Dreganius (DayZ) 55 Posted August 26, 2012 (edited) ...I thought I had posted this story. Like, I was 100% certain I did so. *sigh*ANYWAY, I was looting Zelenogorsk (Steam dates the screenshot to Jul 9, 2012 @ 3:40am +10 UTC) on a near-empty server, when I heard laughing and whispering. I was inside the Supermarket, but left to investigate. As I began to approach the source of the sound, I saw something... more strange than scary. A 'monkey' zombie was barreling around, cackling, but a jerry can was strapped to its back. I only saw it for a fleeting moment when it disappeared, totally vanished, as a zombie would when despawning. Thing is though, other zombies nearby did NOT disappear, so it wasn't a player logging of.Seconds later, my NVGs were bathed in so much light that I couldn't see. Taking them off, I turned around, and this is what I saw.http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/542932039764600772/69A341FD987C0678D9BBE6A3361A32F51D1460BB/The flames almost completely surrounded me, and were moving quite swiftly in my direction. I decided to make a break for it, the only direction there were no flames; to the northeast. Not yet knowing the stories of the place, I unwittingly made my way towards Green Mountain. As I escaped the roaring flames, I made my way up the hill, to the edge of the treeline. Turning back towards Zelenogorsk, the entire town was devastated. No building remained standing that I could see. I called it a night then and there, without heading up the mountain to the radio tower. Logged out, went to bed.I tell you man, the entire area around Green Mountain is batshit mental. Edited August 26, 2012 by Dreganius 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted August 27, 2012 I saw what appeared to be a teleporting ghillie man near the balota hangars - he didnt do anything except stand still, but appear in different locations every few seconds. I stayed well away.By the way, has anyone EVER found anything in the medical tents south of the Balota airfield? That stack of AK's taunts me every time and i ALWAYS scroll the mouse wheel over them hoping that one day i will be able to grab one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rome 58 Posted August 27, 2012 I think that if we can bring The Green Tower down, maybe they will finally get this topic PINNED.P.S: Pin this topic.P.P.S: Please? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted August 27, 2012 There is too much truth in this thread. Too much that the devs dont want revealed. It will never be pinned. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rome 58 Posted August 27, 2012 There is too much truth in this thread. Too much that the devs dont want revealed. It will never be pinned.Ô my god, i understand now..You Sir are right.It needs to stay buried underground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShadowNacho 6 Posted August 28, 2012 Anyone tried placing mountain dew on green mountain? Some LOTR shit right dar :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red_Sky 140 Posted August 28, 2012 Anyone tried placing mountain dew on green mountain? Some LOTR shit right dar :DI'd rather mash trucks full of diet coke and mentos together you crazy fuck. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted August 28, 2012 Anyone tried placing mountain dew on green mountain? Some LOTR shit right dar :DI have heard that if you do such a thing you will bring the Apocalypse down upon us......oh, wait........shit! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wgaf 251 Posted August 28, 2012 On the next update you will have to spawn as a dog and eat a person before you can be human again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tjG3ftw436 17 Posted August 28, 2012 (edited) Once I respawned on the coast with nothing(thanks you buggy game). Pissed that I had lost my shit but eager to start over again I looked around to see exactly where I was. As I was running along the coast I found a dead guy. Looked like a fresh spawn, but when I got closer it looked as though he had been sitting on the coast and was shot in the head his gun was sticking straight into the air almost level backwards with his head. All he had was an enfield with one shot and a coyote patrol pack which I took. I also tried studying the body but nothing came up after doing it so I started to make my way to Cherno. Upon getting there I took my normal route through the south by the bushes and tree cover. Upon entering the city while crawling I noticed something peculiar. There were no gunshots for one and I couldn't see any zombies so I went to look at my monitor and to my surprise it had vanished. No zombie count or anything it was just empty space in which I could actually see my mumble overlay for once. Starting to freak out I rushed into town expecting to engage some players or what not. The town was deserted and suddenly flashing on my screen were the results of that study body action I had taken a while back. "His name is nphl1243 and it seems he ....." This continued to flash on my screen and when I tried to open a door the only option on my scroll wheel was the "Study body" action which would not let me cancel the actions menu I could only click that action. I started freaking out in mumble to my friends and they thought I was kidding and shit, then my mumble overlay went down. Normally I would contribute this to my shitty internet but it reconnects always within a few seconds the only time it goes completely down is when my internet fails completely. So without anyone to talk to I continued into town past the church and walked towards the fire station. That's when I saw some freaky shit about seven bodies of survivors all laying about the street and then as I got closer to the fire station I could see zombies frozen in mid swipe and a dead player nearby. I took a pistol from one dead players as I walked down the street to the main fire station entrance I went to change to my new makarov, but again the only action was "Study body" I clicked and this time it said "His name is nphl1243 and it seems he died of unknown causes." All of a sudden I heard a zombie scream from behind me and whipped around shot the bastard right in forehead with that one shot from the Lee and then everything went back to normal, the zombies spawned on the buildings, my debug monitor came back and the zombies finished their swipe attack and then aggroed on me from the "Dinner Bell" shot. I got the fuck out of there and ran my ass all the way to Stary Sober paying no heed to zombies or my guy dieing of thirst. I still go out of my way to stay away from Cherno and only go to Electro when I respawn and have refused to go on several raids with friends and other survivors to Cherno. Don't even want to think about what might happen if I go to Green mountain. Edited August 28, 2012 by tjG3ftw436 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesR 74 Posted August 29, 2012 I was in Berezino the other day. Sneaking towards the supermarket when a zombie agrod on me. I jumped up and started sprinting towards the store. Ended up with 10 zombies right on my heels. When suddenly they all turned around and ran the other way. It was unsettling. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreganius (DayZ) 55 Posted August 29, 2012 (edited) So, got more strange phenomena happening at the Green Mountain. This time, it was my friend, Goof, and myself. It wasn't as scary as it was unsettling, but I made it out alive, albeit with a cold. Got a few screenshots to accompany.So, it started off with my friend, Goof, repairing a UH-1H Huey on TH1. I was at Berezino, grabbing some extra fuel for it. Goof flew the Huey to the northern forests, landing in a surprisingly small clearing. Such a show-off. I filled the fuel tank up a bit more, and got on board. After joyriding for a while, scaring a few people in Cherno into hiding (Alt+F4), Goof and I then decided to check out Green Mountain while we had adequate equipment to survey it from multiple angles. The risk of a helicopter, a friend, an M14, and an SVD were secondary thoughts in my head when I entered. That said, I have fun re-gearing, but I digress.Goof dropped me at the edge of the mountain's treeline, east of the radio tower. I ventured into the forest at a brisk pace, constantly moving should anything jump out at me. Watching every angle, I moved swiftly and silently through the trees, approaching the clearing in which the so called 'radio facility' was constructed. The first possible eerie thing in what could be considered a swiftly escalating chain of events began with this little piggy, who was running straight up the road, directly away from the radio tower. It didn't change direction once in the entire time I watched it. Continuing onwards, I began to close in on the front gate while Goof soared overhead, and I advised him to keep a better distance. I've read the stories about helis exploding completely randomly and I wasn't willing to take unneccessary chances at this point. Shit got real in my head after that first little piggy. It after Goof had flown half-a-click out and was turning that the next oddity occurred. The gates swung open, yet another little piggy barrelling through them as a small horde of zeds shambled after it. It too ran straight up the road, and straight past me. The zeds turned and shambled, blindly following the frightened animal. I quite easily flanked around behind them and entered the compound without a single zed.As I poked around in the complex, nothing really struck me as odd, frightening, or out of place. I paid the corpsepile as much attention as I did the ones at Balota and the NWAF. I'm no undertaker. I continued poking around, behind the buildings, up the ladder, down again. Nothing out of the ordinary. Climbed back down without so much as a hitch. On the way down, I was discussing the ARMA 2 flight mechanics with Goof. The server was empty, so we spoke in Side chat rather than through Steam, as it was faster. Jumping from a metre up the ladder, my feet softly crunched into the gravel as I landed. I swiftly headed towards the gate, making minimal noise. As I was walking out the front gate, I heard a dull hum. Very dull, very soft. It wasn't enough of a hum to immediately catch my attention, but as I moved further away from the gate, it became more and more droning. It grew in volume. I began to move swiftly now, get a bit of distance, should it be some sort of immediate threat. It was clear this sound was emanating from the radio tower itself, at ground level. Then, things escalated quickly. The hum intensified, and then quite swiftly peaked, cracking like an extremely loud whip. I was very swiftly bathed in light. Adrenaline shot through me, and I sprinted away into the shadows before removing my nightvision goggles and turning around to observe.The sight before me was unsettling, as was the sudden nature in which it occured. The entire of the Green Mountain radio complex was bathed in green light. I informed Goof of this occurence, and he maneuvered to get a better view. I'd had enough. I was curious about the glow, but things were getting far too serious for me to want to lose my hard-earned gear. As I ran down the hill, I turned once more to the Green Mountain, and took a final screenshot before moving to our designated LZ, and getting the hell out of there. It was only once we were halfway to our landing point that I realised; I was coughing. A lot. Thankfully, our only pack of antibiotics saved me. Edited August 29, 2012 by Dreganius 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted August 29, 2012 You are a brave man.Any theories on what the light is? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 7 Posted August 30, 2012 The creepiest thing ive seen yet, was like a week ago.I logged into a fairly empty server after getting home from work, had around maybe 10 people in it. After my loading screen I was on dobry hill where I had logged out, nothing too major. Having my M107 in hand, I made my usual sweep of the area making sure I didnt see any snipers and such as I needed to go into town to get some supplies for my journey back north.While scanning the area, I saw a zombie to the left of the closest fire hall, near the road. He was walking, straight at me but not limping. I was like, holy crap is that a player? After zooming in to further inspect this person, I realized it had no backpack, no weapons or anything, no hat. It just kept walking toward me. After about 10 seconds of strutting my way, it just stopped, then disappeared. I was like T_T wtf was that, and just proceeded to walk north. There was no chance I was going into the city after that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted August 30, 2012 Magicool, is that the Predator or are you just smelling the flowers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deathstrike616 32 Posted August 30, 2012 These sort of things definitely enhance the 'feel' of Day Z. The game needs more horror subtleties that though arent physically dangerous, unnerve the shit out of you.The game's glitches and bugs as described here already provide those subtleties well enough IMHO. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesR 74 Posted August 30, 2012 Magicool, is that the Predator or are you just smelling the flowers? Are you joking? That's a marijuana patch. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IncrediBurch 22 Posted August 30, 2012 I wish I could remember the exact town I was in, but I'm pretty sure I encountered a Day Z god/guardian angel, whatever you want to call it in fun. And, not just once, but twice on 2 different occasions. Here's the kicker, it took the form of a rabbit.I'm in one of the smaller towns, stopping inside a big metal shed, the kind with high upper walk-ways and stairs on the outsides. So I walk in without any aggro-Z's and see something weird on the ground inside. It's a bunny. I thought it was a glitch, so I keep it in my sights to see if it moves. Sure enough, it hops out of the shed. It hops just a few feet outside and I just ignore it. After I patrol the perimeter, I'm coming back in the front and I see the bunny still standing outside. I've never known animals except for Cows to stay in one place very long. The bunny hops back inside the shed. Suddenly, a Z aggros on me and I dart back in the shed to take it out. The bunny darts back outside, but doesn't go more than a few feet again. I'm using an MP5SD so I'm not making noise with my gun fire. I walk back outside and the bunny starts moving in the direction I was planning to go. I start running and it runs to. I sort of followed it at this point and I managed to make it out of the town without aggro any more Dead-heads. I lose track of the bunny.Next time, I'm heading down towards Balota airbase to set up a looting base. I may have switched servers from the last encounter, I can't remember. Regardless, I looking around trying to find a good place to set my tent, but I keep coming up other tents in the woods. I risk looking inside them and sure enough a few of them had AS50's or high power ASR's. I decide not to steal anything so as not to anger the players. I also have my favorite gear on (MP5SD + M9SD) and plenty of rounds. I'm spooked and don't want to stick around, so I begin running. Suddenly, I spot another bunny as I clear the tree line. It starts running with me. I'm kinda following it, but it suddenly makes a sharp turn to my right. I ignore it and head straight. Suddenly, Z-aggro of 3 comes after me. I turn right and see the bunny on the hill like it was waiting for me. I start running towards it and it dashes into the woods then back behind me. I make it into the woods and suddenly the zombie noises stop. The rabbit is gone and the Z's had turned away. I realize all this could be explained by glitchy and coincidental AI, but I think it's far more fun to think of digital divine intervention being the cause.The Moral of these stories is: Trust the Bunnies. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dreganius (DayZ) 55 Posted August 30, 2012 (edited) You are a brave man.Any theories on what the light is?I wish I knew man. The only theory I have sounds almost ludicrous, but what with the green light and fact that I became ill, radiation could be a possibility.I shall go back to Black Mountain and try to investigate further, as I died recently from joining a populated server and getting hit by a car seconds after my character finished setup -_-EDIT : This just in: New life, found a Coyote and an AK74, then I get possessed by Slenderman and upon reconnecting, I spawn on the beach with nothing. :<http://cloud.steampo...44064B7888F3C3/ Edited August 30, 2012 by Dreganius Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted August 30, 2012 The Green Mountain curse. Its all that radiation turning you into a mutant. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IncrediBurch 22 Posted August 30, 2012 (edited) Speaking of Green Mountain, I have a story about the first time I went there. Coincides nicely with the curse.I was leaving Zeleno and was going to travel through Green Mountain to get to Stary. I told a friend this plan (also a fellow Day Z player) and he told me emphatically "DON'T EVER GO TO GREEN MOUNTAIN." I decided not to question him directly, figuring it's probably some major PVP hot spot (Sorta true). I did some research and found out about the curse. I thought it would be great to just sneak through once and silently know I'd been there and lived through it. Plus, it had a chance for vehicle spawns, so why not.Went up from the East (or whichever end has all the thickest evergreen cover) and snuck around to the front gate. I'm only a few feet inside from the entrance, following the wall. I turn back to look into the main field to see if anyone is there. I heard flies, so I figured a dead body was around. At the time, I didn't know there was a mass grave there always making the fly sound. I expected to possibly run into someone, so I'm being extra cautious. Once I turned around, I saw a player on his knee with a gun out. It didn't seem to have noticed me yet, so I took my chance and booked it out of the area. I figured it was probably a player spawning in.I head back down the east side so I have the most cover and can reach the deer stand on that side. I go into the Deer stand without any trouble and pick up an ASR (might have just been an AK, but it replaced the Enfield I had with me). There was also a glass bottle up there. The thought came to mind to see if Zombies really do check out the noise made from throwing an empty bottle. I threw it, the Zombies went towards the noise, I used the distraction to get down from the deer stand. I'm facing the zombies, watching their movements as I begin to walk away from the stand. I notice that my crosshairs aren't displaying properly, so I click the Fire button to raise my gun. Turns out, I didn't switch back the weapon mode and I was carrying a frag grenade and smoke grenade. After I see the animation, I quickly click the weapon switch button and see "Smoke Grenade - 1" pop up. I brain fart and think "Ok, I just threw my smoke grenade. No worries." I turn around and keep walking, not running...2...3...BOOM! Face Palm!I fall unconscious, bleeding, sprained, and broken legs. I have no morphine. The timer runs outs, I wake up and bandage myself at 8000+ blood. I eat what meat I have on me back to full health. Still, my legs are broken, I like the gear I have, and I'm at full health, but really far away from any hospital or medical areas. After a failed rescue attempt by my friends, I try crawling to Cherno. I make it about half way and decide it's time to give it up, cut my losses. I crawl to the next closest town and beg zombies to eat me. Most just walk on by me. One even did so while I was standing. It was broad daylight. Finally, one Z got hungry and ate me. Sweet Release! (this was before the respawn button in the options was fixed).I realize it was my stupid mistake, but once again, I can't help but feel the Green Mountain Curse played a part in my misfortune that day. I've since been back to GrnMt and looked around. Nothing weird happened, no players, no items. The Day Z gods had received enough of my misery as a tribute, and felt no remorse. Edited August 30, 2012 by IncrediBurch 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magicool 115 Posted August 31, 2012 I heard of a new Myth:1.7.3 before standalone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cannabeast 4 Posted September 1, 2012 Fantastic tales. I'm not scared though, but I might just be brain-damaged. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheManFromTheWoods 21 Posted September 1, 2012 The Man From The Woods he is more than urban legend I'm going to get poof tonight see who the F*** is the man from the woods discussion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites