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MERGED: Everything about DOGS

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Yeah, I agree that the main focus of dogs should be tracking, not attacking. They'd become the game's narrative driver.

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Wouldn't mind playing as one. Would be a good reason to let them be able to attack. ^.^

Letting them attack could be a good way of using a non-lethal way of subduing someone. Have it knock the person out after a couple bites.

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How about if you tell your dog to attack, it doesn't cause any damage but grabs a players arm, making it where they can't move, and can't attack.

Imagine you are a pretty fresh spawn, and lo-and-behold you find a dog.( They should be kinda rare). And you are stalking through the forest with your dog, when suddenly, a player appears over the rise. Instantly you prone, watching the player as he heads in your direction. As he nears, you see an Alice pack, sniper rifle, and silenced M9. You set your sights on him and tell your dog to attack. Quick as an arrow he shoots through the trees, zig-zagging towards the player. The player looses 2 shots, and they both hit your dog. But he is a tough little beast, and makes it to the player as he is reloading. Grabbing the player's arm, he bites on hard. You slowly swagger up to the player, who is surely shouting many obscenities at you.

Now, you open his pack, and BAM! he had an extra pistol in it. Taking the pistol and it's relative ammo, you take aim on the player and shoot him right between the eyes. He falls, dead.

You take everything, guns, ammo, pack, food, his NVG, etc... Now you are ready to set off. You turn to tell your dog it is Ok to release the body. But No! you see your dog is bleeding from the gunshots you check your pack and inventory for a bandaid, but finding none, you have no choice but to watch your dog slowly die. As he gets low in blood you here a high-pitched whimper. Slowly, it crawls toward you and rests it's head on your shoes...and the glimmer of light in his eyes leaves. Your dog is dead...

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Wild dogs would be a really cool thing. Perhaps zombies are unphased by animals? However, make it so that dogs can't attack zombies, or at least cannot kill them, but can only wound them, like breaking their legs.

Being able to "train" a dog would be interesting as well, perhaps there is only a small chance that a dog would be "friendly" to a player, and not trying to kill the player on sight?

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would be possible to place dogs in the Dayz? because if it is possible would be really cool.


3. july 2012 at UK 21 server near Cherno. Dont know what the hell it was. Couldnt kill it and it followed me around.

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The next person that suggests the introduction of DOGS without using the SEARCH function will get bitten where it hurtZ.


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would be possible to place dogs in the Dayz? because if it is possible would be really cool.


3. july 2012 at UK 21 server near Cherno. Dont know what the hell it was. Couldnt kill it and it followed me around.

It was a dog.

Honestly something like that would be cool' date=' with this image I can already see how the game would look


Zombies should just ignore dogs completely.

But we should sync them to our own character, so they do how we do, for example if we go prone, dogs should go prone too, and if we walk, dogs should walk as well.

And if we shoot, dogs should inmobilize any zombie that gets too close to us by biting their leg so we can have a chance to shoot them before they damage us

And we should be able to order them to stay and wait, while we go into a village to loot or

something, and use them as decoy so we can order them to bark and attract all the zombies, but of course zombies wouldn't want to kill the dogs, or maybe yes I don't know, and we would have a whistle to call them in case they get too far, and they would just run to us.

And if we run out of food, well, we all know what happens next.

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The only reason a dog could be useful is to track another player by picking up his scent so you can following him.

Having dogs for guarding is pointless as you just shoot them.

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