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Readable books and carving

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I have two suggestions. First, I would like to see some sort of carving ability on your weapons. Initials, hash marks for kills, the name of your rifle, a sick design, coordinates, anything you could fit. Depending on how much it would take, you could expand it to trees and such. Also, using spray paint to mark houses (or really anything) would be awesome.

Second, what if we could read the books that we pick up? Maybe tone down the amount of titles, as I assume keeping that much data in reserve would be taxing, but make them able to be read while you're waiting around for your friends to show up and have already put the zeds down for their naps.

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You can already read books, just put the book in the hotbar and select that number.

Edit: Oh and we've always been able to read all of these books. Enjoy the tons of classics in here. I usually read a couple verses from the bible before I execute someone.

Edited by Stryker7x
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Readable books already implemented.

I think that the carving system could be really cool and add a new level of uniqueness amd customization not present in any other game (that I can think of). However, a completely realistic and unlimited system would require data processing that I don't think the current engine (or any other modern game engine for that matter) could handle properly. But who knows, maybe it is possible and I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Edited by OnionOfShame

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Carving system would be cool, But every gun you pick up will have a dick carved into it.

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I had no idea! Thanks for telling me how to read them!

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I think it would be pretty cool if we could add custom carvings onto our weapons, for example strikes for people killed, names, etc. I know it sounds a little CoD like but I think there's a place for something like this in DayZ

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I think it would be pretty cool if we could add custom carvings onto our weapons, for example strikes for people killed, names, etc. I know it sounds a little CoD like but I think there's a place for something like this in DayZ



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Second, what if we could read the books that we pick up? Maybe tone down the amount of titles, as I assume keeping that much data in reserve would be taxing, but make them able to be read while you're waiting around for your friends to show up and have already put the zeds down for their naps.

You can already read books, just put the book in the hotbar and select that number.

It's amazing how few people know this. I blame the less-than-obvious method of opening a book, otherwise I think more people would stumble upon this feature.


Though it seems almost unbelievable, there are 100+ books in the game that are readable cover-to-cover. That's some Skyrim or GTA level of depth right there.

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It's amazing how few people know this. I blame the less-than-obvious method of opening a book, otherwise I think more people would stumble upon this feature.


Though it seems almost unbelievable, there are 100+ books in the game that are readable cover-to-cover. That's some Skyrim or GTA level of depth right there.

Oh I know, it's awful how clunky it is, plus I don't like having to fill up my hotbar with books, especially back when I could actually fill up my hotbar with stuff, nowadays it isn't too big a bother. But yeah sometimes I'd just sit inside my camp reading a book waiting for my groupies to get on or come back. (Oh and I don't remember GTA having books, so they just need to get to our level ;) Nah, good game.)

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You can already read books, just put the book in the hotbar and select that number.

Crutches. Crutches everywhere. Why the hell we can't just select "Read" from dropdown menu after right-clicking on book in out inventory?

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