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waterproofing spray

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I dont know if this has been suggested before but what would you guys think about having a waterproofing spray in the game.

it is something available in the real world and would give us a better option than just a waterproof jacket or gorka clothing.

it could use the same model as the can of spray paint but a diff colour and the way i thought about it was... pristeen clothes would get 100%

waterproofed then lower for worn, damaged e.t.c.

dont know how easy (or hard) it would be to impliment but to me sounds like it would be a good edition to the game.

what do you guys think ?

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I dont know if this has been suggested before but what would you guys think about having a waterproofing spray in the game.

it is something available in the real world and would give us a better option than just a waterproof jacket or gorka clothing.

it could use the same model as the can of spray paint but a diff colour and the way i thought about it was... pristeen clothes would get 100%

waterproofed then lower for worn, damaged e.t.c.

dont know how easy (or hard) it would be to impliment but to me sounds like it would be a good edition to the game.

what do you guys think ?


i vote we get something like this


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(Warning: I know nothing of waterproof spray other than it's not a legal substitute for windshield wipers)


So question: Does the spray work on fabrics, because I've only heard of using it on glass/metals.

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I prefer the solution I suggested in this thread:




The reason I prefer this method over finding a spray are obvious (to me). There are already beehive models in the game and honey (or rather bee products) have many useful qualities. You can waterproof cotton with the wax, eat the honey or use it as crafting component. Propolis is used against infection, Gelee Royal as a nutrient and so on. Lots of uses from a single resource. Spraying clothes could be an alternative to make them waterproof. But either way, you'd have to renew the coating after some time. But I think harvesting the hives will be fun and perhaps even educational ^^ You need a smoke pot and possibly a beekeeper's veil, both of which could be easily crafted from existing materials/models.   

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So question: Does the spray work on fabrics, because I've only heard of using it on glass/metals.


The item in question is, I believe, an aerosol, silicon-based solution. It's an ablative solution, so you'll need to reapply seasonally (and more often with heavy use), but it does an admirable (if not complete) job of waterproofing the item in question.


Basically, hang your coat on a rack and spray all along the outside. Poof, water slides off. I use it on any fabric-based shoes I own, absolutely every pair. Plus, you know, coats and overalls and other outdoor wear. The particular brand I buy comes in a can just a bit larger than a can of spraypaint.


One important question I can't answer off the top of my head is, "Does this stuff have an expiration date?" I don't know how stable the formula actually is over long periods of time.

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This should be in suggestions but i think being able to find rare items like this with MULTIPLE use should be a must. It would only further diversify the game with survival tools and uses for the items with various things. I could see this being a great thing for fixing tents, your jackets, or even a water proof backpack that somehow got torn in a fight.

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A posibillity i see whould be using FAT from killed beigns to soften up leather clothing or leather per se.


Cold ? Apply FAT. and have heatpack


Steaks burn too quick ? Add FAT and its a bit smoother *this could be archived in adding levels of *cooked*  = rare, medium, well done


Getting wet too fast ? FAT !


now imagine a barrel with enough specific FAT....or..a bathtube...



Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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A posibillity i see whould be using FAT from killed beigns to soften up leather clothing or leather per se.

The problem with fat is disease and vermin love it, too. Rubbing fat into everything you own is a good way to attract ticks.

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