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dropped weapons

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I've only found this an issue if I don't pay attention to what I'm doing. Also I think they did this to avoid the whole deleting magazines bug when reloading, because now if there isn't room it just drops instead of disappearing into air.

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It can be annoying, yes. But this is more realistic and in my opinion it's better this way. I lost a pistol to this as well, it is frustrating but it's your fault. Since then, I'm very careful and I never lost another item. I always make sure I have space when I'm looting.


How is that at all realistic? That is the most mindbogglingly statement I've ever heard. I'm surprised so many of you are of this notion.


Example: I am in the woods (IN REAL LIFE) and I am holding an AK74U, and I pick some sticks for a fire. I throw the sticks into my backpack then go to stuff the AK74U into my backpack and now it refuses to fit. So, I remove the sticks from my backpack and put the gun inside. End of story.


In your "realism" the person would attempt to put the gun into their bag, but when the sticks take up a spot, the gun falls to the ground and the person has no idea they dropped the gun, then walks away.

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How is that at all realistic? That is the most mindbogglingly statement I've ever heard. I'm surprised so many of you are of this notion.


Example: I am in the woods (IN REAL LIFE) and I am holding an AK74U, and I pick some sticks for a fire. I throw the sticks into my backpack then go to stuff the AK74U into my backpack and now it refuses to fit. So, I remove the sticks from my backpack and put the gun inside. End of story.


In your "realism" the person would attempt to put the gun into their bag, but when the sticks take up a spot, the gun falls to the ground and the person has no idea they dropped the gun, then walks away.

This ^

A lot of the things we do as humans work on autopilot. Packing a bag and ensuring we have enough room for important items would be one of them. 

Lets say I'm wearing a pack and a vest with pockets etc. In Day Z I pick something up and it automatically goes into the first open space, even if that is the worst possible place to put it. In the real world I pick something up and it goes where it's going to be most accessible/useful. Loose bullets and magazines go into a vest pocket for easy access. Food and drink get safely tucked away in a backpack etc.  

The current system has no logic.

Edited by Nicko2580

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How is that at all realistic? That is the most mindbogglingly statement I've ever heard. I'm surprised so many of you are of this notion.


Example: I am in the woods (IN REAL LIFE) and I am holding an AK74U, and I pick some sticks for a fire. I throw the sticks into my backpack then go to stuff the AK74U into my backpack and now it refuses to fit. So, I remove the sticks from my backpack and put the gun inside. End of story.


In your "realism" the person would attempt to put the gun into their bag, but when the sticks take up a spot, the gun falls to the ground and the person has no idea they dropped the gun, then walks away.

So you want a game to decide for you what items are important and which one are not? You think it's realistic when you take an AK out of your backpack (which is already unrealistic), it stays actually in there?

It doesn't fit in there and you want to take another item in your hands. So what do you do? Exactly, you put your current item on the ground and take the other item in the hand.

It drops the gun because there is no place to store it. Just how you would do it in real life. And when you go along and do something else you think "shit, my item".

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So you want a game to decide for you what items are important and which one are not? You think it's realistic when you take an AK out of your backpack (which is already unrealistic), it stays actually in there?

It doesn't fit in there and you want to take another item in your hands. So what do you do? Exactly, you put your current item on the ground and take the other item in the hand.

It drops the gun because there is no place to store it. Just how you would do it in real life. And when you go along and do something else you think "shit, my item".


That isn't like 'real life' AT ALL.

For a start, I wouldn't just drop my gun like a hotcake. I'd specifically place it somewhere safe and I'd be extremely aware of the fact that I'd put it down, which is not what happens in game. Secondly, no one is asking the computer to decide what's important. If I place an item in an inventory space it's obviously because I think it's important enough to be there. Guns triple so. 

I should get to decide how my inventory spaces are reserved. It should not just be a free for all for item pick up with the items just going into whatever open slot is available. That isn't how things would or should work. 

I should be able to designate vest pockets for ammo, backpack slots for food/water/medicine, pants pockets/holster for sidearms etc etc The computer is not deciding that, I am.

Edited by Nicko2580

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In a real life survivalist scenarion, who in their right mind would throw away their weapon just to fit a can of soda in there or because they need to walk over a 40 cm high fence? Nobody would ofcourse. As long as you got a notification of weapon dropped or something this system would be acceptable. As it is now its not working well and the old system was better.

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For a start, I wouldn't just drop my gun like a hotcake.

Well then, don't drop it. Guess you have to drop something else, you put something in its place, right, why did you do that? :blush:


It needs work, there is no feedback that you drop anything. But, to me it makes more sense this way. You take it out, its out.


Do you like auto-run, auto-aim, and in game instruction? I don't

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Well then, don't drop it. Guess you have to drop something else, you put something in its place, right, why did you do that? :blush:


It needs work, there is no feedback that you drop anything. But, to me it makes more sense this way. You take it out, its out.


Do you like auto-run, auto-aim, and in game instruction? I don't

Why did I do it? Because for the last 200 hours I've played Day Z it had a sensible inventory system that recognized when I put a weapon in my pack, I probably wanted to reserve those slots for that weapon as I would if I were packing a backpack IRL. 

I do like auto run. It makes no sense that I need to hold a key down to run especially for the distance that's required in this game, so I have a macro for that. I don't expect them to introduce an auto-run key, that's not necessary as I can fix that problem myself. I can't fix an inventory system that has no logic to it in where items are placed when I pick them up. However, allowing us to reserve slots for specific items would fix it beautifully and it also wouldn't impact your game if you chose not to use it. Personally, I'd like to reserve backpack slots for my food/water, vest slots for ammo and mags, shirt slots for compass and matches and other essentials so that when I pick up those items they're automatically placed in the slots I've decided they work best in. Just like what would happen in real life.

Auto-aim and tutorials aren't even in the same category so that's not an appropriate comparison.

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How is that at all realistic? That is the most mindbogglingly statement I've ever heard. I'm surprised so many of you are of this notion.


Example: I am in the woods (IN REAL LIFE) and I am holding an AK74U, and I pick some sticks for a fire. I throw the sticks into my backpack then go to stuff the AK74U into my backpack and now it refuses to fit. So, I remove the sticks from my backpack and put the gun inside. End of story.


In your "realism" the person would attempt to put the gun into their bag, but when the sticks take up a spot, the gun falls to the ground and the person has no idea they dropped the gun, then walks away.


This raises a good point and I like it better than having a "phantom" item reserving the slots, the game should simply just not let you put the gun away until you have room or you purposefully do an action to drop it.  That way, it's still a matter of if you throw things randomly into your inventory and don't have space, then that's your fuck up but you aren't going to straight up drop whatever is in your hands because of it.

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This raises a good point and I like it better than having a "phantom" item reserving the slots, the game should simply just not let you put the gun away until you have room or you purposefully do an action to drop it.  That way, it's still a matter of if you throw things randomly into your inventory and don't have space, then that's your fuck up but you aren't going to straight up drop whatever is in your hands because of it.

But it's not a phantom item. It's an item you've designated for that specific place about your person. You can't tell me that if you're wandering around the apocalypse trying to survive, you're just gonna stuff whatever you pick up wherever it fits? No. You're going to have a logical order for the way you pack your gear. 

For example you pick up a can of beans. In Day Z at the moment it goes into the first available slot. Now imagine this in a real scenario, you pick up a can on beans. Your first available pocket is the breast pocket on your shirt. Are you gonna shove the beans in there? No. It makes zero sense and if you rendered half of our characters with the items where you've actually put them, you'd have people with 9 can's of beans stuffed into a shirt pocket. It's silly.

Edit: In the absence of a system where each time you pick up an item you manually allocate the spot to put it in, I think pre-reserved spots is the best system to simulate how you'd do this in real life. 

Edited by Nicko2580

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The worst is when it drops it on the ground and it vanishes.


What's stupid is if you went to put something in a bag in real life, if it doesn't fit you're still holding it. If they don't want to reserve space when you draw your weapon they should at least prevent the item from being dropped.


I also don't like the new bag system. You can't organize them into a proper order without dropping them on the ground and risking them vanishing. If they don't want to keep the old order for items they should let you move them around in the inventory screen.

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But it's not a phantom item. It's an item you've designated for that specific place about your person. You can't tell me that if you're wandering around the apocalypse trying to survive, you're just gonna stuff whatever you pick up wherever it fits? No. You're going to have a logical order for the way you pack your gear. 

For example you pick up a can of beans. In Day Z at the moment it goes into the first available slot. Now imagine this in a real scenario, you pick up a can on beans. Your first available pocket is the breast pocket on your shirt. Are you gonna shove the beans in there? No. It makes zero sense and if you rendered half of our characters with the items where you've actually put them, you'd have people with 9 can's of beans stuffed into a shirt pocket. It's silly.

Edit: In the absence of a system where each time you pick up an item you manually allocate the spot to put it in, I think pre-reserved spots is the best system to simulate how you'd do this in real life. 


I get what you're saying but at the same time I think that it is just the drawback of dragging/picking up an item instead of manually picking where to put it, which you can do.


So if I have 4 slots in my pack for my pistol, and I'm just picking up an item and dragging it to my general inventory/double clicking it, then that's the equivalent of just shoving it where ever it fits even if it would be stupid to do so irl.  Manually choosing to put it in my vest pocket instead or whatever is the equivalent of me deciding to do that irl.  An option to choose which bag gets priority might be nice though.


So I think if you just didn't automatically drop what's in your hand simply because it doesn't fit, it would be a fine solution.  The slots don't need to be reserved specifically for the item, but you aren't in the stupid scenario we have now where your character just goes "OH WELL" and drops it.  It's like the scenario I quoted, you find some sticks and just shove them in then realize oops I need to fit this other item in there and rearrange.  Having to manage your inventory is a good thing, items disappearing is the bad thing.

Edited by Bororm

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Right now it's hard to understand what their vision is, eventually this will become clear. Everything we're talking about might become irrelevant, hard to say. I have a feeling everything as we know it might change.


Being able to drag gear (backpack, vest, holster) around in order might be part of managing everything too. They probably have this thought out, we're just seeing one part which looks nonfunctional.  


I was thinking having items fall down within the backpack would be kinda cool. So if you take a item 1x1 out at the bottom and other 1x1s where above it, they would fall down. If a 2x2 was above it, it would block items from falling. Just a thought.

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Nobody throws items into their now open slots when looting with their secondary drawn and then sorts through the food and such once they leave town? That sounds like a legitimate "IRL" tactic to me. And I do it in game. It works especially well when playing with another player or two.

I move into the town/base with my AK74U drawn and my blaze on my back. I now have 12 more slots available than I would have in previous patches. I grab food, drinks, ammo etc. while looting, and then leave the town/base. I rendezvous with my team, distribute the loot, and then can replace my AK74U into my pack.

Imagine taking fire from a sniper and hastily trying to put your secondary away to climb down a ladder or draw your long range weapon. It's not hard to imagine that you wouldn't notice your pistol sliding out of your pack during the commotion because there isn't enough room left anymore.

Man up and adapt. Stop whining. UI isn't complete yet.

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Nobody throws items into their now open slots when looting with their secondary drawn and then sorts through the food and such once they leave town? That sounds like a legitimate "IRL" tactic to me. And I do it in game. It works especially well when playing with another player or two.

I do that too, but having the ability to reserve slots doesn't stop you doing that. Just gives you extra options for when you pick up loot you know you'll be keeping like ammo, medical supplies etc. It also doesn't stop you allocating stuff to slots reserved for the weapon if you wish to do so, even in the previous setup. It just doesn't default to doing that in this patch, which I think is a big mistake.

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I do that too, but having the ability to reserve slots doesn't stop you doing that. Just gives you extra options for when you pick up loot you know you'll be keeping like ammo, medical supplies etc. It also doesn't stop you allocating stuff to slots reserved for the weapon if you wish to do so, even in the previous setup. It just doesn't default to doing that in this patch, which I think is a big mistake.

Reserve slots? I don't follow. I couldn't put stuff in my high cap vest that was holding my SMG in previous patches while it was in my hand. Now I can. You lost me.

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