Does DayZ need aeiral transport?
Sike (DayZ), in General Discussion
Do you want to see aerial transport in DayZ
241 members have voted
1. Do you want to see aerial transport in DayZ
No - I want to keep DayZ on terra firma/assorted bodies of water79
Yes - I want to see all kinds of aerial vehicles75
Yes - But I want to only see transports (no gunships)60
Yes - But I want to only see limited transports (no heli-hunting door gunners)39
I just want a parachute to stop me from breaking my legs!17
2. If you clicked No, why?
Aerial vehicles feel unnatural and don't fit the overall theme47
Aerial vehicles are overpowering and too unfair for those not lucky enough to find one25
Dev time could be better spent elsewhere33
Other - Say in comments12
I didn't vote no156
3. If you clicked Yes, why?
Chernarus is too big just to have land vehicles48
Teamplay possibilities make it too good not to have91
The mod had it so the stand alone should have it too44
Other - Say in comments29
I didn't vote yes83