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Day Z Urban Legends

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I don't see anything. O_o

Thats because they fucked it up in this new forum update. All picture attachments are now gone :)

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Only thing I could think of. I was heading to Balota airfield, I was prone and heading to the ATC tower, and I was passing by the first or second hangar, as I see a bolt of light go through the air, then I see a second. I tell my friend over Skype (who had disconnected a little ago) about the light. As I'm telling him, I hear an explosion in the direction I saw the light go. Then another explosion. They both sounder close. Seconds after they stopped, more explosions happened probably 50m from my left. I kept hearing the explosions and seeing the clouds. I ended up standing up and bolting over to the ATC tower, then d/ced. I'm guessing it was a hacker, but it still scared the shit out of me.

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So I recently got a hold of a radio, and since it isn't in the loot listing on the wiki I did some research and found that apparently one of the guys who got one started hearing static and a weird broadcast on it, enough so that it freaked him out and he wanted to trade it away. The guy who posted this recorded it and put a link of it. Search for radio, you should find it.

Anyway, I listened to this broadcast, and it sounds nonsensical, there's this lady talking about buying and selling crap for penny bids, typical internet crap. Then there's this odd tone, and a ladies voice mechanically starts spouting numbers: 6 digits, repeat once, then next 6 digit number. It does this about 12 times. At the latter half of the message, there is morse code, which unfortunately I can't translate.

All of this is weird, but didn't really catch my attention, until one day I was using a GPS, and noticed that the grid coordinates of the GPS are 6 digits. Going back to the recording, I jotted down the twelve numbers repeated in the broadcast. Somewhat curious, I broke out my map and checked the numbers as if they were grid coordinates, but there didn't seem to be anything particularly interesting about them. So, lacking anything better to do, I picked the nearest one, jumped on a server with a low population, and started hoofing it over there.

Now this thing was in the middle of nowhere, halfway up the side of a mountain in the middle of a forest. There shouldn't be anything there. Imagine my surprise when a bunch of military dressed zombies start tear assing towards me. I sprinted away, got some distance between us, then got lucky with my M1911 and took the two that were still tailing me out.


I cautiously made my way back to the coordinate and began searching the grid. Nothing seemed to pop out at me. There was a deer stand with a morphine autoinjector, a bandage, and a empty tin can, but that was all I could find that looked remotely interesting. Still, the whole area was crawling with zombies, and all of them are military.

Now the coordinate in question one square over from a radio tower, so I figured the zombies probably came from there, but it was odd that they were all military, unless there's something I don't know about radio towers.

Anyway, a little frustrated, I head over to the tower just to check it out figuring I'd climb the damn thing and get as close to an aerial view of my surrounds as I could. I get to the top, start looking around, when suddenly there are a series of massive explosions in the grid I'd JUST been in. Seriously, like an artillery strike or a bombing run. Now, I don't know what the hell is going on, but remember, I'm on a small server and who knows what the heck, I mean, I've heard stories where everybody on the server finds themselves 30 meters in the air and then dies, so I thought, maybe someone is hacking and has decided to take me out after spotting me wandering around. At least as far as I know, there aren't any items that provide a friggin' artillery strike, and this wasn't a car blowing up or a vehicle exploding, it was like boom, boom, boom, boom. So I took the cowards way out and logged off right on the top of that broadcast tower.

I freely admit that I'm a yellow bellied son of a bitch, but... it was kinda interesting. I wasn't really expecting anything, but... Think maybe I'll check out those other coordinates.

Would anyone mind giving me a link to these videos? I'm a sucker for creepy pastas, i'd love to see this, but ever since the forum change, acessing older forum posts from google gives you a broken link, and the search on the forum itself didn't find said topic...

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I was a few times on Green Mountain. I haven't actually experienced anything scary, but I still think it's pretty creepy up there, don't know why.

Edited by Skoomer

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I was a few times on Green Mountain. I haven't actually experienced anything scary, but I still think it's pretty creepy up there, don't know why.

Me too, there just seems to be something creepy about Green Mountain. Maybe it is all the dead soldiers or the fact that for the size of the place i never find anything worthwhile and just want to get the hell out.

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Me too, there just seems to be something creepy about Green Mountain. Maybe it is all the dead soldiers or the fact that for the size of the place i never find anything worthwhile and just want to get the hell out.

I would like to go up there at night and wait if something happens. Would be very scary but there's a part of me who want to do this :D

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I don't know if you will believe this but the attachment to my post JUST DISAPEARED!

My friend and I were moving through the forests around black lake, heading up and west towards the airfield - the whole time we were making our way through the trees I would hear these footsteps behind us, my friend heard nothing and I never spotted anything moving.

I was in the lead and just as we cleared the woods I turned back to make sure my buddy was still with me and managed to take this screenshot before I hit ALT-F4.

Needless to say we have never been back.


Weird thing is, since 1.7.2 if either of us ever have to respawn at night now - we always spawn on the shores of Black Lake...

Edited by BurtRaven
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i have found one and only one mountain dew drink... has any1 else found some?

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I found a Budweiser once - nah, only joking.

But that's how Urban Legends begin!

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Heres an urban legend that apparently perplexes most whiners on the forum: When someone you don't know says that they're friendly....they can be lying.

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My friend and I were moving through the forests around black lake, heading up and west towards the airfield - the whole time we were making our way through the trees I would hear these footsteps behind us, my friend heard nothing and I never spotted anything moving.

I was in the lead and just as we cleared the woods I turned back to make sure my buddy was still with me and managed to take this screenshot before I hit ALT-F4.

Needless to say we have never been back.

I don't see the screen shot on here. :(

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Hmm it seems I am a magnet for strange activity.

Today's story begins, with me hanging around Olsha. I had been on a border patrol with some friends and we logged off around there. When I resumed, I decided to hit up NE AF quickly before going on a vehicle / base / crashed chopper hunt.

The NE AF was rather uneventful, very few zombies spawned nearby. I quickly searched the control tower finding a G17 but I left it in favour of my silenced M9 + M1911. After I sweeped the building I quickly left as I believed I heard a M107 in the distance.

Krastonav also started out rather uneventful. But as I made my way through the town I found some rather strange events began to occur.

For one the zombies did not screech and mumble as they normally did. The only sounds they made where the ones where is sounded like they were drowning in their own blood. With one or two this sound was perfectly fine, but with 7 or 8 barrelling down on me all making this noise I was put off guard and unsettled.

I managed to make my way to the grocery store and quickly turned to dispatch the runners. Every time I placed a bullet between their eyes, they made a strange struggling noise before finally making a defeated gurgle and collapsing. Once I had defeated them, I noticed the dead silence that pervaded the town. Not even the sound of the birds could be heard. I made my way east out of the town and climbed toward Black Mountain.

As I made my way up the mountain I became more unsettled. With each step my character took, I felt my skin crawl a little higher. The hairs on my arms stood on end and then pointed away from the screen as if trying to run away. Finally getting to the top of the mountain I saw the corpses of legions of zeds lying around the ruins of the keep. As I made my way inside the sound of the wind returned, for a moment it startled me but I quickly regained my composure and continued through the ruins. The bodies began to thin out and seemed to begin to lead through the forest. Curious, I followed. Perhaps I would find a player or their camp.

The bodies eventually lead me to Pobeda Dam. With no bodies in sight I noticed that my thirst was now blinking. I opened my pack and looked for my water bottles, but to my surprise they were both empty. I realized that I must have been careless and made my way to the water to refill. I waded hip deep into the water and refilled my canteens. Now that my thirst had been quenched I turned to make my way back to the woods.

And then I saw it.

Lying in the water just below the surface was a body. Black Civilian clothing, I walked up to him and found that he had nothing on him, not even the flash light. But what I truly thought was strange was that the check pulse option came up on the body. Checking it the body was still very much alive, yet still unconscious. I dragged him up and out of the water, unsure if you could drown in ARMA 2. And dragged him close to the barn in here. As soon as we made it into the barn thins took an even stranger turn.

The body automatically dropped, and then sank beneath the floor. At the same time I heard a group of zombies aggro and begin to run at me. And again they were all using that strange drowning in their own blood gurgle. I primed myself ready to shoot, but they never entered the building. They sounded like they were all around me, but I could not see them. I walked outside and their "voices" followed me, but even running onto the road I saw nothing. I made my way to the water and chose to make a short swim across, but as soon as I made it to the edge I saw it again.

The drowning man.

I ignored him and immediately began to swim across the water. But as soon as I got half way across, I went unconscious. My body sank to the bottom of the water as I watched the timer tick down. When it finally ran out I was teleported to the surface again, and managed to take a couple strokes, before it happened again, and again I sank to the bottom.

Not wishing to die to what I assumed to be a desync bug or such, I regrettably alt - tabbed and closed the program. When I restarted and rejoined the server I found myself to be back in the keep of Black Mountain. No bodies were lying around, but again, my water bottles were both empty. And the silence pervaded the keep.

I made my way south and never looked back.

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I think some of us should found an "Myth-Busting" Team, trying to proof some of this Urban Legends and record it on Video

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I think some of us should found an "Myth-Busting" Team, trying to proof some of this Urban Legends and record it on Video

I would think these would be more like those ghost hunting shows, than Mythbusters.

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I would think these would be more like those ghost hunting shows, than Mythbusters.

The name was just a quick idea. Call it Myth-Hunters or whatever :D

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There was one time, and I was STUPIDLY proud of myself, I was doing so good. I had the M1014 shotgun (Or whatever it's called) with 4 clips of ammo a revolver with full ammo (save one space for a bandage) I had 6 morphine shots (I wasn't having none of that "broken leg" shit) a frag gerade, a ALICE pack filled with food and soda, the works if it was in game and I needed it to survive I had it. And as you read this story keep in mind I am an EXTREAMLY friendly player, I have never killed someone who didin't shot me first and I hate the idea of killing a survivor on accident.

So it's the end of a long day and the sun is going down and I figure I should do what every good survivor does when he's pimmped out and go find a place to sit and do nothing while I ate my food and drank my sodas. So I made my way south looking for a big town when I come acrossed a factory and figure it's as good a place as any to stay a while. I get inside and hold up nice, watching the big bay doors. I throw a blue glow stick in the middle just incase anyone comes in I know what I'm dealing with.

I'm sitting there for about 30-45 minutes enjoying the fruits of all my sucess when I hear foot steps outside the building, so I get ready, I lay down in a corner pull my gun out when the foot steps stop, they didin't faid out like they walked away, they just stopped. a few minutes later they start right back up again, "Someone must need the exercise" I thought as the foot steps kept doing laps around the building. Eventually I get tired of being ready for an attacker and I shout out "If someone's out there go away, I don't want to hurt you but I will."

The footsteps stop.

I sit and wait and hear the steps again.

"Please just go away"

the footsteps stop.

I get to my knees and wait.

they start again.

"I will come out there and shoot you."

as soon as thoes words escapt my mouth the far door opens.

A man walks in I can barely see his outline with my blue glowstick going.

"Are you friendly?"

he stands there facing directly towards me not moving.


still not moving.

I fire a shot passed him.

"Drop your weapon and walk away or I will kill you."

the player finally moving drops his weapon and backs up slowly out the door.

I kneel walk up to see what he was armed with to find an ax on the ground. I felt bad, like I just robbed a noob with no mic. I said in chat "Count to 20 and come back in to get your ax i'm leaving now." I filled my end of the bargan and left through the opisite door. As I'm walking away in the pitch black night I hear foot steps again, I drop to my knees and wait. The foot steps are running all around me again, "that prick is trolling me" I thought I threw a glow stick into the distance hoping to get sight on him. and the steps stop. It suddenly dawns on me How did he ketch up to me and know where I was? So I began crawling away from where the steps stopped after a little bit of this I got to my knees and found a road and continued on full sprint.

not 5 minutes later I hear running AGAIN!!! I keep sprinting, but the running is doing laps around me, I stop and just start shooting hoping to hit this fucker, as I'm reloading I hear someone on a mic "Should have killed me when you had the chance." and a figure from the wooded side of the road darts out with an ax, the next thing I know I have the death screen up.

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Hmm it seems I am a magnet for strange activity.

Today's story begins, with me hanging around Olsha. I had been on a border patrol with some friends and we logged off around there. When I resumed, I decided to hit up NE AF quickly before going on a vehicle / base / crashed chopper hunt.

The NE AF was rather uneventful, very few zombies spawned nearby. I quickly searched the control tower finding a G17 but I left it in favour of my silenced M9 + M1911. After I sweeped the building I quickly left as I believed I heard a M107 in the distance.

Krastonav also started out rather uneventful. But as I made my way through the town I found some rather strange events began to occur.

For one the zombies did not screech and mumble as they normally did. The only sounds they made where the ones where is sounded like they were drowning in their own blood. With one or two this sound was perfectly fine, but with 7 or 8 barrelling down on me all making this noise I was put off guard and unsettled.

I managed to make my way to the grocery store and quickly turned to dispatch the runners. Every time I placed a bullet between their eyes, they made a strange struggling noise before finally making a defeated gurgle and collapsing. Once I had defeated them, I noticed the dead silence that pervaded the town. Not even the sound of the birds could be heard. I made my way east out of the town and climbed toward Black Mountain.

As I made my way up the mountain I became more unsettled. With each step my character took, I felt my skin crawl a little higher. The hairs on my arms stood on end and then pointed away from the screen as if trying to run away. Finally getting to the top of the mountain I saw the corpses of legions of zeds lying around the ruins of the keep. As I made my way inside the sound of the wind returned, for a moment it startled me but I quickly regained my composure and continued through the ruins. The bodies began to thin out and seemed to begin to lead through the forest. Curious, I followed. Perhaps I would find a player or their camp.

The bodies eventually lead me to Pobeda Dam. With no bodies in sight I noticed that my thirst was now blinking. I opened my pack and looked for my water bottles, but to my surprise they were both empty. I realized that I must have been careless and made my way to the water to refill. I waded hip deep into the water and refilled my canteens. Now that my thirst had been quenched I turned to make my way back to the woods.

And then I saw it.

Lying in the water just below the surface was a body. Black Civilian clothing, I walked up to him and found that he had nothing on him, not even the flash light. But what I truly thought was strange was that the check pulse option came up on the body. Checking it the body was still very much alive, yet still unconscious. I dragged him up and out of the water, unsure if you could drown in ARMA 2. And dragged him close to the barn in here. As soon as we made it into the barn thins took an even stranger turn.

The body automatically dropped, and then sank beneath the floor. At the same time I heard a group of zombies aggro and begin to run at me. And again they were all using that strange drowning in their own blood gurgle. I primed myself ready to shoot, but they never entered the building. They sounded like they were all around me, but I could not see them. I walked outside and their "voices" followed me, but even running onto the road I saw nothing. I made my way to the water and chose to make a short swim across, but as soon as I made it to the edge I saw it again.

The drowning man.

I ignored him and immediately began to swim across the water. But as soon as I got half way across, I went unconscious. My body sank to the bottom of the water as I watched the timer tick down. When it finally ran out I was teleported to the surface again, and managed to take a couple strokes, before it happened again, and again I sank to the bottom.

Not wishing to die to what I assumed to be a desync bug or such, I regrettably alt - tabbed and closed the program. When I restarted and rejoined the server I found myself to be back in the keep of Black Mountain. No bodies were lying around, but again, my water bottles were both empty. And the silence pervaded the keep.

I made my way south and never looked back.

Ah, man, now you are just freaking me out!

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There was one time, and I was STUPIDLY proud of myself, I was doing so good. I had the M1014 shotgun (Or whatever it's called) with 4 clips of ammo a revolver with full ammo (save one space for a bandage) I had 6 morphine shots (I wasn't having none of that "broken leg" shit) a frag gerade, a ALICE pack filled with food and soda, the works if it was in game and I needed it to survive I had it. And as you read this story keep in mind I am an EXTREAMLY friendly player, I have never killed someone who didin't shot me first and I hate the idea of killing a survivor on accident.

So it's the end of a long day and the sun is going down and I figure I should do what every good survivor does when he's pimmped out and go find a place to sit and do nothing while I ate my food and drank my sodas. So I made my way south looking for a big town when I come acrossed a factory and figure it's as good a place as any to stay a while. I get inside and hold up nice, watching the big bay doors. I throw a blue glow stick in the middle just incase anyone comes in I know what I'm dealing with.

I'm sitting there for about 30-45 minutes enjoying the fruits of all my sucess when I hear foot steps outside the building, so I get ready, I lay down in a corner pull my gun out when the foot steps stop, they didin't faid out like they walked away, they just stopped. a few minutes later they start right back up again, "Someone must need the exercise" I thought as the foot steps kept doing laps around the building. Eventually I get tired of being ready for an attacker and I shout out "If someone's out there go away, I don't want to hurt you but I will."

The footsteps stop.

I sit and wait and hear the steps again.

"Please just go away"

the footsteps stop.

I get to my knees and wait.

they start again.

"I will come out there and shoot you."

as soon as thoes words escapt my mouth the far door opens.

A man walks in I can barely see his outline with my blue glowstick going.

"Are you friendly?"

he stands there facing directly towards me not moving.


still not moving.

I fire a shot passed him.

"Drop your weapon and walk away or I will kill you."

the player finally moving drops his weapon and backs up slowly out the door.

I kneel walk up to see what he was armed with to find an ax on the ground. I felt bad, like I just robbed a noob with no mic. I said in chat "Count to 20 and come back in to get your ax i'm leaving now." I filled my end of the bargan and left through the opisite door. As I'm walking away in the pitch black night I hear foot steps again, I drop to my knees and wait. The foot steps are running all around me again, "that prick is trolling me" I thought I threw a glow stick into the distance hoping to get sight on him. and the steps stop. It suddenly dawns on me How did he ketch up to me and know where I was? So I began crawling away from where the steps stopped after a little bit of this I got to my knees and found a road and continued on full sprint.

not 5 minutes later I hear running AGAIN!!! I keep sprinting, but the running is doing laps around me, I stop and just start shooting hoping to hit this fucker, as I'm reloading I hear someone on a mic "Should have killed me when you had the chance." and a figure from the wooded side of the road darts out with an ax, the next thing I know I have the death screen up.

Now you are just getting scary.

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This thread is so full of win! Please give us more! What are really good and spooky places to check out?

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