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Crashsite suggestion

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not sure if it was ever discussed so excuse if a topic like this already exists, my idea is for the late stages of development on this game, like next year (2016) maybe.


or maybe the devs already have that in mind? let me know.


right now everyone knows crashsites just spawn somewhere, my idea is about an actual flying damaged helicopter that is pretty much about go crash, imagine you are somewhere in dolina or stary or even zeleno, suddenly you hear a helicopter from some direction you can see the smoke trail from far away and the next thing you hear is a more or less loud boom depending how far away you are, a flying heli should pick up some attention from others, the heli might even flew over novo, and dragged all the players in one direction: where the heli is about to crash.


what do you think?

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I already have the same idea, and I think devs may have this too. I... once plan to do it when dayzsa support mods, but I don't know if I can make it...it seems hard in coding..

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Pretty sure this was a plan from the start. Not sure if it still is though. There's a script for mod like this.

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That's pretty cool.


I had not heard the devs discuss this as a feature.


I always thought the heli's crashed well before we start our DayZ.


This is assuming we are in Chernarus after all the "dust settled" so to speak and all heli's that ever were aloft during the initial crisis either "got away" or crashed.

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If I remember correctly they never had plans for such things as dynamic events.  That was Rocket saying it before the 'new engine' was revealed so things may have changed, but I highly doubt it.  In the mod Zombies would spawn in at the crashsites, as the 'story' goes everyone who can get infected already is.  The team has said many times in the past there will be no NPCs, I would think that extends to crashing helis/planes.  But as I said, new lead, new engine, things might change.

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Pretty sure this was a plan from the start. Not sure if it still is though. There's a script for mod like this.

Like is there anything in the game that stands up to mods these days? all I hear about is the mods have this and that and standalone still is discussing if they are able to code it.


like WTF.


Looked for arma 3 mod the other day, sites down due to BI taking control of it I presume.


You would think with all this money that was sent in by DayZ they would have something better in 2 years then those mods.

Not arma3 Get my drift.

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Breaking Point had that for the mod and Arma 3.

The helicopters constantly move about and at some point they crash (or you could shoot them down and they'd still drop the equipment).

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