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Military barrack, have they become 'minor' loot building

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Hey all,  I rarely hit military locations... but happened to be close to Zelenogorsk when my server restarted, so i thought i'd check out the military location on the south of town.


In the barracks was piss all, a canteen and several gas stoves. The rest of the mil loot building and APCs had decent loot.  I then had the exact same experience several hours later at the military base south of Pavlovo.  Only gas stoves. Both i hit up both within 5 mins of server restart.. didn't see anyone and the areas appeared unlooted.  Just piss all in all 5 barracks i entered.  (and yes i look under beds!)


Have these barracks been nerfed?  Is it new or like this for some time?  Or was i just very unlucky?


Just curious. Cheers.

Edited by MadTommy

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Maybe, I played two times ( all intogether maybe 5-6h) since update and didn´t looted one barrack but found so much guns, ammo and scopes. It´s too much right know and I think they will nerf it down after a while and bring back the barrack.

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I have not found anything in .mil barracks other than the odd gas stove. This was at Zelenogorsk, south of Vybor and also at NWAF. Jail buildings basically empty as well, even after server restarts. Also nothing in the tents just above NWAF, nor the refugee tent city west of Myshkino. 

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I found one military barrack with a bunch of various coloured hicap vests in the shower room. But the rest of that barrack, as well as the others in the base near vybor were empty.

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I'd assume that once more iterations of the CLE have been implemented, and all items have been saturated into the item pool for widespread testing, that we'll start to see more of a balance of item spawning, based on rarity (see: this week's status report).

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Sometimes I find alot others I find nothing. The last time I was at Vybor base 2 of the 3 were for the most part epmty aside from random odd things that worth useles to me and then the final I found an AKM, 1 mag, ammo, canteen and a sposin backpack.

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The entire system of distribution seems to be broken - 90% of the valuable loot is strewn on the porches of guard posts and around broken vehicles. Most buildings are empty.

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  On 6/13/2015 at 11:37 AM, wartzilla said:

The entire system of distribution seems to be broken - 90% of the valuable loot is strewn on the porches of guard posts and around broken vehicles. Most buildings are empty.

It's a feature, not a bug... :P

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  On 6/13/2015 at 11:37 AM, wartzilla said:

The entire system of distribution seems to be broken - 90% of the valuable loot is strewn on the porches of guard posts and around broken vehicles. Most buildings are empty.

How can something be broken when it's not ever been completed... Do you look at a building half way through construction and say.... Mmmmm that building is broken?

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Entirely random loot doesn't make sense, I think people are misconstruing the potential implementation of the CLE.


It shouldn't randomize loot entirely, where a Deer Stand and a Barracks have the same chance of spawning an <insert rare item here>.


Barracks should still have an increased likelihood of spawning <insert rare item here>, they just shouldn't have an entire monopoly on said item.


That said, yes, barracks lately have been completely useless for getting any loot... much less decent loot.

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  On 6/13/2015 at 9:04 PM, Katana67 said:

Entirely random loot doesn't make sense, I think people are misconstruing the potential implementation of the CLE.


It shouldn't randomize loot entirely, where a Deer Stand and a Barracks have the same chance of spawning an <insert rare item here>.


Barracks should still have an increased likelihood of spawning <insert rare item here>, they just shouldn't have an entire monopoly on said item.


That said, yes, barracks lately have been completely useless for getting any loot... much less decent loot.

Yeah, I hope that is what the goal of CLE is. I agree 100% that as you get further away from said location, the likelihood of that style loot should fade. I don't expect to find many fishing nets in a castle up in the mountains, and a military sword should seldom ever spawn in a school on the coast.

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Has anyone had luck finding military clothes such as ttsko and gorka? I have found one of the new military jackets (8 slots) in the new school building.

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Somewhat related I have found lots of 75rd drums and some 30rd AK mags but have not seen a single AKM anywhere. Have found lots of AK74's and a few Krinkovs. Are the AKM's spawning in really random places now or have I just been unlucky?

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  On 6/13/2015 at 9:16 PM, NOLA Chris said:

Has anyone had luck finding military clothes such as ttsko and gorka? I have found one of the new military jackets (8 slots) in the new school building.



Prison Island has all the TTsKO pants and jackets you could ever want. Some Gorka gear and cargo pants as well but much more TTsKO. 

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  On 6/13/2015 at 9:35 PM, Taco Tuesday said:

Somewhat related I have found lots of 75rd drums and some 30rd AK mags but have not seen a single AKM anywhere. Have found lots of AK74's and a few Krinkovs. Are the AKM's spawning in really random places now or have I just been unlucky?


Saw and AKM in a hanger.

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I like it how military gear is more accessible, like the vests ect! Way more fun i your already usually short DayZ lifespan!


One the other side, if it is accessible, does it means you shoot use it? (my personal answere is no)

Edited by Hemmo NL

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  On 6/13/2015 at 10:16 PM, Bororm said:

Saw and AKM in a hanger.



Just found an AKM, swapped the AK74 for it, dumped all my 5.45x39 ammo and mags, picked up one 30rd AKM mag and was looking at a 75rd drum stuck in vest when the server restarted. New loot, no drum when I got back on. Checked a few of my new favorite porches and found a drum and another 30rd mag. Although now that you can reliably two hit kill zombies with a fire axe I doubt I'll be shooting much.

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Speaking of military stuff, where have the uniforms gone? I have secured 2 AK-74s,4 PM-73s,1 MP5, a SMERSH vest, 4 high capacity assault vest but not come by one TTsKO uniform or any Gorka uniforms.

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  On 6/14/2015 at 1:19 AM, Taco Tuesday said:

Just found an AKM, swapped the AK74 for it, dumped all my 5.45x39 ammo and mags, picked up one 30rd AKM mag and was looking at a 75rd drum stuck in vest when the server restarted. New loot, no drum when I got back on. Checked a few of my new favorite porches and found a drum and another 30rd mag. Although now that you can reliably two hit kill zombies with a fire axe I doubt I'll be shooting much.

I feel ya. Finally found a .22 pistol mag for my amphibia when "no message recieved" popped up and server restarted and after log in, new loot was present. Grrrr!

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  On 6/14/2015 at 1:25 AM, Dale Gribble said:

Speaking of military stuff, where have the uniforms gone? I have secured 2 AK-74s,4 PM-73s,1 MP5, a SMERSH vest, 4 high capacity assault vest but not come by one TTsKO uniform or any Gorka uniforms.

All uniforms are on the prison island in the south.

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Static military buildings should have very scarce amounts of military loot.


It wold make sense, they are already raided and what you find in them is slim pickings.


Dynamic spots like crashes should have more loot in general. This also rewards those who go forth and explore for the military loot while starving those that rely on the easy military static loot locations.

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What is the loot score house which you can't enter but has a porch which spawns epic .mil gear?


Found vests, guns, mags, RIS systems, ACOGs and clothes (Although I don't think military clothes).

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  On 6/14/2015 at 2:55 PM, gibonez said:

Static military buildings should have very scarce amounts of military loot.


It wold make sense, they are already raided and what you find in them is slim pickings.


Dynamic spots like crashes should have more loot in general. This also rewards those who go forth and explore for the military loot while starving those that rely on the easy military static loot locations.

Or, you can make the argument that the military bases were the last places standing, with the well-armed soldiers holding out better than the civilians in the towns. Therefore, no one was left to loot the military bases. At no point, has the lore said the military bases were raided. I do understand why you may want it that way, but truthfully, if you take away all 'hot spots' on the map, the game will lose it's appeal to a huge percentage of players. Considering the dev's are adding things like SVD's and new high powered scopes, I feel they are encouraging a game with a lot of PVP action, along with all the survival and zed stuff. 

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feels like loot abundance is not building type - relevant any more. Looks like distribution curve weights need some major tweaking, since same mil. barracks could spawn nothing, while same mil. rack in other place could spawn tonns of same stuff. Also seems like most part of military-style cloth has gone to prison.

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