question (too chicken shit!) and didnt take screen shots so i have called BS many times.

The Zombie Watcher of Cherno? Chuck Norris? Total BS?

This has happened to me! I was near a heli crash (before I knew what they were.) when I saw what I thought was a played looking directly at me, I panicked and ran behind the heli, all the while the zed, (dressed in black and wearing black sunnies,) was staring at me. He was about 200 meters away, and when I was behind the heli in zoomed in. He just kept staring at me. I went around the other side and then was attacked by a group of people in a car then I completely forgot about that lone zombie...

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Need all more hackers doing this rather than the shitty nuke/gayfest they love. I actually condone this.

That was awesome! A hacker with a sense of horror - makes a change.

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I got one. Once I was in a relatively quiet nighttime server, five people online. Myself, two friends of mine, and a friend of one of my friends, along with a stranger. I was in Solnichny finding my friend's friend and I saw him too, just southeast of me waving a flashlight around. And suddenly I hear shots go off, so I prone down and say into my skype call, "Shots fired, there's another player here stay low." So I go to investigate.

Just north of me I see an UNARMED player crawling across the road. It doesn't click in my mind yet that he couldn't have fired, until I hear more shots, coming from behind him in a bush. (The flashes were nice and bright with each shot.) So I zoom in, and find nothing. So I give up eventually and get my friend's friend, when I do, i hear more shots and suddenly..the only other person in the server dies.

We then ran from the town going west to meet up with two friends that were quite a distance away. And all I hear is a vehicle...i couldn't tell what. It was like a mix between a UAZ or a Helicopter or something, and it wouldn't go away. Yet none of my friends could hear it, until a bit later, one of them said they heard something. I wasn't sure what they heard, i just assumed it was the same thing I did.

Later when we were near Little Hill, i went down the hill by myself to hunt some food, and at this point it's just us four, no other players. One of them's in Mogliveka, two at the top of little hill behind me. Suddenly I see something in the field, a person, seeming to hold a gun, but then he looked towards me and suddenly seemed unarmed, and with an accidental trigger finger over my keyboard, i accidentally turned off my night vision. Back on, and he's gone.

I go kill an animal and take it's meat, and I look up by the forest, and suddenly see something run by and stop in a bush. Then the server entered it's regular reset schedule

One of the scariest things I've ever experienced in DayZ.

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Does anyone want the translation of the radio message or do you want it to remain a mystery?

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Does anyone want the translation of the radio message or do you want it to remain a mystery?

I thought it was coordinates to a few deer stands in Russian?

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No the Morse code bit, meh it reads.

We are no longer alive STOP This message will play every hour if operators are no longer responsive STOPMESSAGE Unable to quarantine subject change STOPMESSAGE. After that you can hear what sounds like a z roaring.

Also all the co-ords are correct for the deer stands except 023/107

Edited by Xao
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I really hope they add to the Green Mtn mythoogy. Hopefully Chernarus Plus expands the complex and lets us explore a bit more.

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I agree "Unable to quarantine subject change" could be that there was/is a research facility under the mountain and caused the z infection to spread after losing control, but that would make it too much like umbrella corp in Resident Evil.

For those who wants to see what a scud nuke does to GM.

Lets just say its an evil evil place.

Kudos to whoever made the vid from this thread you deserve some beans

Edited by Xao
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