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Where do I find those stuff? (.57 stable)

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Here are some stuff I picked off dead bodies and I have not a single idea where can you find them? anyone knows?


Hunting Scope



SVD Dragunov






Please tell me where to find those stuff if you can because I could really use finding them again. Thanks!!

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SVD is chopper crash mostly and I think very low chance of humvee spawn


Hunting scope is found in hunting stands and the sheds with the little ladder in front of them- I call them feed shacks but I don't know what they are.


AKM is around tanks but ti's a lower spawn rate than most other AK weapons. Drum mags are by the guard houses.

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The hunting scope can be found especially in:


The evac site towers in Stary Sobor, and hunting stands.



I found a SVD in a heli crash site, which is static right now, there are just 3 locations, located roughly around the northwest part of the map.


Havent seen a AKM YET myself, but, as illustrated by your photo, fairly sure they are out there.

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Uhm, where do I find tanks? They sound like a good loot spot?

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Go and find them for yourself? Perhaps with the aim of one of the several online Chernarus maps? Just a thought.

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Uhm, where do I find tanks? They sound like a good loot spot?

Military convoy on Northern edge of the map by severograd military base, neaf, vybor, myshinko tents, zelenogorsk and probably a few other places but not 100%. Gatehouses probably spawn them too but at a low rate not certain of that

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Hunting Scope is easily found in schools as well as the hunting stands. SVD is exceptionally rare, and found at Russian Heli crash sites. The ghillie covering on the SVD shown in your picture is crafted, and cannot be found except on bodies of survivors. Those crash sites, 3 as of 0.57 stable, are best found using an online map to help locate them. Guard houses are located in almost every populated area, and have a variety of military gear. Some larger towns have several.


There are several videos of survivors posting "how-to" guides and such which are worth the time if you are still needing guidance. But know this, bandits frequent the hottest loot spots regularly. I would suggest sticking with easy to find weaponry located in houses and jails until you get the hang of it before trying for the others.


Either way, good luck out there.

Edited by Silverwind
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guard shacks for the AK-crap, SVD at heli crash the russian one, deer stands for hunting scope thats where i found all the stuff you listed. the heli crash by vybor if you can make it there for restart is where i found my SVD have some other goons with ya because that place is a meat grinder sometimes.

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Uhm, where do I find tanks? They sound like a good loot spot?

This explains so much. This completely explains your belief that the mod had better diversified loot than SA... you don't actually know where anything spawns in SA.



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I found my AKM at NW airfield and all of its attachments in the guardhouse in zelenegorsk. As for the svd and hunting scope, what the others have been saying.  

Edited by thatguyoverthar11
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I don't remember asking people here how to play the game when I started a year ago. It's a game. Get out there and take your chances.

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Thanks to everyone who gave me answers! Enjoy my beans :D

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Hunting scope - found in some feed huts in the woods and I think in a deer tower too.  

Drum Mag - Around the crashed armoured cars 

SVD - Heli crash site.  

Edited by wacktopia

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Has anyone found a Map that marks Crashed Humvee Locations, I can't remember them all off the top of my head, only 7 or 8 come to mind.


and or other locations for SVD mags, I search Gaurdhouses, heli crashes frequently enough

Edited by RyanH

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Has anyone found a Map that marks Crashed Humvee Locations, I can't remember them all off the top of my head, only 7 or 8 come to mind.


and or other locations for SVD mags, I search Gaurdhouses, heli crashes frequently enough

Have not seen a map that has the crash locations for Humvee's yet, but SVD mags that  I have found so far have been at Military Bases and Guard Houses. The actual ammo, unless emptying a mag to retrieve, has been in residential houses and once at the Military Base. That ammo hasn't been easy to find for me at all, so I just find mags and empty them when I can.

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