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Whats the point of this?

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There is nothing to do on a game that has absolutely no loot, is your reading comprehension not up to government standards? As I have said, I have looted every building of a major town, finding NOTHING, not even a single item on multiple occasions. This is not a problem with how I play, its a problem with the game. 


Its hilarious how you guys still white knight the DayZ devs, this much progress after 2 years is why I regret buying this every day, and why A2 DayZ servers still out populate SA.

buildings are not the only place to find food, and if you stay in the same place trying to loot the same town over and over you will never find anything, especially near the coast unless you server hop like a madman.

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there is none..our grand-grand parents whould be super dissapointed knowing, us, wasting out precous life on this shit here...

yes, they did way better things like... having ten children, or... i don't know, what did people do back then? ride dinosaurs for fun?


he is completely right though, if you search for a reason in a computer game, search somewhere else

Edited by Zombo

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What is the point of this thread?



I don't know!

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