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DayZ Mod Hotfix

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So my $.02 on the temp system (and the - great!


I've done a few hours (ie: ~8-15hours) of playing and keeping an eye on the temp situation on US434 and my server, Haunted DayZ, and it's been pretty solid. Yes, I have to pay attention to it (more than I used to) but on the whole I've only managed to get sick once, when I was specifically making sure I would.  As part of my testing, I was sitting on a motorcycle, in the rain, at night, and my temp increased - so obviously you do gain heat in vehicles. :)


While on 434, I did see something weird, where I was running around in the day, in the sun, and my temp was still dropping, but it only happened once, and I found a building and it climbed back up. If I see it again, I'll report it on GitHub.


So, overall I think it's a great thing, and I would like to see it stay, I think it creates the right dynamic, in that if you want to go "survivalist" and avoid towns, you still have a "threat" to deal with (not counting the other players :))


Just to say it, thanks for all the work on 1.8.4(.1)!

Edited by Wraithe

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Just a reminder for people giving their thoughts on the new temp system: be sure you put a fair amount of hours of gameplay in at different times of day.  The temp loss is based on various factors.  I've played in the middle of the night at times when I had hardly any temp loss at all.  I've also played during the daytime when the sun was out and my temp was dropping rapidly (not that I have a problem with this, it can be absolutely frigid in the fall in places like the Czech Republic even when the sun is shining).  I've experienced the opposite of this and everything in between.  Just be sure you're not reporting after jumping in a server and playing for 20 minutes as it will not be an accurate reflection of the system as a whole.

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Temperature Review

I think temperature is perfect where it's at now especially with the release of the hotfix. I was playing on a server and I didn't really notice a change when I spawned in. It took some time before I begin to notice the effects of the new temperature function when I stumbled upon a friendly player who was on his way to Berezino. We started to venture out and my temperature begin to dwindle the more we remained still and moving would be our best bet. I was surprised at how much of an impact temperature really made and I love the new challenge.

My thoughts on temperature and possible future improvements.

  • Fire needs to restore temperature at a faster rate.
  • Changes the label of "camping" into something more literal (creating fires for heat/laying in tents) instead of snipers surveying cities without any temperature effect. Which promotes more interaction between players and movement across the map.
  • Infection should either increase(making you more thirsty) or decrease temperature(shivering more frequent)
  • Possibility of adding a "shivering" sound effect associated with screen shake.
  • Possibility of becoming hungry faster when you begin to shiver.
  • Laying/crouching/standing close to nearby players would increase temperature very slowly. Should function like how infection spread to other players but temperature should gain very slowly at a close vicinity. This would not work if it's raining.
  • (I WISH) Wind would be implemented:
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And I have a question about how temperature functions. Does certain areas become more colder than others? Especially areas that are on higher ground?

Zombie Review

My initial thought on the zombies when I first started playing is that there are definitely a lot more of them which is something I always welcome. More the better. But anyways, the zombies definitely have an increase in either vision or hearing, one of the two they can still somehow sense me when I am hiding against a building that is surrounded by a fence and managed to agro upon me. They were able to see me easier but that's fine; It makes them less predictable when they will strike while they are coming at a far distance anyways.

All and all, zombies are fine as is. No complaints from anyone, no changes :)

Edited by TIC321
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I'm going to do some more tuning of the temperature system and run it on my test server.  If any of you would like to help balance it let me know and we can work on fine tuning it.


EDIT:  I will start by loading the new values R4Z0R49 posted in the 1.8.5 change log.

Edited by Skydive

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Okay, my development server is up with the changes made to the temperature system.  The values from the 1.8.5 change log are running. Please jump on and test the settings out so we can determine if they need further refinement.


The server is locked until we get the Dev Build files up on steam for those wanting to help test.




Edited by Skydive
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Hey R4ZOR49, I've been playing the DayZ Mod, Vanilla, for a long damn time now.  The one complaint I have about it now is the speed at which the player consumes food/drink.  Before this change, it was too easy, I understand the need for the change, then you changed it to where I need to eat an entire cow and drink 10 gallons of well water every 40 minutes.  If you haven't already changed this in, perhaps looking at somewhere of an in between on the consumption?  Thanks!  Really my only real complaint, what you guys did with the DayZ mod on arma 2 was just awesome.

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  On 2/21/2015 at 3:34 PM, MulderDayz said:

Hey R4ZOR49, I've been playing the DayZ Mod, Vanilla, for a long damn time now.  The one complaint I have about it now is the speed at which the player consumes food/drink.  Before this change, it was too easy, I understand the need for the change, then you changed it to where I need to eat an entire cow and drink 10 gallons of well water every 40 minutes.  If you haven't already changed this in, perhaps looking at somewhere of an in between on the consumption?  Thanks!  Really my only real complaint, what you guys did with the DayZ mod on arma 2 was just awesome.

Were you running often?

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  On 2/21/2015 at 3:34 PM, MulderDayz said:

Hey R4ZOR49, I've been playing the DayZ Mod, Vanilla, for a long damn time now.  The one complaint I have about it now is the speed at which the player consumes food/drink.  Before this change, it was too easy, I understand the need for the change, then you changed it to where I need to eat an entire cow and drink 10 gallons of well water every 40 minutes.  If you haven't already changed this in, perhaps looking at somewhere of an in between on the consumption?  Thanks!  Really my only real complaint, what you guys did with the DayZ mod on arma 2 was just awesome.

i second that! it seems just too much food and drink consuming to survive!


not that u can find it, but its just annoying if u have to eat and drink every 10 minutes or so. i love to have to look for food and drink to make it more realistic but in my opinion the character gets way too fast hungry and thirsty and needs too much food and drink to recover ...

Edited by fgw

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tried to disable trash by setting


dayz_Trash = 0;


in variables.sqf. unfortunately this had no effect. so i investigated a bit and found out the line


_rubbish1 = dayz_Trash == 1;


in stream_locationCheck.sqf which looked a bit weird to me!


but even changing this line did not have any effect! is stream_locationCheck.sqf called anywher at all? cant find a call to this script!

has anybody successfully been able to remove the trash?

Edited by fgw

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  On 2/21/2015 at 10:49 PM, fgw said:

i second that! it seems just too much food and drink consuming to survive!


not that u can find it, but its just annoying if u have to eat and drink every 10 minutes or so. i love to have to look for food and drink to make it more realistic but in my opinion the character gets way too fast hungry and thirsty and needs too much food and drink to recover ...

Consumption rate is based on the player speed if you using a vehicle your consumption rate is less(or should be). I can see if we can lower it a little but but the current system is based on the size of the map and how long it takes to travel the map (30Mins) it isn't meant to be a real live system its scaled down to match the map and for gameplay.


But ill see what i can do to reduce it a little.

  On 2/21/2015 at 10:55 PM, fgw said:

tried to disable trash by setting


dayz_Trash = 0;


in variables.sqf. unfortunately this had no effect. so i investigated a bit and found out the line


_rubbish1 = dayz_Trash == 1;


in stream_locationCheck.sqf which looked a bit weird to me!


but even changing this line did not have any effect! is stream_locationCheck.sqf called anywher at all? cant find a call to this script!

has anybody successfully been able to remove the trash?

Make an issue about it on github ill take a look when im free again.

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  On 2/22/2015 at 1:05 PM, R4Z0R49 said:

Consumption rate is based on the player speed if you using a vehicle your consumption rate is less(or should be). I can see if we can lower it a little but but the current system is based on the size of the map and how long it takes to travel the map (30Mins) it isn't meant to be a real live system its scaled down to match the map and for gameplay.


But ill see what i can do to reduce it a little.

Make an issue about it on github ill take a look when im free again.


yeah, im aware that it needs to fit to gameplay. may be to just add a little more gain for drinking a can of coke or eating a can of beans. to need to stop and eat - may be 2 times while crossing the map - is completely ok! it just requires a bit too much cans to drink or pasta to eat in order to kill thurst and hunger. not saying a single can should completely fill you up, but a slight increase of calories per can is what might help!


thanks for looking into it!


will make an issue on github about the trash!

Edited by fgw

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  On 2/21/2015 at 3:34 PM, MulderDayz said:

 I need to eat an entire cow and drink 10 gallons of well water every 40 minutes.

This is a huge exaggeration.  I play vanilla mod a lot and I've never had to do this to survive.  What you're probably doing is neglecting your character until you're blinking from hunger and thirst, then having to eat several pieces of meat to get it back up to full.  I'll kill a cow or a copule goats/sheep, cook the meat, and be good for a day or two of playing (unless I'm refueling a plane or heli which uses a lot of energy).  Once your hunger/thirst is full, all you have to do is eat a can of food or two in each town you pass through and take a couple drinks from each well you travel nearby.  It's really not that bad at all.  People that describe it as you do are typically the people that want to spawn at the coast then put a weight on their keyboard to sprint all the way from Cherno to NWAF.  If you sprint long distances without eating/drinking then yeah, you're going to have a bad time.  Stop for the occasional can of food and soda or drink from a well and you'll be fine.

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After I have to restart the game every 10-15 minutes, because my fps are halved and the game is unplayable. Any solution to this?

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  On 2/24/2015 at 8:06 AM, VidKo said:

After I have to restart the game every 10-15 minutes, because my fps are halved and the game is unplayable. Any solution to this?

Unsure on that one there's nothing in 1.8.4 that would create such and fps drop on the client. But ill look into the issue see if i can recreate 

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It's not just the fps drop, actions become laggy as well (click on bandage, and the animation starts 10-15 seconds later. Same with switching weapons).

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  On 2/24/2015 at 8:34 AM, VidKo said:

It's not just the fps drop, actions become laggy as well (click on bandage, and the animation starts 10-15 seconds later. Same with switching weapons).

Would have said memory leak with the FPS drop over time, but that would not explain the lagged animations. Maybe it has to do with your ping, high pings can cause frames to drop and pausing of the game while it sorts it out.

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Can you get some video capture of this so we can see exactly what's going on?  You're the first person that has made mention of this, so for now we can only assume it's isolated to you.

Have you tried deleting your @DayZ folder and reinstalling to be sure you do not have any corrupted files? Or just using the Steam validate on DayZ Mod.

Edited by Skydive
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the temp system has been pretty well received on the server I play on. I agree the it may be a little harsh, for imstance I was attempting to salvage glass from a huey in the sunlight while wearing a ghillie and had to continuously get in my truck to not freeze. Other than that, it does add to the overall immersion of the game. Maybe not get soooo sick from being cold, or increase antibiotics to spawn in more locations. This may help new players some, but I really find new players often get snubbed when asking noobie question. Empty or pro only servers aren't my idea of a good time. Great work, and thanks for your continuous support on the mod!

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Look at the following screenshot:




I killed a player and I turned to bandit. As soon as I put on the soldier clothing my journal shows me as a survivor, is that normal, shouldn't there be a bandit?

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The player card is often not perfectly in sync with your humanity from my experience.  As long as the player skin you have is consistent with the humanity listed in the journal then things should be good.

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Please help im have Reading mission.... and TIME 0s:(





Edited by zbig281

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Sorry guys work has me pinned down just now to do much but ill try getting a patch out the weekend with a few of the bigger issues mentions.

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