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Post your favorite/best survival tip

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I know there are tons of guides but the point of this one is for everyone to share their wisdom.

Just post a quick rule-of-thumb/wisdom nugget/something that kept you alive when you should have died, even if its "Save your last bullet for your buddy, cause he has that nice shiny X"

The first rule I'll post is this:

1) If you meet a friendly survivor in a town, don't stop to talk to him on the street. (Seek cover immediately.)

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3. My favorite/best survival tip: Dont get "SHOT".

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#1 #5. Cardio!!!

Also... Playing DayZ is like taking a bath. It feels good while you're in there - but the longer you stay, the more wrinkles you're going to have.

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#6 Avoid strangers, untill humanity gets reintroduced and matters.

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7. Don't run straight from A to B, Move from cover to cover, even if it takes you longer to reach your destination.

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#8 If running for your life and being chased by many zombies run through buildings to stall them (they walk indoors) or find a dock which stops them cold.

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10. ALWAYS plan ahead. Have a goal set for your session and plan accordingly.

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11. Don't run straight for that shiny car, crashed heli, or tent you see. Scout the general area out first.

Most people leave a guard to watch the car, crashed heli's are camped, and if you see a tent, always a chance someone could be nearby to come deposit / withdraw some loot.

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13: Its nice to have a gun, but only use it as a last resort. The second you shoot you are sending an area wide message to zombies that dinner is here, bandits that their next kill is here or survivors that there is someone they might need to kill is here.

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Prone is your best friend. It keeps people (If you use vegetation) and zombies from seeing you. Learn to use it effectively.

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14. After you've spawned, head for the city for supplies. You're gonna need medicine, food, etc at some point. Better go there and risk dying when you got nothing to lose rather than going there with a ghillie suit, sniper rifle and night vision goggles only to lose it to greedy bandits.

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Pay attention to that little voice that tells you that what you're doing is going to greatly increase your chances of being shot.

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Pay attention to that little voice that tells you that what you're doing is going to greatly increase your chances of being shot.

Agreed. Drill Instructor quote:

" If you have to think about it, it is probably a bad idea"

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#16 Before venturing inland, grab some morphine. If you break a bone up north it's most likely death (respawn) or a couple of hours crawling, perheaps getting shot in the head by a bloody chum... Also always have one morphine with you, don't go messing around without having one in backpack. I just got my bristly bones porked by a zombie... :)

#17 Hatchet, knife, matches. It can be tricky to get a blood transfusion, especially if you play alone, so you'll have to use cooked meat. Cooked meat is good for you (+800 blood). Keep some in your backpack too.

#18 You'll need a map. Either find one in-game or use one. I use one on my N9, even though I have one in-game at the moment :D

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#19 learn to use toggle sprint and toggle freelook like a master! This WILL save your life, or at the very least, look around corners in 3rd person.

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#20 Once you find a map in-game or use one off-game, learn how to orientate yourself by landmarks: Hills, roads, lakes, basically learn how to read a map.

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