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DayZ Mod 1.8.5

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The server you mention, Razor, is the one running this illusive, which isn't in my list of versions. It isn't 1.8.5.

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  On 5/25/2015 at 3:58 PM, Sula said:

The server you mention, Razor, is the one running this illusive, which isn't in my list of versions. It isn't 1.8.5.


No idea what your saying/asking? what server did i mention?


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  On 5/24/2015 at 11:42 PM, SirTomo said:

Hi R4Z0R49,

Thanks for your reply above, unfortunately I'm still having issues with this. I have modified the startup.bat that you posted above to contain my file paths and correct names but I can't help but notice that it's only creating a normal ArmA 2 server (I think).. It doesn't show up with the server name rather my PC Name (because it's local) and then gives me a heap of different game modes to select from.

I'm not sure if this is because I'm missing the config.cfg from CFGDAYZ folder or not? I only have the files that I downloaded from the first page that were provided. I apologise for being a pain in the a$$ but I'm really keen and so excited to get this working as I have missed vanilla for so long :)

Any assistance would be hugely appreciated if you have the time, otherwise I completely understand if you cannot help :D

Here is what I have changed the startup.bat too

  Reveal hidden contents

@echo off

: :|=== Make sure you add "" if you have folder locations with spaces.

: :|=== Do Not Edit

set Homedir=%CD%

: :|=== Arma2OA game server path

set GameServerPath="C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\Vanilla DayZ Test Server\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead"

: :|=== Location ID giving from Devs-*** No spaces ***- ===

set servername=ava_dayz_vanilla

: :|=== Server ip ===

set serverip=

: :|=== Server port ===

set serverport=3306

: :|=== Addinal perms to start your server with ===

set addinalperms=-nopatchcheck -nopause -pid=pid.txt -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=2047 -exThreads=1

: :|== This is very important so you dont get ca_dubbing errors

set Arma2Folder="C:\Users\Luke\Desktop\Vanilla DayZ Test Server\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead"


title DayZ_%serverip%_%serverport% Watchdog


echo DayZ_%serverip%_%serverport% started.

start /D %GameServerPath% "DayZ_%serverip%_%serverport%" arma2oaserver.exe -ip=%serverip% -port=%serverport% "-config=cfgdayz\config.cfg" "-cfg=cfgdayz\basic.cfg" "-profiles=cfgdayz" -name=cfgdayz "-mod=%Arma2Folder%" "-mod=CA;@DayZ;@Hive" %addinalperms%

echo (%date%) (%time%) Waiting for Dayz to start.



goto armaloop




for /f %%a in (%GameServerPath%\pid.txt) do (

SET pid=%%a


taskkill /f /fi "status eq not responding" /im arma2oaserver.exe

echo (%date%) (%time%) ATTENTION: trying loop


tasklist /fi "PID eq %pid%" /FO TABLE | find /i "ARMA2OASERVER.exe"

if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto armaloop

if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="1" goto armacrashed



mkdir %GameServerPath%\%servername%

mkdir %GameServerPath%\%servername%\Logs\

echo (%date%) (%time%) ATTENTION: ArmA closed or crashed, restarting.

echo (%date%) (%time%) ATTENTION: ArmA closed or crashed >> %GameServerPath%\%servername%\Logs\LastCrash.txt


goto :StartServer


Thank you for all your help so far!

Kind regards, 



Hey dude for fun just copy your arma 2 "addons" folder to the arma2oa folder make sure the dayz client and server files are also in the same arma2oa folder and just create a simple bat file ala:


:: start the server..

set dayzpath="C:\yourserverfilespath\"

cd /d %dayzpath%

start "dayz" /min "arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=cfgdayz\config.cfg" "-cfg=cfgdayz\basic.cfg" "-mod=@DayZ;@Hive;"




if it still doesn't work then report back.


i suspect your files and or paths are incorrect.


edit: pm me so we don't clutter up the thread if you want.

Edited by B@ker

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Hey B@ker,

I cannot message you for some reason, it says you cannot receive anymore messages. 
Appreciate your help, I have done exactly what you replied on the thread. It's what I already had done but I still cannot get it to work :(
The only thing I'm noticing which seems to be pretty big as far as I'm aware is that I have no Config.cfg in the CFGDAYZ folder.. I have had that in every server I've have previously but odly the files that I have downloaded from here there is no Config.cfg.
Not sure of anything else that could be the problem, I really appreciate your help.

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:: start the server..
set dayzpath="C:\yourserverfilespath\"
cd /d %dayzpath%
start "dayz" /min "arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=cfgdayz\config.cfg" "-cfg=cfgdayz\basic.cfg" "-mod=locationtoarma2" "-mod=@DayZ;@Hive;"


dont copy your addons just add the location into the - mod line

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So new build is looking pretty good now i think we are getting close to the final dev build then stable a few days after.

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Honestly can't wait. I've picked up on a lot of dayz mod more. It's definitely enjoyable

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DevBuild. Dev-b725dcd



This build holds all the current changes listed here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/224597-rolling-changelog-186/


Server Info:


This should be the final build before release we have one or two cosmetic changes to make before release but nothing that should effect the final build. Any issues during this build should be corrected later in a hotfix or the next main patch.

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R4Z0R why are the SA58P and G36A gonna be removed from the loot spawns? Problems with attachments?

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  On 5/27/2015 at 1:32 PM, VidKo said:

R4Z0R why are the SA58P and G36A gonna be removed from the loot spawns? Problems with attachments?

Foxy will explain when he gets a sec but there's some up and coming work on these weapons.

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SA58P is virtually the same as SA58V and was removed in preparation for the SA58's future inclusion in the new attachment system. G36A was removed but we chose to instead add it back in while removing the suppressor attachment from it.

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  On 5/27/2015 at 6:35 PM, R4Z0R49 said:

Anyone know any good wiki system ?


I'm not really sure what you mean and why you're asking but here are some links:


As I understand it, with this solution you don't require your own web server and it seems like klick together.

This one seems to be "The Wiki", meaning it's the same that's used by the generally known wikipedia.
I have to admit however that I have no personal experience with either. I just found them here: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2399624,00.asp
Trying to help

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Oh OK I understand now. I think I said that in an other post already but to my knowledge there currently isn't any way to get recent information about the vanilla mod without reading through all the change logs (which is a pain in the ass, bc you don't know whether something has changed again in the later versions) or asking on he forum. All the wikis I know of and have used are outdated or contain information about either the standalone or other mods. And if you try to google stuff you will find either outdated stuff, information on other mods or information about the standalone. So there really is a need for a new wiki. Dayz Mod Vanilla only and I can tell you, you have to start from scratch. There would be so much to review and change, that it is easier to just start over again.


Here are two other websites I used to use:

http://dayzdb.com/(has a database about what weapons and vehicles there are and so forth but is not really a wiki, and the information is outdated.)

http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Mod:Weapons(used to be a good wiki back in the days but is outdated and is mixed with information about the standalone)


I would love to contribute to a new wiki but since I haven't played in a very long time I don't think I would be of much help. Also there is so much misinformation spread around the community that the start of a new wiki would be really hard. The things people I some times play with believe in (or don't believe) are amazing.


If I may suggest, I think the easiest way to start a wiki would probably be to define which topics are absolutely crucial and then choose some experienced players to create those pages. The topics could be chosen via the forum in a "Wiki pages suggestion thread". And people who would create the pages to those topics could apply via the forum (need to have a certain amount of posts in the forum to give an idea about how experienced they are).

Then the wiki would be created in a closed Beta kind of way, so only those chosen and the dev team have access. Once the important pages are made. The wiki could enter open Beta and people could create pages, which have to be reviewed by a "Wiki Mod" (preferably the ones that created the initial pages) before the page is made public. And once the wiki grows, people who have made a lot of posts which have been approved by the "Wiki Mods" can be promoted to be "Wiki Mods" themselves.


I hope this helps =)



EDIT: I just thought of an other Idea. Maybe it is possible to take an existing wiki and flag every page as old. Experienced players could then review the sites and approve if they are still up to date / relevant or edit the page.

Edited by QuimiQ

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I'd help contribute to a new wiki page as well. :)

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Yea just got to find a place to do one :-( they are all taken for other mods.

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Spoken with hicks this afternoon about allowing us to edit the map for dayzmod, fingers crossed should find out Monday.


On another note we have everything ready for the 1.8.6 push to stable Eugen has informed us it will be Monday.


Fingers crossed Monday might be a good day for us.

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  On 5/28/2015 at 4:18 PM, QuimiQ said:

Oh OK I understand now. I think I said that in an other post already but to my knowledge there currently isn't any way to get recent information about the vanilla mod without reading through all the change logs (which is a pain in the ass, bc you don't know whether something has changed again in the later versions) or asking on he forum. All the wikis I know of and have used are outdated or contain information about either the standalone or other mods. And if you try to google stuff you will find either outdated stuff, information on other mods or information about the standalone. So there really is a need for a new wiki. Dayz Mod Vanilla only and I can tell you, you have to start from scratch. There would be so much to review and change, that it is easier to just start over again.


Here are two other websites I used to use:

http://dayzdb.com/(has a database about what weapons and vehicles there are and so forth but is not really a wiki, and the information is outdated.)

http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Mod:Weapons(used to be a good wiki back in the days but is outdated and is mixed with information about the standalone)


I would love to contribute to a new wiki but since I haven't played in a very long time I don't think I would be of much help. Also there is so much misinformation spread around the community that the start of a new wiki would be really hard. The things people I some times play with believe in (or don't believe) are amazing.


If I may suggest, I think the easiest way to start a wiki would probably be to define which topics are absolutely crucial and then choose some experienced players to create those pages. The topics could be chosen via the forum in a "Wiki pages suggestion thread". And people who would create the pages to those topics could apply via the forum (need to have a certain amount of posts in the forum to give an idea about how experienced they are).

Then the wiki would be created in a closed Beta kind of way, so only those chosen and the dev team have access. Once the important pages are made. The wiki could enter open Beta and people could create pages, which have to be reviewed by a "Wiki Mod" (preferably the ones that created the initial pages) before the page is made public. And once the wiki grows, people who have made a lot of posts which have been approved by the "Wiki Mods" can be promoted to be "Wiki Mods" themselves.


I hope this helps =)



EDIT: I just thought of an other Idea. Maybe it is possible to take an existing wiki and flag every page as old. Experienced players could then review the sites and approve if they are still up to date / relevant or edit the page.

Now to find one no one else is using for dayz

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Initial feedback about map updates are looking good still some red tape fingers crossed.



For the latest news and info on dayz mod, follow us on twitter #DayZModDevTeam

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  On 5/29/2015 at 5:55 PM, R4Z0R49 said:

Initial feedback about map updates are looking good still some red tape fingers crossed.

This is really interesting news!


Could you say at this stage what kind of changes you'd be wanting to make?

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Prior to map updates, POI's were a great start to enhancing the map. I am quite curious on what kind of updates will be made towards the map?

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  On 5/29/2015 at 5:32 AM, R4Z0R49 said:

Yea just got to find a place to do one :-( they are all taken for other mods.



  On 5/29/2015 at 3:49 PM, R4Z0R49 said:

Now to find one no one else is using for dayz



I'm not quite sure if I'm understanding you correctly. Are you saying all the pages where you can create a wiki, already have a page about some DayZ mod and you cannot create a new wiki about te "same" game?


If that's the case, why don't you just host your own wiki on a webserver?




Also what is this "map updates" stuff you guys are talking about? Are you talking about maybe getting permission to add new buildings / make some enterable or add new Islands and stuff like that? Maybe even make pine trees not so over protective of the players who are invading their private space?

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  On 5/29/2015 at 11:18 PM, QuimiQ said:

I'm not quite sure if I'm understanding you correctly. Are you saying all the pages where you can create a wiki, already have a page about some DayZ mod and you cannot create a new wiki about te "same" game?


If that's the case, why don't you just host your own wiki on a webserver?




Also what is this "map updates" stuff you guys are talking about? Are you talking about maybe getting permission to add new buildings / make some enterable or add new Islands and stuff like that? Maybe even make pine trees not so over protective of the players who are invading their private space?


All of the above

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