BadAsh (DayZ) 1513 Posted January 31, 2015 Since you asked... You misunderstood my post. It most certainly does decrease encounters in a number of ways. I never said anything about the ability to detect which buildings people are in, it's just that there's too much square footage of buildings in the map for 40, or that matter 100 players. People are going room-to-room-to-room-to-room in coastal cities rather than exploring the map. Venture inland at all and you see nobody. The map has become exponentially "bigger" because of the added structures yet player count is less than that in the mod. Looting is tedious. There's far too many structures which is killing server/client performance and reducing the amount of player encounters throughout the map. Like I said, there's a middle ground. Sorry, but that is nonsense. Of course players are going room to room when they need it.Players are encountering other players room to room in big style. There is no doubt that most of the player encounters occurs on the coast, in Elektro, in Cherno, in Berezino, just like it did in the mod, however the kill map clearly shows that encounters occur all over the map.And it has nothing to do with enterable buildings, you can go room to room and encounter other players, or you can meet them in the wilderness, the kill map clearly shows that deadly encounters (and remember friendly encounters are not even included on this map), are occurring everywhere. You are simply not making a convincing argument in connection with enterable buildings. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Act III 50 Posted January 31, 2015 Having as many enterable buildings as there are now (with more to come) is a fantastic thing! It should keep you on the edge of your seat, knowing that virtually at any moment somebody might be watching you. Vice Versa. It adds an element stealth in PvP, and as mentioned above. Come the implementation of a better infected AI, you will rejoice in more places to shelter for survival. I also agree that Chernarus should eventually extend further North, East, South and West. More land mass N and W, with more islands S and E. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BC_Hawke 276 Posted January 31, 2015 (edited) Sorry, but that is nonsense. Of course players are going room to room when they need it.Players are encountering other players room to room in big style. There is no doubt that most of the player encounters occurs on the coast, in Elektro, in Cherno, in Berezino, just like it did in the mod, however the kill map clearly shows that encounters occur all over the map.And it has nothing to do with enterable buildings, you can go room to room and encounter other players, or you can meet them in the wilderness, the kill map clearly shows that deadly encounters (and remember friendly encounters are not even included on this map), are occurring everywhere. You are simply not making a convincing argument in connection with enterable buildings. It's not nonsense. You cannot deny that you have incredibly higher chances of running into people further inland on the map in the vanilla mod than you do in SA. I played SA for three months and can count on one hand how many times I ran into people in places like Gorka, Novy, Stary, Veresnik, and Vybor. While there are a number of factors that lead to this, an over saturation of enterable buildings is one of the biggest ones. You keep referencing the kill map...but how long does that data span, and how much more saturated are the markings for the coastal interactions than towns further inland? Of course people are going to end up killing each other in various places eventually, but I'm telling you, one of the main reasons I quit playing SA is because of how few players I ran into even on 40/40 servers. If you exponentially increase the explorable area of the map but fail to increase the number of players to fill that area then you're going to reduce player interaction outside of the high value loot spots very close to spawns. Not sure how you cannot see this. Edited January 31, 2015 by Bullet_Catcher 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BC_Hawke 276 Posted January 31, 2015 It should keep you on the edge of your seat, knowing that virtually at any moment somebody might be watching you.It should, but it doesn't. I played SA for a few months and barely saw another soul save some fresh spawns near where I spawned in. This might be the case if there were 150-200 players per server, but with 40 players it just isn't. I would spawn in and just run around getting incredibly bored trying to find my initial loot. I'd run into maybe 1 or 2 people that were fresh spawns, and then I'd make my way to NWAF to get fully geared. After hours and hours of running around not seeing anybody, I'd eventually cave and go back to the coast just to get into some action. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted January 31, 2015 OP, I'm not sure what kind of game you're expecting DayZ to be. The mod was based off of ARMA and thus played as such. The SA is not trying to be the the mod or ARMA, although right now you really can't tell the difference but the devs have laid out a roadmap and have their own goals on what they are going to make DayZ to be. Hopefully this message will get passed my screening that I have. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jesus Christ The Goblin 71 Posted January 31, 2015 (edited) I have plenty of games where I have non stop encounters with other players, I'm glad dayz is more than that.When I play dayz it is about having a survival experience that I enjoy, It isn't about spawning, finding a gun, Then murdering all the fresh spawns standing in the open.I'm glad that there are so many buildings that I can enter, I don't want to be hunted down every single time I'm a fresh spawn. I love that I can hide in a building while some fully geared character runs past, I also love that I could be the fully geared character running by while a fresh spawn cowers in the corner.I peek in windows whenever i run past buildings, I don't simply look for people standing outside.If I get sick of looting every room, I stop looting every room.I love that I might encounter a player but I might not, It means that if I stop paying attention I could get gunned down but I'm always tempted to stop paying attention because I could be in the middle of no where.Do you know what breaks my immersion?Going up to a building and finding that I can't enter it. Edited January 31, 2015 by Jesus Christ The Goblin 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bororm 1156 Posted January 31, 2015 (edited) I think a lot of people are missing his point, he's not saying enterable buildings themselves are bad. He's saying they lead to fewer encounters outside of major towns because you can get "stuck" spending so much time in one place. This is a true statement. You can spend hours simply looting in the biggest cities, where as in the mod you would have had to scour multiple towns to do the same amount of looting. Causing more travel and more chance encounters outside of said cities. I mostly agree with what you're saying bullet_catcher. You acknowledge that it's not the only factor but a big one as to why you don't see as many people around the map, and I agree with that but we also just need to wait for those other factors to be sorted out too. A higher pop cap is planned, and while initially I think they were aiming for 150, I believe they've since stated that something closer to 100 may be ideal. We'll have to wait and see how that plays out. Loot respawn currently is super wack. So the reason you don't really see people going to the nwaf on full servers is because they already know it's going to be empty. You're more likely to run into players at the mil bases on a low pop server currently because otherwise it's basically pointless. Loot currently respawns, but it's really slow and unreliable. On the same note, there's not a lot of incentive to hit non coastal cities because you can get all the gear you need on the coast. Assault rifles are pretty much the only reason to go to mil bases, but again with the spawn system it's extremely unreliable. Map layout has changed a lot making some towns that used to be popular, less so. Stary is probably the greatest example. In the mod it was the stopping point from the coast on your way to the nwaf. It had valuable buildings like the tents and market and was a midway point. Now Stary is pointless, but the dynamic has shifted. If you spawn up in the high north east you'll probably take the northern highway and hit those new towns. If you are going from cherno you'll probably go through balota, more towards zeleno and up through the vybor base. That said, people don't make these journeys nearly ass often or as quickly as in the mod. And you're absolutely right that a large part of that is that you end up stopping in towns and buildings on the way. Any ways, you're completely right that encounters happen less often outside the cities and that enterable buildings play a role. I really miss the feeling of not knowing if I was gonna run into some one on my way from town to town. Now I can pretty much almost guarantee I won't. Those non urban fights were way more fun for me too. Let's just hope they can increase incentive to travel in various ways, and also get a higher stable pop per server since the map itself undoubtebly could support it now. Edited January 31, 2015 by Bororm 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingunfighter 917 Posted January 31, 2015 It's exciting because it's immersive - having buildings that you cannot enter breaks the authentic feeling for me and makes it play out more like a maze game rather than one with actual depth. Sure, you're less likely to come across someone now than you were before, but the encounters end up being far more interesting than they were previously as there are a significant number of new dynamics added into the mix. Looting is more tedious, but a lot of that has to do with the fact that it's heavily broken and incomplete. Looting isn't supposed to be quick or convenient anyway - spending time to gear up and acquire stuff while actually looking through minor buildings rather than "only go to the market/hospital/military tents, avoid everything else" is the better way to go. Also, with 40 players being the current true maximum, and the game's overall incomplete stage, you're not going to have as many serious encounters. When 100 player servers were a thing for the time that they were you were almost 100% guaranteed to run into people in pretty much every civilized area on the map (I remember spotting some guy at a cabin in the woods far from where the spawns were at the time.) There are obvious downsides to the massive map expansion, especially at this stage where we have lower player counts and a different dynamic than we'll have later, but it's progress that needs to happen sooner rather than later. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jesus Christ The Goblin 71 Posted January 31, 2015 I actually like the loot system. If I went to a mil base and came out with everything I could ever want every single time I went there, then there would be no reason for me to look around. I would literally give up hunting for loot and the game would become nothing more than a deathmatch game of which I have hundreds already.I encounter people all over the map when I'm near roads, If I decide to go cross country then it's somewhat rare to see people and that is how I like the game.If it was the real world I would expect to encounter people when I pass through towns but wandering in the middle of a forest? I would expect to see no one or only rarely encounter people.Clearly this is all a matter of opinion but in my opinion the game is on track to where I want it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bororm 1156 Posted January 31, 2015 I actually like the loot system. If I went to a mil base and came out with everything I could ever want every single time I went there, then there would be no reason for me to look around. I would literally give up hunting for loot and the game would become nothing more than a deathmatch game of which I have hundreds already. There needs to be a balance to it. You need to expect there to be loot at least, or else where's the incentive to go there? As it stands, I do not expect any decent loot on a full server at a military base. And because of the way the spawn system currently works, I also can't expect there to ever be until the server restarts. It shouldn't be easy or a guarantee, but you need hope. It's incomplete though obviously, but they'll get there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BC_Hawke 276 Posted January 31, 2015 I have plenty of games where I have non stop encounters with other players, I'm glad dayz is more than that.When I play dayz it is about having a survival experience that I enjoy, It isn't about spawning, finding a gun, Then murdering all the fresh spawns standing in the open.I'm glad that there are so many buildings that I can enter, I don't want to be hunted down every single time I'm a fresh spawn. I love that I can hide in a building while some fully geared character runs past, I also love that I could be the fully geared character running by while a fresh spawn cowers in the corner.I peek in windows whenever i run past buildings, I don't simply look for people standing outside.If I get sick of looting every room, I stop looting every room.I love that I might encounter a player but I might not, It means that if I stop paying attention I could get gunned down but I'm always tempted to stop paying attention because I could be in the middle of no where.Do you know what breaks my immersion?Going up to a building and finding that I can't enter it. So wait, you're saying that in an apocalypse there's not going to be *ANY* buildings or houses that are locked up, barricaded, or boarded up? Strange, I actually find it immersion breaking when every building has perfectly functioning doors that are not locked. Also, you're taking it to the opposite extreme in your statements. I'm not saying DayZ should be non-stop encounters. I'm not saying it's about spawning, finding a gun, then murdering fresh spawns out in the open. I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to hide. I like the idea that I might encounter a player or I might not just as much as you do...except the problem is that in's almost guaranteed that you're not going to run into players for a very long time if you leave the coast. I'm not sure how many times I have to repeat it in this thread, but there's a middle ground that should be the aim. Not enough buildings in the mod, too many in SA. I think a lot of people are missing his point, he's not saying enterable buildings themselves are bad. He's saying they lead to fewer encounters outside of major towns because you can get "stuck" spending so much time in one place...Thanks, yes, that's what I'm saying. I agree with your other points as well. I'd like to see more incentive to explore the map. I also really love the fights that you get into out in the open in vanilla mod. It's exciting because it's immersive - having buildings that you cannot enter breaks the authentic feeling for me and makes it play out more like a maze game rather than one with actual depth. Sure, you're less likely to come across someone now than you were before, but the encounters end up being far more interesting than they were previously as there are a significant number of new dynamics added into the mix. Looting is more tedious, but a lot of that has to do with the fact that it's heavily broken and incomplete. Looting isn't supposed to be quick or convenient anyway - spending time to gear up and acquire stuff while actually looking through minor buildings rather than "only go to the market/hospital/military tents, avoid everything else" is the better way to go. Also, with 40 players being the current true maximum, and the game's overall incomplete stage, you're not going to have as many serious encounters. When 100 player servers were a thing for the time that they were you were almost 100% guaranteed to run into people in pretty much every civilized area on the map (I remember spotting some guy at a cabin in the woods far from where the spawns were at the time.) There are obvious downsides to the massive map expansion, especially at this stage where we have lower player counts and a different dynamic than we'll have later, but it's progress that needs to happen sooner rather than later.2nd person to say un-enterable buildings breaks immersion. I don't quite understand that. I'd think that in an apocalyptic scenario there'd be plenty of locked, barricaded, boarded up, and caved in places. As for your second statement, again, I DO feel there should be more buildings/apartments than the mod (which would lead to the far more interesting encounters you're talking about), but not as many buildings/apartments as are in SA. I'm not saying mod buildings > SA buildings, so I repeat again, there's a middle ground that should be the aim. There needs to be a balance to it. You need to expect there to be loot at least, or else where's the incentive to go there? As it stands, I do not expect any decent loot on a full server at a military base. And because of the way the spawn system currently works, I also can't expect there to ever be until the server restarts. It shouldn't be easy or a guarantee, but you need hope. It's incomplete though obviously, but they'll get there.Exactly, though I do wonder if 100 person count and fixed loot will solve the problem or not. I'm not quite sure why, when I make an argument based on the premise that mod buildings were too sparse and SA buildings are too many, that most people respond with arguments that mod buildings were too sparse. You're just agreeing with half of what I said, not countering my argument. My argument is that there's a middle ground, and they should aim for that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted January 31, 2015 Enterable buildings is one of the best improvements SA has made. I find looting in the mod is very boring, looting in SA is much more satisfying. Goodbye textured cubes.The only problem I see with all the enterable buildings is 3PP. Thousands of new nooks and crannies to camp and periscope. Even less point trying to sneak carefully through cities, may as well just sprint and zig-zag for maximum evasion because [A] odds are someone is watching you and you can't know since if they were watching you, you couldn't see them anyways. But now I can play 1PP on populated servers, so...As for player density much more of a problem than the enterable buildings are all the new cities and towns and military bases and the fact various decent weapons, clothing and other items can be found almost anywhere on the map. There are huge cities just sitting there devoid of players. Instead of the mod, where quite a few weapons spawn only at NWAF barracks. People are going room-to-room-to-room-to-room in coastal cities rather than exploring the map. Venture inland at all and you see nobody. A while ago I met a player who had never gone inland. When we started heading to Orlovets from Solnichniy factory, he said "not inland! will get lost". I asked if he was new - no, he informed me he had been playing the game since launch. He made it to Gorka ("whats gorka") before dying from incompetence ("all this way just to die..."). I was disgusted. I would say in at least half my play sessions I never see anyone at all. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jesus Christ The Goblin 71 Posted January 31, 2015 (edited) So wait, you're saying that in an apocalypse there's not going to be *ANY* buildings or houses that are locked up, barricaded, or boarded up? Strange, I actually find it immersion breaking when every building has perfectly functioning doors that are not locked. Also, you're taking it to the opposite extreme in your statements. I'm not saying DayZ should be non-stop encounters. I'm not saying it's about spawning, finding a gun, then murdering fresh spawns out in the open. I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to hide. I like the idea that I might encounter a player or I might not just as much as you do...except the problem is that in's almost guaranteed that you're not going to run into players for a very long time if you leave the coast. I'm not sure how many times I have to repeat it in this thread, but there's a middle ground that should be the aim. Not enough buildings in the mod, too many in SA.There's a difference between a house looking boarded up and a house that has an immortal door.There are houses that are locked as there are lock picks in the game which lock doors.Third quarter of the year they will implement barricading, I would love to see players barricading houses rather than a house just having an immortal door because its "real".Perhaps I did explain that in a bit of an extreme way, I already encounter enough players for the game to be fun for me personally but I travel all over the place and I play Dayz much more than the average person. While I encounter a lot of people on the coast I also encounter people inland at random towns, Yes there are more popular places to find people but I still encounter enough players at random places that I don't see an issue for me personally.Also the large number of buildings that you can enter mean that you can incorporate that into your survival strategy, For example if there is someone in a town running around shooting everyone, I could hunt them head on or I could go inside a building, Look out the window and take a shot.My argument is that I love the large number of buildings that I can enter and I believe they should aim for that, It's all a matter of personal opinion. Edited January 31, 2015 by Jesus Christ The Goblin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 524 Posted January 31, 2015 Reduction in player interaction in comparison to the mod is a good thing imo. I do agree about the rest. Having all buildings enterable is one of those things that sound great in theory but in practice it makes looting tedious for whatever reason. Also, my main issue with the game as a whole is the wilderness being marginalized. Soon there will be no areas where you'll be able to isolate yourself if you wanted to. Not to mention hiding a small camp or a vehicle. Certain playstyles that worked great in the mod are not and will never be anywhere near as fun in the standalone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The-MCV- 149 Posted January 31, 2015 The lack of enterable buildings kept me from playing the mod more. I'm glad here you can enter almost everything. The more the merrier. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NinjaTurkey 255 Posted January 31, 2015 It's the apocalypse. You're supposed to feel alone and not run into people every 2 minutes. Unlike the competitors, DayZ actual feels like the world has ended.Not enough people play it that way though 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tofur 16 Posted January 31, 2015 But this isn't how it actually works out now, is it? I would spend hours and hours in SA going from town to town to town without seeing anyone on 40/40 servers. It was so rare to see anyone away from the coast that the game got completely boring to me. Now, like I've said, there's a good middle ground in there somewhere, where the small houses out in the middle of nowhere are enterable and have loot, but there aren't 1,000 enterable copy/paste apartments in Cherno and other big cities they've added. To be clear, I'm not saying that nothing should have been added, I'm saying they took it too far and added too many buildings. Go wander through cherno and elektro on a full server, I guarantee you you will get some interaction. Might not be the kind you enjoy though, lol! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackberrygoo 1416 Posted January 31, 2015 (edited) Lol what ? So you think making the world more enterable , and interactive makes the players less interactive ? Where are you getting your statistics that shows how the vanilla mod is more "player to player interactive" ? In my opinion I could NEVER GET ANYONE TO SAY THEIR FRIENDLY AND NOT ACTUALLY KILL ME RIGHT AFTER IN THE MOD . In standalone , people are friendly all over , I think you just have some weird nostalgia over dayz vanilla , because that game is SO FAR from a real survival experience and it has so little to connect with other players that it's almost laughable ... Oh ya let's join a clan and teamspeak all the time only to talk to another person when were about to KOS them ( that's dayz vanilla mod) where as dayz standalone, there's so much more to do (many more enterable buildings, better crafting, horticulture, way better animal system, and much more balanced pvp system , no stupid kill tags or death messages) and so much detail that there's no way you could say that there was better interaction in vanilla (you only could say that if you have a hard time talking to people in standalone , it's a much different interaction than typing in global chat like all dayz mod vanilla players are used to , in standalone you actually have to get out there and talk to people face to face ) ... Sure you can make a base , sure you can hunt for cars and helicopters , but when it truly comes down to the realistic feel of having to interact with others , dayz vanilla mod has no easy way to do so (the global chats desensitizes people to interaction with others because they think they can just global chat to make friends , it's much more realistic and face to face in dayz sa where as you only have proximity chat) there were hardly any open buildings so if you wanted to be safe inside a building you had to find a big group to make a base with (and that group mentality further forces you to not want to make interaction with more new players , forcing you into some KOS type personality that only trusts his clan) . So in my opinion dayz vanilla mod was unfortunately disgustingly unbalanced, especially in the pvp , survival, and player interaction areas simply because the way the game was built (cheesy unrealistic pvp system , bad communication system because of the global chat , and bad mentality towards solo players ). This conversation really doesn't matter though (in my opinion) because like I've said from the start of day standalone , the dayz mod is on it's way to it's grave , forever being held only in our nostalgic thoughts and hundreds of hours of videos recorded and put on YouTube that exclusively features pvp because that's what the mod was about , not survival or player interaction .Edit : also I have 1,300 hours on my belt , and I only stay inland going to the coast only to meet friends , and for me finding at least two dozen encounters while I am inland is a normal thing over about two days of plating (about 3 hours a day) . Now imagine the 100 player count that the devs specifically said the servers would get to soon ( so that also negates your worries that the devs don't have plans to increase player count, they are not keeping it at 40-50 for much longer ). Edited January 31, 2015 by Grapefruit kush 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chompster 171 Posted January 31, 2015 One of my top 5 gripes with the mod was the lack of enter-able buildings, so i welcomed it to SA with open arms and still think that there are more that need to be opened(like the factories as Caboose mentioned) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skypig 139 Posted January 31, 2015 I enjoy all the open buildings. it's kind of a wtf moment in the mod when you're holding an axe and shotgun but you're stopped by a simple wooden door 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BC_Hawke 276 Posted February 1, 2015 (edited) Lol what ? So you think making the world more enterable , and interactive makes the players less interactive ? Where are you getting your statistics that shows how the vanilla mod is more "player to player interactive" ? In my opinion I could NEVER GET ANYONE TO SAY THEIR FRIENDLY AND NOT ACTUALLY KILL ME RIGHT AFTER IN THE MOD . In standalone , people are friendly all over , I think you just have some weird nostalgia over dayz vanilla , because that game is SO FAR from a real survival experience and it has so little to connect with other players that it's almost laughable ...Oh ya let's join a clan and teamspeak all the time only to talk to another person when were about to KOS them ( that's dayz vanilla mod) where as dayz standalone, there's so much more to do (many more enterable buildings, better crafting, horticulture, way better animal system, and much more balanced pvp system , no stupid kill tags or death messages) and so much detail that there's no way you could say that there was better interaction in vanilla (you only could say that if you have a hard time talking to people in standalone , it's a much different interaction than typing in global chat like all dayz mod vanilla players are used to , in standalone you actually have to get out there and talk to people face to face ) ...Sure you can make a base , sure you can hunt for cars and helicopters , but when it truly comes down to the realistic feel of having to interact with others , dayz vanilla mod has no easy way to do so (the global chats desensitizes people to interaction with others because they think they can just global chat to make friends , it's much more realistic and face to face in dayz sa where as you only have proximity chat) there were hardly any open buildings so if you wanted to be safe inside a building you had to find a big group to make a base with (and that group mentality further forces you to not want to make interaction with more new players , forcing you into some KOS type personality that only trusts his clan) .So in my opinion dayz vanilla mod was unfortunately disgustingly unbalanced, especially in the pvp , survival, and player interaction areas simply because the way the game was built (cheesy unrealistic pvp system , bad communication system because of the global chat , and bad mentality towards solo players ). This conversation really doesn't matter though (in my opinion) because like I've said from the start of day standalone , the dayz mod is on it's way to it's grave , forever being held only in our nostalgic thoughts and hundreds of hours of videos recorded and put on YouTube that exclusively features pvp because that's what the mod was about , not survival or player interaction .Edit : also I have 1,300 hours on my belt , and I only stay inland going to the coast only to meet friends , and for me finding at least two dozen encounters while I am inland is a normal thing over about two days of plating (about 3 hours a day) . Now imagine the 100 player count that the devs specifically said the servers would get to soon ( so that also negates your worries that the devs don't have plans to increase player count, they are not keeping it at 40-50 for much longer ).Haha, wow, talk about flying off the deep end. You're bringing up topics here that aren't even related to the subject we're talking about. You've also really exposed your ignorance on several of the topics you brought up. l don't even know where to begin answering you. I'll just make a little bullet list instead I never said making the world more enterable makes players less interactive. How can you be that far off from what I said? I said that adding so much explorable area spreads people out and leads to less interaction across the map. I never made any connection between buildings and how players interact when they meet. That was your doing.If you could "NEVER GET ANYONE TO SAY THEIR FRIENDLY AND NOT ACTUALLY KILL ME RIGHT AFTER IN THE MOD" then you're just revealing how bad of a player you are or the fact that you weren't actually playing on vanilla DayZ servers but rather carebear PvP servers with vehicles and choppers everywhere. My squad and I interact with players in vanilla mod successfully all the time. It takes skill to do this. You can't just run straight up to people screaming "FRIENDLY!" over direct chat.You're claiming that a) vanilla DayZ has side chat enabled (when after a couple of months following release they removed it on public hive servers, so for the most part vanilla servers had no side chat, though that has changed with private hives which mostly enable it) and /b) that my squad and I use side chat. You know what...WE DON'T. Go ask any player on US434 and they'll tell you. We only use direct chat to interact with players. In fact, everyone in our squad met through direct chat. And since when do SA players not use Teamspeak? You know what though, THIS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD, so I'll stop there.I don't need statistics. I play vanilla DayZ mod on a regular basis and meet people in all types of areas on the map, and in 3 solid months of playing SA I encountered about 5 people outside of coastal areas. The boredom just killed me. With practically no zombies or player encounters, the alpha had nothing to offer but boredom for me, so I stopped playing because I'm not fond of coastal deathmatch with fresh spawns. Either way, in case you missed every single one of the times I said this already in this thread (I'm putting it in all caps and large bold text just to be sure you don't miss it this time): THERE IS A MIDDLE GROUND THAT THEY SHOULD HAVE AIMED FOR. I'M NOT SAYING THE MOD HAD THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF ENTERABLE BUILDINGS. I'M SAYING THAT MORE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ADDED, BUT THEY WENT TO FAR AND ADDED TO MANY. SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER. I can't for the life of me see why people are completely missing my point even though I've made it very clear. Edited February 1, 2015 by Bullet_Catcher 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BC_Hawke 276 Posted February 1, 2015 Go wander through cherno and elektro on a full server, I guarantee you you will get some interaction. Might not be the kind you enjoy though, lol!Yes, but if you read my posts, my complaint is that there is very little player interaction outside of coastal cities. I played SA for a few months and only ran into a handful of people outside of coastal cities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BadAsh (DayZ) 1513 Posted February 1, 2015 Yes, but if you read my posts, my complaint is that there is very little player interaction outside of coastal cities. I played SA for a few months and only ran into a handful of people outside of coastal cities. I fail to see what enterable buildings has to do with that. The player per server number is going to increase somewhat when they are doing the optimisation phase, and as far as I can see that is the only varialbe that has any influence on how frequent you have player interactions. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted February 1, 2015 I fail to see what enterable buildings has to do with that. The player per server number is going to increase somewhat when they are doing the optimisation phase, and as far as I can see that is the only varialbe that has any influence on how frequent you have player interactions.Exactly, having enterable buildings everywhere doesn't change the fact people still don't leave the coast so what is the point to this topic now? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bororm 1156 Posted February 1, 2015 I fail to see what enterable buildings has to do with that. The player per server number is going to increase somewhat when they are doing the optimisation phase, and as far as I can see that is the only varialbe that has any influence on how frequent you have player interactions. Because as it's been stated numerous times, you can spend way more time in a city now than the mod. There's less incentive to travel between towns, because there's more to do in each specific area. This might lead to more interactions in those towns themselves, but it reduces travel which in turn reduces interactions outside of them. There's a ton of factors that have already been pointed out adding to the issue, but enterable buildings are one of the most significant ones. And again, it's not to say the buildings themselves are the problem, but that they play a huge role. To say that population is the only thing that influences frequencies of player interaction is pretty absurd really. You could cut the population down to 10 people, remove all loot from the map except for one location, and where you do you think those 10 people are inevitably gonna end up? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites