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Persistence Hunting

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I would love to see persistence hunting as an aspect of the final version of this game. Human beings are capable of using sweating to regulate heat. This gives us a great advantage over prey animals. While they have to pant to cool down, something their incapable of doing at full speed, humans can run long distances without overheating. If it's hot out the animal is eventually forced to slow down and may even overheat and pass out. Meanwhile the human hunter approaches at a manageable temperature and collects its prey.


We sort of have this at the moment, what with being able to chase an animal  until it snags on something, but I think it'd be a really cool feature. It could also lead people significantly inland while giving them a source of food to get them the rest of the way safely!

Edited by albinoclock

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I have seen survival shows on tv of africans persistence hunting and you do realise its a 16 hour ordeal right? In this game where your body is already strained from lack of food and having the mental stress of being in a zombie appocalypse it just wouldn't work. Also only a select few from a tribe is able to do it because they dedicate their whole lives to training for it. I would much rather see sneaking up to a "pig" for example and sticking it with a knife make it in.

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Oh. OH. 'Persistence' hunting is a bit of a misleading title given that persistence is already a term used in-game.


Hunting is impossible without a gun. You'll be extremely lucky to get close enough to an animal to use a bow, and even luckier to actually hit it. Hell, I've had animals run away from me because I had the audacity to crest a hill 500 meters away. The only animals I've been able to kill without a gun are the ones that bug out. Combine that with how difficult it is to actually cook anything and hunting, currently, just isn't worth the effort.


As such I'd like it if animals tired. It should take at least 10 minutes of near-constant running for an animal to start to tire. When a stamina system is in place I've no doubt that chasing a deer won't be all that easy, but it should be a viable way to hunt even if sneaking up on an animal or shooting it is a better method. 

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.. When a stamina system is in place I've no doubt that chasing a deer won't be all that easy, but it should be a viable way to hunt even if sneaking up on an animal or shooting it is a better method.

Maybe in the vast plains of africa it could be viable. But trying to chase something like a deer in hilly forest type terrain would be impossible as any deer hunter would tell you. You spook a deer in the woods, youll be lucky to see a white tail for 2-3 leaps and then it vanishes like a fart in the wind.

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Oh. OH. 'Persistence' hunting is a bit of a misleading title given that persistence is already a term used in-game.


Hunting is impossible without a gun. You'll be extremely lucky to get close enough to an animal to use a bow, and even luckier to actually hit it. Hell, I've had animals run away from me because I had the audacity to crest a hill 500 meters away. The only animals I've been able to kill without a gun are the ones that bug out. Combine that with how difficult it is to actually cook anything and hunting, currently, just isn't worth the effort.


As such I'd like it if animals tired. It should take at least 10 minutes of near-constant running for an animal to start to tire. When a stamina system is in place I've no doubt that chasing a deer won't be all that easy, but it should be a viable way to hunt even if sneaking up on an animal or shooting it is a better method. 


Hunting should be hard, unless you have a firearm. It should be the hardest "method" to find food, but the greatest return. I dislike how you only get like 12-15 steaks from a deer, and are capable of eating 5 of them in one go. A hunted animal should be a massive resource, with more than enough meat to feed a single person, to the point where you have to preserve the meat somehow.


A "medium-sized" deer is probably capable of feeding four people for about a week, assuming ALL the food available on the carcass is eaten (organs, fat, lean muscle, etc)


In "ancient times", very few people actually had the skills to hunt. The majority of the population was either farmers or foragers. Also, hunting (if not by bow and arrow), was usually done in large groups. 1 group would chase the animals into the waiting weapons of the second group.


ANd, I've totally hunted game with a bow before in Day Z. Hint: go prone, use terrain, and move from bush to bush.

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Maybe in the vast plains of africa it could be viable. But trying to chase something like a deer in hilly forest type terrain would be impossible as any deer hunter would tell you. You spook a deer in the woods, youll be lucky to see a white tail for 2-3 leaps and then it vanishes like a fart in the wind.

Which is why "endurance hunting" only really works in the tropics and savanna. In colder (read: temperate, which is where Day Z takes place), humans teamed up with wolves (AKA domesticated them) so we didn't have to do all the work. We would injure the animal, and the wolf, later dogs, would track it down.


A relationship almost as old as mankind.

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ANd, I've totally hunted game with a bow before in Day Z. Hint: go prone, use terrain, and move from bush to bush.


I've tried that. If you're able to stay behind them then it isn't too difficult to remain undetected, but they seem to be able to spot me from so far away. Of couse since I've not seen many animals (besides chickens which can be chased down quite easily) since the first or second iteration of the new animal AI so it's possible that they tweaked that.


And yes, hunting should be incredibly rewarding. As it stands it doesn't really seem to be worth the effort given the multitude of alternative food sources that are more readily available.

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I've tried that. If you're able to stay behind them then it isn't too difficult to remain undetected, but they seem to be able to spot me from so far away. Of couse since I've not seen many animals (besides chickens which can be chased down quite easily) since the first or second iteration of the new animal AI so it's possible that they tweaked that.


And yes, hunting should be incredibly rewarding. As it stands it doesn't really seem to be worth the effort given the multitude of alternative food sources that are more readily available.


Personally I'm always wondering why the Wild Boars run away so much and from such a distance away, they are certainly not shy animals and from what I've seen they are more likely to attach humans in close proximity than flee. Perhaps thats something I'd certainly wouldn't mind seeing, Wild Boars and Pigs actually charging players than running away if they get too close.

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Personally I'm always wondering why the Wild Boars run away so much and from such a distance away, they are certainly not shy animals and from what I've seen they are more likely to attach humans in close proximity than flee. Perhaps thats something I'd certainly wouldn't mind seeing, Wild Boars and Pigs actually charging players than running away if they get too close.

Have you tried Ted Nugent: Wild Hunting Adventure?  "Go slow, go gentle, but whatever you do, go wild."



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