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Just Caused

Ability to turn off chat

Turning chat off  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support this suggestion?

    • Yes, I want to be able to turn off chat.
    • No, I don't want to be able to turn off chat.

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Hey, it would be awesome to be able to turn off chat. I mean, litteraly every private server spams me with Battleye messages or 'My stomatch is stuffed' message can't stop...

Remember that moment when you were eating human meat with your buddy and it was raining? It could be pretty nice wallpaper screenshot for your desktop until message 'I am cooling off' popped up?

Tired of some random Russian spamming chat / Boring Battleye spam chat? Well you could turn off those things to get less HUD interface and more gameplay.

Edited by JustCaused
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I'd like an option to toggle it on and off too, I like taking photos in here a lot, so it would make my job a lot easier :P

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For eliminating confusion...instead of saying "chat" maybe call it "Server messages".


Chat is an in game tool that players use and is not automated. I voted for "No" at first because I thought you meant player text communication, not server messages.

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Photoshopping them out is easy enough.

I don't want to use, neither buy Photoshop for editing screenshot from game that can have abillity to turn of text.



For eliminating confusion...instead of saying "chat" maybe call it "Server messages".


Chat is an in game tool that players use and is not automated. I voted for "No" at first because I thought you meant player text communication, not server messages.



No, I mean ALL server messages, status messages and player chat. Why to disable server messages only when a guy can come and spam your chat.



Those status messages are REALLY annoying!

I am rapidly cooling off.
Edited by JustCaused

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3 - different things:

Server messages

Character status messages



Of the three, I find server messages to be the most annoying. All I want to know is when the server will restart and there are better ways to represent this information than the current implementation. Any additional messages should be banned on public servers.


Character status is important, however I think that there are better ways to display this information, preferably on the inventory page, or a similar page.


Chat is an important function, but its use is dubious at best. It's a sure way to get yourself killed. Fortunately, I haven't run into anyone who abused the chat system by spamming messages. Incidentially, this would seem to be more than adequate justification for an execution! Perhaps we could have a simple key combination to toggle chat on and off? That would seem to be a more than reasonable compromise.

Edited by BleedoutBill

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yeah I was actually going to add this as a request in the main dev hub, but assumed they had already been swamped with this. I like to do a lot of filming & the text constantly appearing really gets on my tits and ruins the videos. Same as the inventory quick bar at the bottom. You can show/hide it by pressing the key above tab, but if you could keep it off too would be nice. I kind of assume that towards the end of beta stage you can also select whether or not you want crosshairs/dots on or off too. Would be nice in the options to have a selection for all these issues, purely for having a clean screen and no hud at all if not to help immersion, but to also assist with videoing & screenshots

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How about a hotkey to hide all of the UI? it would hide your reticle, Weapon information (top right), and quick slots instead of making you wait for them to disappear. This way you tap the key, take your screenshot, tap it again and boom, you got a nice screenshot and still have your full UI.

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That annoying chat definitely needs to be removed. Though it would be a return to and old-fashioned arcadish style, I'd prefer little percentage values in a definable corner of the screen with health, hunger, thirst, wetness, temperature, sickness (e.g. Health/heart symbol: 100%). Optionally in the player window only or permanently unobtrusive in a corner on screen.


Actually, "chat" is the wrong word. We speak about system and body messages.

Edited by RogueTrooper

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How about a hotkey to hide all of the UI? it would hide your reticle, Weapon information (top right), and quick slots instead of making you wait for them to disappear. This way you tap the key, take your screenshot, tap it again and boom, you got a nice screenshot and still have your full UI.

This is what I'm talking about.

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