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About IStreak

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. IStreak

    Looking for Teamate/Teammates.

    I wanna join! My steam id is Dave_six
  2. IStreak

    DayZ updating April 14?

    Is it updating or am i the only one who sees The Test 1 server and stuff?
  3. ok which has a higher temperature
  4. So is it bushrag? Full Ghillie suit? Top ghillie?
  5. Title says it all. Also help me with tips using ghillie suit. I don't want to snipe but just hide when a player is passing by.
  6. im not sure.. bushrag will make you look wearing a bushy cape although ur pants can be easily seen when proned
  7. Right now i've heard other rumours that u get hot really really fast using a full ghillie suit however it is well camouflaged, but then im not sure if they have the same temperature as ghillie parts which i mean the top, and hood. Which should i pick? Any suggestions?