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Should i pick full ghillie suit or just ghillie suit parts?

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Right now i've heard other rumours that u get hot really really fast using a full ghillie suit however it is well camouflaged, but then im not sure if they have the same temperature as ghillie parts which i mean the top, and hood. Which should i pick? Any suggestions? 

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Bush rag will be your best bet, you stay cooler and it provides roughly the same amount of cover as the full ghillie suit.

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im not sure.. bushrag will make you look wearing a bushy cape although ur pants can be easily seen when proned

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Title says it all. Also help me with tips using ghillie suit. I don't want to snipe but just hide when a player is passing by.

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Go full retard.

It's your best option, if you have a Smersh vest the ass pack will hang off the bottom of the suit.

Edited by ASTINvlogs
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I have made all of them and if you have camo pants and shirt such as TTSKO then I would go Ghillie top but if you don't then go full. The full will make you overheat even more and with this patch .55 I would choose none but if you must then go with the ghillie top. Bush rag is just to small and you might as well wear a backpack.

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I run full gullie + smersh, ttkso pants and Khaki Field jacket, (30 slots) and there's enough water on the map to dip in, and stay cool

 The heat is an issue. but once you learn how to deal with it. it's fine.


But without a smersh vest/or high cap vest, its not recomended, for space.

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I do not think taking a dip in full gear to cool off will stay viable for very long. It also makes you very dependent on ponds which makes you less flexible - while carrying a Ghillie also increases your need to loot as you cannot carry nearly as much (you either got no backpack or it's mainly occupied by your suit).


The bushrag is best when you travel around a lot while still providing some decent camouflage - I would recommend it for situational hiding. The top provides better camouflage but you will get hot much quicker (which is actually a good thing if you want to camp somewhere as you do not cool off as fast). The full ghillie is probably only viable for snipers (I never used it but I am getting hot very quickly with the top - and I consider my travel speed lower than average) but you might be able to stay still even under freezing conditions.


In the end the most practical option is not to use a Ghillie at all but sticking to green/khaki/olive clothes and backpacks.

Edited by Evil Minion

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You have to at least TRY full wookie :D good news is if you break down the suit you get half the burlap(5) and all the netting(4) back so thats good :D


Although I will say any kind of ghillie top is a substantial sacrifice in space, I have 20 slots and I find it very hard to pick what to keep and what to throw away with my hunter backpack.


Also as a note, something that wasn't clear for me but I suspected, ghilie top and ghillie bushrag covers your torso, the FULL Ghillie which is crafted as a single item covers your WHOLE body, legs and all.  You will still need to craft the hood separately.


You can also spray the full ghillie green which I think used to be impossible.

Edited by Velenon

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take the 2nd one. fully ghillie heats way too much for some extra leg cover.

the smallest one is a waste of time, nettings and burlap sacks, you're better of with gunwrap and hood only.

Edited by halp

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did i just reply twice to the same thread 9 days later ?


oh yes i did.





sry, lel.

Edited by halp

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I'm about to try out the ghillie for the first time. I only made gunwrap and hood and sprayed them, so far. I was gonna go for a ghillie top and brown hunter pants, and I think I still will. I think there will be enough storage just from my vest, pants and jacket. The only advantage of a full suit would be If I meet someone and decide he's unfriendly, I can take his backpack, break down the suit and travel back to camp or make a new one. You can't break down the other ghillie pieces, or can you? 

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You can break them but you only get out a netting and, i believe 50%(?) of burlap strips you had.

You can still carry the suit in a bag.


Im not sure about the following, but the ghillie top takes 1 slot less in height since this patch, meaning you still have 3x4 slots in your drybag. (you had 2x4 in 054)

Not sure if this goes for all the suits or it depends on the ghillie size bushrag < top < full ghillie

Edited by halp

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