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Last time I don't kill on sight

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I was north of Stary Sobor investigating a downed chopper wreck when I caught sight of a survivor hauling ass south towards the wreck. I put him in my scope, just wishing to track his progress through the red dot of my M4A3 CCO. He was about 400 meters away.

After a few seconds he stopped and looked at me. I called this in to my buddies in TeamSpeak and they all responded that I should fuck him up. I gave the man the benefit of the doubt. I scurried towards the treeline, not wishing to be shot for mistaken intentions.

I ran thataway and pulled out my binos. My character stopped to pull them out, and that's when I got shot.

A single round hit me in the abdomen area, possibly from an M4. My plan was to let him loot the wreck first then take anything he had left, but instead I was nearly killed for not shooting him.

I managed to bandage up, I think, and I'm now down to 4,000 blood, waiting for a buddy to get to me.

Lesson: Always KoS.

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Standing in the open? I was crouched, next to the trees. I'm not an idiot.

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Nick, the point of this thread was he was shot on sight and nearly died.

Why would he let it happen again?

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Fuck you, silenced. I won't let it happen again. I won't hunt people but the next person I see gets a nice burst of 5.56 in the face.

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I learned my lesson when I first spawned and saw a survivor on a train track. I told him over direct voice chat that I was friendly, so he turned around and popped shots at me. He hit a few times before I took him down with my Makarov. I felt so guilty that I decided that I'd bandage his wounds. That was a bad idea, because as soon as he got up, he shot me. You either hide when you see an armed survivor that isn't a group member, or you immediately engage them.

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I dont blame him, I would be super cautious and KoS anyone near a chopper wreck if I planned on looting it due to its loot drops. Then again I have'nt fouund one yet, but its probably what i'd do.

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clearly nick and silent are two fucktard griefers, so just ignore them.

But OT, if it aint a member of your party and he spotted you then its hostile and kill it.

Since you can't tell who's bandit and who aint, just assume they are... Don't wait for heartbeat or name

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"I was in one of the single most dangerous areas of the game looting one of the highest-value loot targets in the game. A total stranger whose intentions I was not privy to approached. I did not confirm his intentions nor did I take sufficient cover. It went poorly."

Next up tell us about the time you shaved your balls with a cheese grater and dipped them in a bowl of lemon juice. Then we can all act surprised and shocked when you tells us it hurt a little bit.

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When you shoot at something, you risk it shooting back. When you hide from it and it doesn't see you, it can't shoot you.

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So you're going to turn into that which you hate? You see, this is the problem. People get shot enough that they too start shooting on sight, which makes the people they shoot start shooting on sight. You see where I'm going with this? You have no right to complain about this behavior if you too are willing to turn to it.

Pasted from your other butthurt whiney "I can't play anymore" boohoo thread.

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People are the most dangerous thing in the game. If that were me, the lesson learned would be, "I need to be more cautious; run further or hide better. Crash sites are more dangerous than I estimated."

It's frustrating you can not express your intentions as easily as you might like, nor trust strangers, but the lack of in-game inhibitors makes this mod so excellent.

It does beg to mention, you did start by letting him see you with your rifle trained on him.

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So you're going to turn into that which you hate?


What you do not want to happen to you, do not do it yourself either.

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I wouldn't trust anyone near cities like Stary, well especially Stary!

As Stary is not that "big" many people seem to underestimate it.

If this is news to anyone;

Stary is the best military loot point except from NWAF.

Military loot usually attracts bandits, masses of bandits.

You goin to stary, trying to friendly to others you spot in Stary? Damn, forget about it.

I don't like to say this - I'm usually trying to play friendly whenever possible - but Stary is one of the few areas where you should not trust anyone, anytime.

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maybe shout via voice chat INGAME ?

I did it yesterday and the dude didnt kill me.

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I've never killed a another player. Never had too. Sure, I've been killed, twice, by other players. Both times I never even saw them, so I assume they were bandits anyway.

But a story to the contrary of OP's, yesterday I managed to really eff myself up at the Balota AF and was down to about 2 K blood. I was in need of help and fast, so I decided to take a risk. Unable to see and passing out every 5 minutes I raided the hospital in Cherno and then called over the in game chat for help. I figured if no one helped me, they'd just kill me and I start over again. Sure enough about 3 minutes later, I got a response asking where I was. He found me and to my surprise, he patched me up, right there in Cherno in the most heavily infested bandit territory in town.

He didn't trust me at all, and he wouldn't take anything in return. All he said was, "Get out of here, and if you follow me, you'll be dead." (Paraphrased).

In the end? Some faith in survivor-dom has been restored.

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