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Consumable fluids etc

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I would really love to see a more in-depth approach to consumable fluids.

I think you should be able to regulate the amount of water you drink from your canteen. Have it have some kind of a meter that goes down as you drink from it and enable to the user to stop drinking whenever they want. This will enable you to survive on small amounts of water for several days without having to refill, rather than quaffing the whole lot in one go. This is a more realistic approach to water consumption in a survival situation.

This would work on all bottles/canteens you have filled with liquid, but not cans obviously as they are not re-sealable once opened.

It would be great also if you could store cans of soda in the canteen. For example a canteen might hold two or three cans of soda. This would help free up precious bag space.

Finally it would be great if you could loot water purification tablets, and then be able to fill your canteen at the various ponds and dams around the map. You could drink the water without purification and risk infection and illness, or drop a tablet in the water to purify it. You could also enable some sort of system to boil water over a fire etc.

Anyhow, love the game, just my two cents :)

Edited by uberwolfe
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I was practically sure you meant Bear Gryllsing it when I saw the title.

Anyway, I have wondered why we don't get to fill whiskey bottles and whatnot. It's a bit strange, but I personally feel this is a bit too nitpicking to be a major issue. I feel like the time spent developing this could be more useful elsewhere, no offense.

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I was practically sure you meant Bear Gryllsing it when I saw the title.

Anyway' date=' I have wondered why we don't get to fill whiskey bottles and whatnot. It's a bit strange, but I personally feel this is a bit too nitpicking to be a major issue. I feel like the time spent developing this could be more useful elsewhere, no offense.


Hehe, well the Bear Grylls thing could definately be an option too.. hell apparently that kind of fluid doesn't even need any sort of purification :s

I understand why you think it might be nitpicking, it's just something I would love to see. After all when in a survival situation water is the most important consumable that you need to secure. Skulling whole cans of soda seems a little excessive when everything else you have to manage so closely...

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In the game a bottle is allot bigger than a soda can but your character drinks the entire bottle when drinking it, which sense for a soda can because it cant be closed again, but a bottle has a lid so there is no reason for not drinking some of it but saving the rest for later.

Do you guys think this could be implemented and if so how?

(sorry for my bad english)

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Great idea. As of right now, I don't travel with a water bottle. I travel with soda's. I like the idea of the water bottle having 3 uses, but in turn, they should be made quite rare

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1) Suggested multiple times

2) The canteen is already extremely useful. The fact that it can be refilled makes it an extremely valuable water source. Making it multi-use would just be a tad OP, especially since the current mechanic makes any drinch quench 100% of thirst, meaning that one bottle is good for 45 minutes.

Hell, I carry two and never use them. I'm always up to my balls in soda that I just drink it on the spot nowadays, and I'm not even touching any big towns.

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Then again noone in DayZ are walking much.

Constantly running takes it's toll.

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Making it multi-use would just be a tad OP

You are joking, right?

I wonder why this hasn't been done already. We just need four "types" of canteen items - full, empty, 2/3, 1/3. They need different icons in inventory and name, but once dropped they would look the same (same 3d model). Canteen would be removed from inventory when player drink and replaced by the appropiate "less filled" variant - all this things are doable in ArmA engine.

So canteen would take one inventory slot, and could be used three times, but have to be found first and refilled at water sources once in a while.

PS. Sorry for my crappy english

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i think an empty in or soda can, or gas bottle should be fillable but only stays filled for say a minute, that way if you near water you can drink even without a water bottle but can't carry since there is no lid.

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I carry around 3-4 canteens at a time, and it gives me the ability to pretty much go anywhere without ever having to stop to kill a zombie or visit a town. No, giving them more than one use would really make having anything else even more pointless. Why carry a ton of soda that you have to replace each time you use them? A canteen can be refilled at almost any water source. And meat is easily hunted, so yeah.

No, I can't really say I'm into the idea of multiple-use canteens.

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agree, that way you will have more space in your inventory otherwise just forcing you to loot every cola you see -_-''

also it will make it more realistic, since the bottle is big enough to be used for min. 3 times per a fill.

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I suggested a similar idea ages ago...


use report and supply the link of a the previous suggestion to the mods, that way they can easily merge the two and we are left with a lot less double-clutter in this part of the forum... i obviously already reported this one ;)

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I support this. Finding a lake or something else to refill the bottle is not that easy. I never even pick the bottle since finding coke/pepsi cans is so easy.

Hope this gets noticed!

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if i was hiking around all day in a forest, id make a water bottle last me a lot longer then just 1 drink

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I actually own one of these canteens, and they can hold quite a lot of water. At least enough for 3 uses.

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Once again, it's a no.

Why? Because we can't. We're using somebody else's engine and we don't have 100% access to edit the entire game. :(

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