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Sike (DayZ)

Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

Do you want to see aerial transport in DayZ  

241 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want to see aerial transport in DayZ

    • No - I want to keep DayZ on terra firma/assorted bodies of water
    • Yes - I want to see all kinds of aerial vehicles
    • Yes - But I want to only see transports (no gunships)
    • Yes - But I want to only see limited transports (no heli-hunting door gunners)
    • I just want a parachute to stop me from breaking my legs!
  2. 2. If you clicked No, why?

    • Aerial vehicles feel unnatural and don't fit the overall theme
    • Aerial vehicles are overpowering and too unfair for those not lucky enough to find one
    • Dev time could be better spent elsewhere
    • Other - Say in comments
    • I didn't vote no
  3. 3. If you clicked Yes, why?

    • Chernarus is too big just to have land vehicles
    • Teamplay possibilities make it too good not to have
    • The mod had it so the stand alone should have it too
    • Other - Say in comments
    • I didn't vote yes

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That's what I'm looking for in DayZ.
IMHO they perfectly fit the concept of the game.

Edited by saamohod

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  On 3/13/2015 at 7:04 PM, Sike said:

But if you're just pleasing a niche demographic then what is the point of getting the devs to do it? Shouldn't it be left to moders then? Otherwise you could end up delaying features everyone may want.

so then why not just put the game into beta now and then say "Modders, add your own content and finish the game, we are done?" because they are adding content for everyone to enjoy. the fact that you seem to think that by working on helis when YOU don't want them means they delaying content you do want is a little bit selfish, really. I dont like half the crap they add in like brooms and hay hooks, etc, but i don't think they should stop adding stuff like that just so they can add everything i want

Edited by archamedes

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  On 3/13/2015 at 7:24 PM, archamedes said:

so then why not just put the game into beta now and then say "Modders, add your own content and finish the game, we are done?" because they are adding content for everyone to enjoy. the fact that you seem to think that by working on helis when YOU don't want them means they delaying content you do want is a little bit selfish, really. I dont like half the crap they add in like brooms and hay hooks, etc, but i don't think they should stop adding stuff like that just so they can add everything i want

I don't think it's selfish to want developers to work on things that get put into the game for everyone. Nobody is suggesting making brooms and hay hooks server exclusive essentially making their implementation a waste of valuable time that could be spent making content for everyone. While brooms and hay hooks may seem like trash they actually preform a vital role of populating the world with low value loot that would otherwise be useful loot if the random roll of the dice that decides what loot goes where didn't generate it the way it did. It is a quality of life change for the whole game.


Giving players of a certain niche exclusive content does nothing for the people that don't care for it. That kind of stuff should be done after all the mainstream content is completed. As it stands aerial transport is Q3 meaning it gets precedence over animal companions, steam community, and construction and whatever other Q3 things it might distract from. I would rather not see everyone's content delayed to please special interests. I would prefer to have aerial vehicles put into every server though I might not like them than have that happen.

Edited by Sike
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Why do people think the "Gunships" (Copters with doorguns) will be able to mow people down with no effort? (I say "Gunships" as a real gunship would be an MI-24, AKA Hind, Apache, or a Heli outfitted with rockets, ect) In the mod, they were basically useless, as it was impossible to aim with them, unless you held COMPLETLY still, thus making you extremely easy to hit with an Enfield. Every single twich the heli made threw the gun WAY off. Keep in mind, these aren't miniguns, they are 7.62mm machine guns, held by an exposed door gunner and firing at 600rpm - That will DRAIN your ammo. They are for suppressive fire - The only thing you can even hit with it is a car. You won't need an Anti-aircraft missile to shoot it down - A mosin shot threw the cockpit will suffice - One shot for up to like, 6 kills. Also, you can hear a Heli from 1000m out, that gives you plenty of time to duck behind a tree or inside a house.

After all that though, I don't even want a Heli. Not for combat OPness, but because one guy with a Stolen heli can find every tent on the map in ~30min.

I only want one of the most Classic DayZ vehicles - the Anotov AN-2 biplane. Useless for gear hunters, nearly useless for combat, (Unless you can drop shit from it.. grenade blitz of cherno...)  and only able to land in open areas...

Guess what? BARREL ROLL!

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A train or similar would be much more cool than helis.

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I'd like helis like the mod, and some simple planes.  It's fun, they can take a lot of work and have limited numbers of them.  It gives people something to do.


I want Take on Helicopters style of piloting.

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The problem with helicopters is back in the mod if my group of ~4+ got a helicopter running we owned the server until we got tired or bored.

Want some action? Let's drop everyone at the edge of an airfield or city.

Everyone died? Whatever, time to pick them up in the helicopter and go somewhere else. Let's comb the edge of the map or thick woods we know of for vehicles and tents.

Oh hey, we found every helicopter on the server and flattened or burned more tents than we can count in the span of an hour.

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  On 3/14/2015 at 6:31 AM, Heav said:

The problem with helicopters is back in the mod if my group of ~4+ got a helicopter running we owned the server until we got tired or bored.

Want some action? Let's drop everyone at the edge of an airfield or city.

Everyone died? Whatever, time to pick them up in the helicopter and go somewhere else. Let's comb the edge of the map or thick woods we know of for vehicles and tents.

Oh hey, we found every helicopter on the server and flattened or burned more tents than we can count in the span of an hour.


Sounds like the servers you played were just full of bad people =P

They were really easy to take out.


Considering tents are way more obvious I think they're going in a different direction for bases in the SA.  Not of trying to hide them but of some how defending/securing them even when you aren't around (traps/barricading etc).  I don't think it will be as much of an issue in that regard.  Even then, I never had a problem with it in the mod.

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  On 3/14/2015 at 10:03 AM, Boneboys said:

Needs more people to vote.

Bumpitybump  :o

Is there a way to tell who voted how? Some of the votes aren't really adding up.

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Well, there will be helicopters at the game anyway.

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  On 3/14/2015 at 6:59 AM, Bororm said:

defending/securing them even when you aren't around (traps/barricading etc).

The only way to keep your tent safe in the mod is to find a clever spot for it.

Or the other way all the streamers did it was hide them under lakes.

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I'm not strictly opposed to aerial verhicles, but they should be extremely difficult to find and operate. If everyone can just find and hop into a chopper, that'll really take away from the immersion for me. But honestly, if you ask me, I think such things are better left to modders. Or give admins the ability to disable them on private servers.

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  On 3/14/2015 at 1:05 PM, Sike said:

Is there a way to tell who voted how? Some of the votes aren't really adding up.

I believe not.

I can add or remove questions/options and a few other things but as I said previously you should not complicate something that is relatively straight forward.

Don't panic, the results correspond even if not in the manner you expected.

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  On 3/14/2015 at 5:58 PM, Boneboys said:

I believe not.

I can add or remove questions/options and a few other things but as I said previously you should not complicate something that is relatively straight forward.

Don't panic, the results correspond even if not in the manner you expected.

Yeah I kind of made a mistake when I made this poll. I let people select multiple answers on the first question when I didn't mean to and it inflated the number of yes'.


To be clear you guys should just select one of the yes answers not two or three. I thought that was pretty straightforward considering they contradict each other in their wording but hey. Everyone makes mistakes.

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  On 3/14/2015 at 5:45 PM, Sacha said:

I'm not strictly opposed to aerial verhicles, but they should be extremely difficult to find and operate.

This. There should potentially be all kinds but the effort to get/operate/keep them should be extreme - something to focus group and long term efforts on. in general aerial vehicles should have more impact as possibilities and goal than as actual means of transportation or combat. Only a tiny portion of the characters should actually be directly affected by them.


Private servers should have the option to enable/disable them as the much smaller economy makes their impact more binary.

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Why waste an entire quarter and most likely well beyond that as well, on implementing something that 5 people out of 3 million are going to be able to use.  Either make them common enough to be fair and not a complete waste of development, or just don't do it at all.  I really don't understand why anyone would waste months of development time for something 99% of players won't get to use...  Also, something breaking your immersion is not a valid excuse to scrap something from development.  Just because some people can't tell the difference between a video game and real life doesn't mean things that most people want should be scrapped so a couple BKs on the forums can have their Bear Grylls simulator.  Go play the long dark if you want that kind of crap.  This game is about surviving a zombie infested ruin of society, not being the next Tom Hanks in Castaway.  

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  On 3/14/2015 at 6:20 PM, Finchtastic said:

Why waste an entire quarter and most likely well beyond that as well, on implementing something that 5 people out of 3 million are going to be able to use.  Either make them common enough to be fair and not a complete waste of development, or just don't do it at all.  I really don't understand why anyone would waste months of development time for something 99% of players won't get to use...  Also, something breaking your immersion is not a valid excuse to scrap something from development.  Just because some people can't tell the difference between a video game and real life doesn't mean things that most people want should be scrapped so a couple BKs on the forums can have their Bear Grylls simulator.  Go play the long dark if you want that kind of crap.  This game is about surviving a zombie infested ruin of society, not being the next Tom Hanks in Castaway.  


Yes, because nothing says "zombie apocalypse survival" like watching four Hinds playing deathmatch. And this Bear Grylls simulator is probably closer to what Dean Hall had in mind than the Epoch clone you describe.

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  On 3/14/2015 at 5:27 PM, Heav said:

The only way to keep your tent safe in the mod is to find a clever spot for it.

Or the other way all the streamers did it was hide them under lakes.


Right.  I was referring to what I believe is the direction they are taking them in the SA.  Since they're obviously not going for camo/hiding them hahaha

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  On 3/14/2015 at 6:52 PM, Sacha said:

Yes, because nothing says "zombie apocalypse survival" like watching four Hinds playing deathmatch. And this Bear Grylls simulator is probably closer to what Dean Hall had in mind than the Epoch clone you describe.

the Huey (with exposed door guns) was present in the 'official' mod. of course there, vehicles can't be locked  or secured in any way other then having it manually guarded of friends/clan members 24/7 - or stash it somewhere out-of -the-way and hope no one stumble upon it before your guys log in tomorrow. imho this is fine. you want a massive force-multiplier to have to not only go through hundreds of man-hours and hundreds of foraging trips for parts but also physically defend it 24/7 or loose it to any random who comes along an spots it. Massive diversion for group/clan resources for a massive capability reward.

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Even if helicopters/planes aren't added, the mechanics should still be available in the game files for future modders to use.

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  On 3/14/2015 at 6:52 PM, Sacha said:

Yes, because nothing says "zombie apocalypse survival" like watching four Hinds playing deathmatch. And this Bear Grylls simulator is probably closer to what Dean Hall had in mind than the Epoch clone you describe.

Who said anything about decked out military choppers?  Certainly not me.  I said whatever they implement, everyone should have access to or it's a waste.  If Bear Grylls simulator is what they had in mind, I highly doubt there would be any decked out military choppers in the first place.  I fail to see a point here.

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  On 3/14/2015 at 7:11 PM, Finchtastic said:

Who said anything about decked out military choppers?  Certainly not me.  I said whatever they implement, everyone should have access to or it's a waste.  If Bear Grylls simulator is what they had in mind, I highly doubt there would be any decked out military choppers in the first place.  I fail to see a point here.


Everyone should have access? I disagree. Everyone should have the same basic chance to have access, but beyond that, actually gaining access should be a nightmare that only the strongest can endure. Flying a chopper should never be as easy and straightforward as finding one, pressing the start button and taking off like a pro. 

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  On 3/14/2015 at 7:11 PM, Finchtastic said:

Who said anything about decked out military choppers?  Certainly not me.  I said whatever they implement, everyone should have access to or it's a waste.  If Bear Grylls simulator is what they had in mind, I highly doubt there would be any decked out military choppers in the first place.  I fail to see a point here.



Having read a number of your posts, I do not believe you understand the direction DayZ has taken from the beginning.


DayZ is never supposed to be about instant gratification.


Nearly every aspect of DayZ is process driven.


That is why there is no "reload" hotkey in DayZ....


I had a couple of opportunities to steal choppers in the mod but never did so because I knew I would likely just kill myself crashing it.


Keeping vehicles near sim level to operate forces the person to either learn the right way to pilot them or suffer the consequences.

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