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Day Z Urban Legends

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But why?! This thread is good fun.

I agree, i love this thread. Dont shut it down!

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Why shut it down?

Any strange and mysterious goings on deserve their place and here it is.

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Why shut it down?

Any strange and mysterious goings on deserve their place and here it is.

exactly, i enjoy reading all of these.

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There's something wrong 500m north from Novy Lug near that barn. I find everytime dead zombies in there and they are lootable. I think there's someone hidden in the woods and scouting that open field all the time. Maybe it lives in the Black Mountain. I got a very bad feeling everytime I go there.

I get the same feeling in that area. It is normally so peaceful up that it tends to creep me out. I think that I have only seen one or two other players there since July. One guy mysteriously disappeared while my friend and I were tracking him. We saw him in the big field, but right as he got to the woods, he was gone :blink: .

Also, I think I have also encountered dead zombie bodies, when no one was around.

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There is an apple grove near Berzinho, normally quite eery and quiet. I got hatcheted to death there by some creepy guy once so i never go back. Scares me just looking at it.

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I have a story.

So basically I had not played Day Z for a long time, and just getting a new laptop

(Which is awful) I decided to get back into Operation Arrowhead. So I had been playing on a few different maps since due to my computer and apartment internet LAGS awful on Chernarussia.

So anyways I start up, pop up on the beach to the west of Cherno and of course walk a foot every 2 minutes, so I think, “maybe it will run smoother once I get out into the country side” and take off with my backpack and, well my backpack. I get away from cherno and it starts to run better, plus there was me and two others on the server so I was confused over the amount of lag but back to the story. I come over a hill and find a paved road and start to follow it, I end up getting to one of those villages where all the buildings are closed except a few farms on the outskirts and raid it. I get to a gas station, nothing, so I crawl into a barn. A coke, some noodles, a hatched and I think road flares so I take all and then head out.

Now behind the barn is an open field which leads to a larger warehouse and some trees and I begin to crawl when suddenly someone with a Lee had a problem with me and started shooting. So I got hit in the leg and started bleeding so in fear (and anger) I got up and ran but here is where it gets weird. I was surrounded by zombies, the entire time I was being shot at they were roaming around being zombies, only when I got up and ran did they get pissed off and begin to attack me, and so I died and started swearing and yelling. But I noticed it only said *username* died. And it was me and two others and 4 people joined just as I was disconnecting, so was it AI? A hacker? Or wrong place and the wrong time I don’t know.. but I was pissed off lol..

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Gather round, my kiddies! Boys and girls, children all about! Apostrophe next to the campfire, grab a can of beans and let me tell you of the most coveted treasure that the land of Chernarus has to offer! They say many a man have seen it, but not a single has laid his hands upon it! Wars had been fought for it, and many a million zeds slaughtered to even have it in your presence! Let me tell you the tale...

Of the Dew.

(And dangling from a tree nearby was a bloody hook.)


In all seriousness, I do have a very true, very mysterious story that I'll never forget.

Back in 1.7.1, I was just coming into DayZ. I was slowly evolving into the cold bandit I am today, but for what it was worth, I had enough kindness to help someone in need. I made acquaintance with a boy greener than spring grass who was trapped down at the Electro docks. After weighing on my good side that day, I made my way down from the dam, to the docks, to find that the greenhand was rescued by a Winchester-wielding man. The greenhand was thankful, but as a fresh spawner, he was with only a flashlight and no defenses at all. (Mind you, this was before the melee was implemented.) So deciding that a pair of gunners was better than just a shotgun alone, I grouped up with the duo.

Now, here's where the story goes astray. As the three of us made our way through the streets of Electro, looking for supplies to heal up the fairly-banged-up greenhand, we'd often become separated. As we turned corners, or walked through a doorway, our mute friend with the Winchester would seemingly disappear into thin air, only to reappear moments later in a completely different location. Knowing Electro fairly well, I chocked this up as his way of scouting, maybe taking a long way around a route to make sure that there weren't any hostiles trained on us. But as this phenomenon continued, I became very suspicious. Brushing it off as my ever-growing paranoia in DayZ, I thought nothing of it.

However, as we hit the western border of the Electro docks (having circled back out to the edge, so as to have a fairly-open view) a few shots fired off in our direction. Ordering the green to book it out of the city and into a nearby patch of trees, I felt bad that we might lose our mysterious second gunner. Looking over my shoulder as we ran, I saw no hide nor hair of the fellow. I had to admit, I was a tad bit saddened, but splitting up might've been the best idea. Taking nestle in the trees, myself and the green checked our bearing, prepared to make for Cherno for the supplies we hadn't been able to find. However, as I turned to look out toward the road to Cherno, I saw something peculiar...

Here he came, our Winchester wielding bravado. Nearly 100 meters off track, and with no hinting of our location at all, he had found us. I was honestly struck with awe. Being a fan of the Fallout series of games, there was only one thing that came to mind when he came strolling up to us.

This mas was the Mysterious Stranger.

And so, we continued. North to Prigorodky. West to Vysota. All this time, traveling through fields. Nothing to block or view, nothing to obscure or vision of this Mysterious Stranger besides lone sparsing of bushes. And yet, every five minutes I glanced over my shoulder, he'd disappear behind one bush, and reappear five minutes later behind another. But the kicker is yet to come.

As we headed south, into the hills above the hospital, I gave one final glance to this Mysterious Stranger. He stood up, gave me a salute, and with that, promptly disappeared. Now, I suppose you could justify that last disappearance as a disconnect. But I have no clue, no justifiable idea, how he could track us all the way along that coastline, and continue to keep pace with us if he kept D/Cing and R/Cing, without us uttering a single message outside of direct chat.

So if you're ever on the coast, in need of help, and you run into a man with a Winchester strapped to his back, take a second. He's a fuckin' guardian angel, that one is.

You don't have to believe me, but that doesn't make it not true.

You gotta be kidding me.

One day when I was in Electro and had just respawned. I had made my way to the west firestation. There was tents EVERYWHERE. At least 40 of them. I was suspicious of them and decided to go and check them out.

Right as I got to the tents I was shot by a double barrel shotgun in the back and was bleeding out. Then I saw a person stand over me, I thought he was gonna finish me off. Instead, I was teleported to the back part of Electro. My unconcious meter was at half and I just sat there dumbfounded looking at the person. The guy had the exact same loadout as me. Winchester, coyote patrol pack. He bandaged me and fixed my legs, but right as I woke up he ran off behind the blue hangar things. I said "Wait!" over direct chat and attempted to chase after him. As I turned the corner the guy was gone.

I eventually died shortly after to a zombie since the guy didn't have a blood bag on him. That was my own damn fault though for the zombie part.

From that day on I have been a medic, and a medic I shall be. I owe that guy thanks, and a game life. So, if I ever meet this Mysterious Stranger again, I'll give him my god damn beans.

Edited by Waldo The Doctor
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I heard there was a mummified hatchet murderer who likes to hack people to death in super markets. sometimes he breaks their legs just for fun, making them crawl to local Churno hospital.

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One day me and my friend was in somewhere close from Kabanino. There was barn. In that server there was no other players. Server name was "HUNDERDS OF VEHICLES" or something like that. We was walking nearby that barn. I did hear shot and i asked from my friend "What are you shooting?!?!?" he did say "No im not shooting. I did think you are shooting" And then shots didn't stop. I did hear like 11 shots??? We was in Stary Soboro(we did have car) and i did go out from the car. FUCK I DID SCARE! There was like other player it just glitter he was in front of me like 1 sec and then did disapear. He did have black clothes and somekind of automatic weapon i didn't see that weapon very well. It wasn't my friend because he was left from me. Next day i sayed what i did see for my friend and he did se that "Ghost" did can be hacker. If you know anything report for me! If this is myth im gonna give it name and its "Stary Soboro ghost"

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I know one little bit weird legend.

Story dosen't belongs to me!

I was in North West Airfield, and i goes to southern barracks because there spawns good loot. My friend was in car waiting for me, about 30 meters of barracks. There was a lot of zombies so i must hurry to loot this barracks.

When i came in barrack my friends screams like a baby and sais: "What the f*ck! Here is two military or soldier camo clothing players with m4!". At the same time when i crouch and looked out window, my friend drive his SUV car out of there in woods. And when i looked to these soldier camo players. They didn't has a names! And at same time they killed me.

10 minutes later my friend was in north of Vybor, where is a little hill. He drive there and said: "What the fuck was that!? Never seen like that before." And after that, when he came out of car. He's loot has disapeared and front off him was those 2 soldier camo players, who said in direct chat: "Don't never come in my barracks!" And he died.

I don't know was this a real or a legend.

Want more proofs...

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Wait are you telling me that what I saw was not my imagination?... Well where do I begin...

Well let me start by saying that I never posted anything about this because I didn't know a thing about Namalsk. It only happened one time. I didn't think anything about it until I read these post. Well anyways here I go...

My friend had just bought me a new copy of Combined Operations and the first thing my friends and I wanted to do was play on Namlsk. I had heard about the map a few weeks before it released and wanted to play it. Unfortunately my key got banned by who ever had stolen it just shortly before it came out. Now that I had a new key though we were going to play this map all night. Atleast we thought we were.

We all began looking for a server to join but would keep getting some kind of error. We searched for about 10 minutes until all my friends decided to just play on the regular DayZ map.

"Screw that! I've been wanting to play this map for forever so I'm going to find a server to play on even if it's empty," I said as my friends tried to persuade me to play with them on the Chern.

After about 5 more minutes I finally found a server to play. When I first got in I was swimming on the beach. I didn't know how to fix it so I just quickly hit the respawn button before it faded out. When I respawned I once again was swimming in the beach sand. This time though I thought to try and swim towards the sea and see if that fixed it. It did.

When I got on land I realized I didn't have a backpack. I didn't really care and I set out to find one. After a few minutes I came across some town. As I entered the house I I saw that it had a ladder to the attic. As I was climbing it I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. It was some greyish figure. I freaked out for a second thinking it was a player and yelled over direct chat a few times saying that I was friendly. After a few seconds I decided to climb back down the ladder. This time I saw the figure for a split second as it walked through a wall.

By now I was beginning to get a bit paranoid. Not much. Just a little though. As I continued on through the woods I was the figure again as it ran by a tree. I whipped over to the direction I had seen... "It".... but again saw nothing.

I began to get a headache as time passed. I'm not positive but I thought I heard someone say, "No eyes." Strange right? The server had side channel but it didn't sound like it had come over it. It sounded more faint, and more almost like an echo bouncing off the cool winter air in the game. After finding a winchestor in the major city (I have no clue what the name of the city is) I began leaving when for the final time I saw "It"

This last time was the most distinct. It stood still roughly a hundred or so meters away and appeared to be staring at me. I just stared at it for a bit trying to figure out if it was a player or a glitched zombie. After determining it wasn't a player Ii began to approach it. Out of nowhere it vanished and I was knocked unconscious. It seemed that the timer was not moving at all. I just stared at my screen trying to figure out what happened. After a few minutes I noticed I was being dragged. Very slowly.... I couldn't see who was dragging at me but I could tell that I was being moved.

As I was brought inside the building I was dropped. I saw some dark hands patching me up but still couldn't see who it was. After I was revived I switched to direct chat to thank who ever helped me. I turned around and saw no one. I looked around and saw no one. After that my headache had gotten to the point where I couldn't bear it anymore . I decided to disconnect and take a break.

I haven't seen that "thing" since then but I can't get on Namalsk anymore without the feeling of being watched. I don't feel in danger, but a fear of the unknown. A fear of what that "thing" really was, and what it wants to do....

The creature lurks in the uninhabited areas of Namalsk. The forest, plains, anywhere that is abandoned.

Dont go out there alone, or dont go out there at all

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So this is the second freaky thing to happen to me. I was playing Wasteland and having fun when i started getting shot at. I ran but broke my leg and was helpless as someobody by the name of Source approached me. He walked up to me and shot me so i fell unconscious. I was dead, i knew that, but i couldnt do anything while i watched the blood counter and the unconciousness timer race down. He came closer and lent down to me. He started saying a bunch of random crap i didnt listen to. The unconciousness timer was almost out so i put my headset back on, got off my iphone, and readied myself to shoot back. I then heard him say ...so decide, now or later. As i woke up i asked what he was talking about. He said,

"you didnt hear any of that?

Me: "Nah"

Source: You have made a mistake.


and the "You Are Dead" screen appeared.

Meh, might as well sleep.

the next day i woke up and started to play DayZ. On the server i was looting Zelenogorsk and found some food/drink in the supermarket, as well as some ammo for my Lee Enfield. I started to run to Stary Sobor, but got lost. I was running South when i saw *Source has connected*

Wow, its him, hope he doesnt preach random crap to me again. As i was running i saw something in the distance.

Green Mountain.

I headed towards it to get my bearings and continue to Stary, where i was meeting with my friends. when i got there i started looting, finding nothing but some mags for military guns i didnt have. As i was walking out of the tower a man was blocking my way, he had nothing but a machete, i hovered my crosshair over him, seeing what his name was.

Player (Source).

Huh, i decided to speak to him over direct chat.

Me: Are you the same guy from wasteland?

Source: Do you remember what i said?

Me: Nope.

Source: You have made another mistake. One warning left.

I have got him into a state of calm, i aimed my gun and shot him square in the head.

Source: You will regret this.

Me: OK, cool.

Source: Ha, so innocent.

*Source has disconnected*

I took what little gear he had and played on another server.

After a while of looting and banditing in elektro, i took a bike and headed up to Stary. I found some decent gear and started to head off. After a while of riding, i stopped to eat, drink and check my supplies. I saw a car up ahead and decided to check it. Broken, no gear, hardly suprising.

As i turned around, i saw a man. Machete, nothing else. I lowered my gun and asked, who are you.

Source: Did you forget already?

How was he doing this, he was following me.

Me: How are you following me?

Source: None of your concern.

This guy had to be a hacker.

Me: Well piss off, you are clearly a hacker dick who has decided to troll someone. How about you get off your 12 year old ass, and do something with your life.

Source: thats not very nice, James.

He knows my name! OK this is getting out of hand

Me: How do you know my name?

Source: Yet again, that is none of your concern. Do you remember what i said.

Me: No, why are you following me.

Source: None of your concern.

Me: Piss off.

Source: Do you remember what i said

Me: No and i dont care.

Source: I told you you would regret this

I raised my gun, but he moved fast, faster than normal. Hacks, i presume.

He slashed my character, and as i fell towards the ground, bleeding, unconcsious, he muttered 7 words

Source: I told you you would regret this.

*You are Dead*

My jaw hit the table, he had followed me, knew my name, and killed me


As the shock wore off, i joined another server.

5 Minutes later, the message appeared

*Source has connected*

Edited by ltsmiles89
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Well, here's something odd.

I was recently murdered by fagface. Everyone knows fagface, the bandito who decides it would be funny to string you along as a friend and then leave you? Well, this particular fagface figured he'd stick me on the roof of Cherno Hotel. So, you can guess what happened. I respawn in Cherno, go into one of those little mini-apartment things, and what do I see?

A body in a ghillie suit.

Fagface had a ghillie suit.

So of course I duck back around the corner, and when I decide that I may as well check it out, I go in and see this.

Someone sitting with a hatchet just out of sight of the door.

Didn't notice me.

I put my reticle on him and see "Player: The Walking LZ".

That's my username.

And that's when he circles around, looks at me, sits down, and disappears.

I stay out of Cherno now.

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Beware of the tractor of death!

I was on my journey to search the strange priests when I found a tractor parked behind a small shed south of Vybor. It was in bad condition but, to my surprise, was driveable. I hopped in, drove around for a while and stopped near a small village to loot some food.

When I got back, I got into my nice vehicle again and wanted to venture forth. But the engine was dead. In the same moment I thought about how strange this was, I dropped out, fainted with broken legs and died within seconds. I don't know what happened.

I remember to have found a tractor some time ago in the same place, between Veresnik and Rogovo, behind that little shed on the fields just south of the deer stand. But at that time I had been shot by a bandit waiting on the hill, before I could check that tractor out. Yesterday was my 120th day of survival, one day after my visit to GM. The curse has taken another victim. Evil Green mountain! Evil tractor!

Same thing happened to me, me and my friend had repaired a little bird and were flying to th coast when we past Rog and saw a tractor in the forest. I bailed from the helicopter to check it out while my friend waited overhead. As i got in it was fully working, the moment i started driving it went full redand started flaming, so i got out. The moment i got out it exploded and killed me and almost damaged my friends helicopter. He got my gear and picked me up, but it was strange that the tractor had exploded. I also heard that another friend a while back said that he died when he tried to drive a tractor. Is this a glitch, or are tractors sick of our sh*t.

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I have a story.


I was coughing, I would need to find somewhere to get warm and cure my sickness. I was right on the west side of Elektro, I saw the fire station nearby, I decided it would be a good idea to hit there first, then the hospital. Just in case anyone was camping the hospital building. I slowly made my way to the fire station, there were dead zombies outside the closed doors. I tried to go through the back, the front was too obvious. I opened the door to see a "dead" survivor laying on the ground in front of me. Then he typed in direct "blood...bags..." luckily I had one on me for the poor soul, I picked him up and then heard a crack. My legs had snapped. I hadn't noticed the hatchet strapped to his back. (I was trying to go on a hero run, that's why I transfused him) He typed again in direct "think twice next time" and finished me off. It was midnight so I flinched when the bright red "YOU ARE DEAD" screen came up. Odd, it usually has a black background. It freaked me out so I tried to go to bed...

I woke up an hour later to the whirring of my computer. It had DayZ open for me. Hmmm, I think I need to find this guy and give him a nice plate of revenge. I sat down in my chair and reloaded the server. I woke up in the same fire station I thought I had just died in. Strange... I thought nothing of it, just thinking of how I was gonna kill this guy for breaking my legs. My legs were still broken so I crawled up the steps and found a shotgun with one pile of rounds. I picked it up and crawled my way down. I made my way down the steps and again, I found that same looking man with the hatchet laying on the ground. I crawled over to him and decided to take some items out of his backpack. Turns out he had five blood bags on him. "Poor sod" I thought to myself. I crawled out of the fire station making my way to the hospital. Lucky for me, there was some morphine there. Unlucky for me however, the man had followed me. He hadn't been dead, and he wanted his items back. He had the hatchet in his hands and typed "What did I say about thinking twice? Didn't Listen" and hit me enough times so I was on the brink of death. He transfused me. Then hit me again. This went on for about three or so times until he took all of my items and ran. I crawled all the way down to Cherno, and got swarmed by zombies. A sniper was on a nearby hill and took most of them out. By the time he got to me...

I was dead.

They say he is still out there... If you see him lying in the Elektro fire station, think twice before giving him a transfusion.

Edited by NinjaPancake6
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The curse of the Mountain Dew IS real.

I didn't believe it until this happened, but now I know.

I was looting Elektro, and managed to find a Mountain Dew and heard about a bus in Komarovo.

I got there and it was all green, so I went and picked up my friend.

Less than a minute later a helicopter came flying down towards the bus and rocketed us, blowing the bus up and killing us both.

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I've heard stories of "Guardian Angels" I never believed them, how could someone be so nice in a wretched place like DayZ?

But I found mine

The story goes a little something like this.

"... and he usually carries a Winchester" My friend was telling me about a story he read about Guardian Angels in DayZ

"You know that's BS right?" I said to him

"Naw, it happens" He said back

"Whatever, I'm gonna go. See you tomorrow"

"Yeah, same"

We both logged. I had nothing to do so I logged onto a different server to try and make it my own server. I spawned on the beach of Cherno. It was night.

'Perfect' I thought to myself. 'Snipers will have a little more trouble sniping if they don't have NVG' So I decided to run to the hospital of Cherno, just in case anything went down. I snuck my way over to the grocery store. It was a long ways away considering I was on the east side of Cherno. As I got there though, what I saw was astonishing. At least 20 dead zombies... I checked the list, nobody else was on but me. 1/35. I thought this was odd so I tried to find some items. Nothing was there, the place was cleaned out before I got there. Maybe someone got there and then logged just as they cleaned it out. No, I would have seen a message saying "*username* has left" or something like that. I decided to walk out the back door. I saw a fully loaded UAZ. Sweet! This is mine now. I found a nice place in the wilderness to park it, then logged off. I logged back in the next day and checked my map. I was right at the bottom of Green Mountain... My UAZ was gone. 'Well obviously, bandits probably camp for Bambi's looking for the myth' I thought 'Of course they would find it' So I decided to head up the mountain and find some supplies

There were 5 bandits waiting for me. They all had either an AKM or an M4A3. They saw me and locked their sights. They started firing. I thought for sure I was dead. But they were shooting behind me. At a piss load of zombies coming up the hill. I made a mad dash and found my UAZ around the back. 'There you are my pretty!' I thought to myself. I drove as fast as I could down that hill. I crashed into a pole near Stary after a while. The car was on fire and my legs were broken. There was no way I was getting out of this. I crawled away about 3 meters and fell into unconsciousness.

Then I saw him.

A man with a Winchester strapped to his back. He dragged me away about 15 meters or so until I woke out of unconsciousness... But fell right back in. He went through my pack. "Hey what are you doing!" I wanted to shout in direct. I woke up and was about to train my sights right on his forehead... When I had realized he took out a morphine and blood bag from my pack. I didn't even know I had those. He transfused me and fixed my broken legs. I asked what his name was in direct and got no response. Just a salute and a vanish into the night. Then... What astonished me the most that night. In his tracks... He left me a ghille suit, sniper, and more essentials to lead me on my way.

I thank any survivor who saves my life to this day. I make sure to leave my beans too.

If I ever see that man again.

I'll make sure to give him some of my items.

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can anyone tell me how to the status sort of thing, like On the coast,or bean king. CAN SOMEONE tell me i really want to know

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Do not know if it qualifies as the story took place on Namalsk, but nevertheless.

I have played countless hours on Namalsk, both on private servers and a server I own. Many locations around that cursed map feel "off" but none causes me to more frequently look over my shoulder than Old Hospital. Two "happenings" stand out more starkly in memory than others.

In the first instance, I was introducing a friend to DayZ some months back. He spawned in over on the small island east of Old Sawmill - we had briefly set a camp there. Keep in mind that he had played DayZ for a total at that point of perhaps a few hours divided between several different maps, so yes, he was a greenhorn and also, yes, a Namalsk veteran server is not the kindest map for noob training.

So I flew over in my KA-60, picked him up and proceeded to land just outside the wall outside Old Hospital to conduct a bit of training. We proceeded stealthily inside the wall, and then into the office building. As I narrated the do's and don'ts of looting (I let him take the upper floors), he cried out over TS3. When I reached the second floor I saw what would be the first of several player corpses who had died while standing and remained standing. It was as if some unknown force of death had blown in on the chill wind off the frigid sea and had ended their cyber lives in mid step. Of all the many, many instances of death I have come across in my DayZ career, that encounter with the standing corpses sticks out as the creepiest. Needless to say, my friend was unsettled and wanted to bug out.

The second instance, I was ironically in that same office building in Old Hospital, looting the third floor (inside), when I happened to turn around while crouched with my back to the stairway. Now keep in mind that this was back in my early DayZ days when I would take the time to literally crawl into an area to avoid zombie aggro. I swear to this day that I had not aggro'd a single zombie while getting into the office building, but at any rate.

So I turned around at the top of the third floor staircase - just in time to see a lone zombie crawling (yes, crawling) silently up the stairs, clearly intent on making his next snack out my hide. For some reason I was so darn startled that instead of reacting as normal, I just sat there ... frozen as cold as the Namalsk highlands. One zombie hit later I was knocked flat on the the tiles, bleeding and being munched on by that creepy crawling zed. Took some time before I entered that building again. Still gives me the shivers.

Overall, I do not know what it is about Old Hospital that whispers doom to my ears on the gelid breeze, but let me warn you; that place will rear up and snap shut it's jaws before you can work the trigger on that high tech automatic firepower clenched in your cold, dead fingers.

Edited by Saethkept
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can anyone tell me how to the status sort of thing, like On the coast,or bean king. CAN SOMEONE tell me i really want to know

This is no legend or myth.

The more you post it will......change!

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I just had to create and account after reading some of these legends... in the second page or so, someone mentions seeing a so-called zombie lord that lead a pack of zombies behind him.

I met him today

I just got this game downloaded and decided I'll go on a noob friendly server to get the hang of the game. It was a bit hard, died a few times, and the only gun I found was a double barreled shotgun. So, with said shotgun, I ran in the direction of a large city, passing through a smaller town. And then he showed up...

At first I thought "what a dick, trying to get those zombies on me cause he can't handle them with his hatchet" so I ran off the road and got behind a house, frantically trying to communicate "what are you doing!".

I get no response, and walk back to the front, the zombies were still there and before I knew it the player took a swipe at me with his axe, breaking my bones!

"You're useless! You can't run!" Cracked in voice chat, in a barely decipherable voice. I fired both of my shotgun shells, both missing cause of the shock both me and my character was in.

"You're useless! Now your shotgun is out of ammo!" In desperation, I crawled into the aforementioned house in order to have time to switch to my own hatchet. The zombies took pursuit of me, but I managed to take a few down. However, I was already bleeding out from the initial hatchet attacks and the subsequent zombie bites so I fell unconscious as the player and the rest of his zombies strolled in the house. But right before the you're dead screen as the assailant stared at my helpless body:

"You're useless"

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Just had another one today but not as crazy as the last one. So, I had teamed up with a total stranger (cause wth not?) To try to fix up a heli in cherno at night. We were also looking for guns cause our loadout was shit (although I had by chance found two weapons with flashlights attached). I was going inside a guard post for loot when the door breaks my bones AND knocks me out when I opened it. So, I waited around for the knock out to clear up and then told my buddy I needed help. Now, he had a strange thing about throwing chemlights which I didn't like cause our flashlights do the same thing without alerting zombies (and I had given him one of the flashlight guns so he wouldn't leave himself vulnerable). Regardless, he threw one right where I was.

I see that I was SURROUNDED by zombies (about 8-10), all of them standing at the edge of the chemlight's light. Immediately I wanted to punch my partner for what he did and scream like a girl because of how screwed we were. But then, the oddest thing happened. I assume one of the zombies had aggroed to him instead and in one blow knocked him unconscious. Immediately, all of the zombies ignored me and went after my friend to feast on him. I switch to my hatchet to silently kill the zombies, although I wasn't able to save him as he died right after I killed one of them. Afterwards, I got the morphine he had on him and logged out afterwards cause I was not gonna continue playing at night after that.

I guess the moral of the story is don't use chemlights unless you know you're safe? Also, doors are dangerous.

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Well, a hacker breached our server and started spawning dogs. Our Admin, who talked to us before we embarked on a journey to Berezino, told us that he banned the hacker but couldn't remove the dogs. So, until server restart, he told us that he estimated that twelve to twenty dogs had spawned. Me and my friends shrugged this off, and we took it a bit like this "What can a couple of puppies do to us?". Well, we found out tonight. Roughly an hour and a half ago, we stopped to start a fire and crack open a can beans before we call it quits. There we are, goofing around animations and having a good meal, when Greg(actual name withheld)said something along the lines of this; "Hey dude, did someone light a flare over there?". And sure enough, roughly sixty meters away there were two dim lights shining. Little did we know, ArmA has a neat feature of animals eyes reflecting ambient light at night. So, we decide to stray away from the fire to check out the source of light. The four of us, three of which armed with fully automatic rifles and one with a very big shotgun approach the general area of the light. A bark breaks the silence. That bark brought back terrifying memories of a very traumatic mission in the A2 singleplayer involving, you guessed it; attack dogs! Ian begins to let curse words fly as three or four quadruped canines delight in making a meal out of his rump. Greg shines his chemlight ahead of us, and we are greeted by the gracing sight of at least ten dogs sprinting towards us at full speed. We fire frantically, with little affect. Bill goes down, and me and Greg make a sprint out of the tree line. We turn behind us to fire off a few shots, killing two or three of the dogs. Greg turned around to count how many were chasing us. He got to fifteen before they caught up to him. Luckily I had my Gamma and HDR jacked up, so I could see pretty well on our full moon nights. In the distance, I see headlights. I decided to try my luck with whoever was driving the car, which turned out to be a red VW Golf. As I approach him, he screams over chat; "PUT DOWN THE GUNS DUDE FRIENDLY!", and I scream in response "FUCKING DOGS!". He gladly invites me in, and I get inside. "Dude, you saved my life. Thanks man!". "Don't mention it," he replies. We sat there for a minute or two, staring at the German Shepards and Maltesians making quite a bit of effort to get to our precious throats for ripping. We drive off, and I guide him back to our camp to get some gear and give him a few goodies in return for saving my life. We then drive to Berezino, where I log off safely in a bush. That was the scariest moment in my DayZ life.

Edited by Cap'n
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