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About mike49

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  1. FPS was also just as bad as on stable :/ lucky you
  2. This happened on 0.58 lol - literally first house I went into. This never happened on previous builds.
  3. I only play vanilla servers
  4. My experience with experimental - go into house, no loot, run out - LEGS BREAK. Alt-f4. NOPE.
  5. I find a lot more people, a lot more friendly people in the mod than I do in the stand alone. In SA, everyone tries to kill you with whatever melee weapons they have, not trying to team up or even work together for a little while. I've worked with other armed players (even bandits) that didn't try to kill me at the first opportunity. This has never ever happened to me in SA. Plus, it actually feels like you're more likely to bump into other players in random towns or villages, outsize Berezino/Elektro, which are the two main hubs in SA. Anyone else found this to be true?
  6. mike49

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    Buying assets can save the devs a LOT of time
  7. mike49

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    So one, probably incredibly rare weapon you'll likely never see, is going to spoil your entire DayZ experience? Just because it EXISTS? That's absurd
  8. mike49

    Readable books and carving

    I think it would be pretty cool if we could add custom carvings onto our weapons, for example strikes for people killed, names, etc. I know it sounds a little CoD like but I think there's a place for something like this in DayZ
  9. mike49

    Dear DEV team

    Yeah I remember them saying bikes might not even make it into the game because they're tricky as hell to code apparently. To be honesty the motorbike and bike model from Arma 2 was of barely acceptable quality so even porting that wouldn't be a good idea imo. If they do manage to make a semi-believable motorbike/bicycle system I'd be very happy!
  10. mike49

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    I honestly don't see how a pistol can break the immersion. After all we had the Predator Vision OHK machine aka AWS50 thermal in the mod... Cmon people!
  11. mike49

    Gold Desert Eagle .44

    Absolutely splendid job on the model, very detailed!
  12. mike49

    dark nights, when?

    There's no point arguing with that guy, he's in denial thinking gamma abuse isn't an exploit. Also, think I found his pals from SPECIAL Forces. To the topic at hand - I was fine with the mod-type pitch blackness so I'm fine with what it is now, but people are never going to play night time if we have 24/7 daylight servers and the gamma exploit. Those two things should be addressed before doing anything to the night darkness.
  13. mike49

    DayZ Mod or Standalone?

    It's tough to say, but if you haven't played before, I'd go with the mod. Gets you used to the concept of DayZ, allows you to learn the map and experience something a little less buggy and frustrating than the SA in its current form. I'd recommend sticking to Vanilla DayZ servers or DayZero version of the mod (if they still have their servers up). Avoid things like Epoch, Origins and custom maps as they're not great (Namlask without the blood suckers could be considered good).
  14. mike49

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    I think teamwork is something that should be encouraged, but having other people should never be a prerequisite when wanting to complete a task. Having more people in your group I would always see as an advantage (up to a certain point it could be argued) over the lone wolf playstyle. With a larger group you're undoubtedly safer and are able to make better use of loot, this is because: strength in numbers - a single person might think twice about attacking a group of 4 looting is quicker - therefore less time spent in towns and other dangerous areasyou can loot "luxury" items - items that could be seen as situation or not necessary for immediate survival might be ignored by a lone wolf trying to make the most of out backpack spaceeasier to spot things - having extra pairs of eyes is in my opinion the single reason why working in a group is so great. Spotting other players, heli crash sites, watching your back, providing overwatch - these are all things which are invaluable.less wasted loot There's obvious downsides to working in a group, such as the need to share food, water and medical supplies, you're also much easier to spot when moving as a team, as generally groups tend not to be as careful when looting small towns as lone survivors.
  15. mike49

    How hard should DayZ be?

    Unfortunately, I remember reading something about motorbikes and bikes being too difficult to add to the game. I don't know if there's an official statement whether these will be added.