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Shooting everything you see isn't realistic...

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The problem isn't in the game. It's in the people that play the game, I.E, the assholes that think shooting on sight in the only way to survive. You have a much larger chance of survival if you team up with someone else, even for just an hour or two.

Also, to those who are saying, "I would shoot on sight in real life too", I'm glad to know humanity is fucked even after the apocalypse, which you think would change some peoples outlook on life, since, you know, the whole world ending thing can be pretty traumatizing.

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I think you need to read World War Z. That's a very good guide on what happens during a zombie apocalypse. Pretty realistic too. Human nature is a son of a bitch when you cut through the bullshit that TV's feed you.

*facepalm* Tell me the single time in history of mankind where EVERYONE would kill ANYONE on sight? Bitch please

Somalia can be pretty rough...

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  'MaximMalcon said:

Yeah' date=' I like how everyone thinks they're badass on the internet for bragging about how many murders they have gotten.

The bandit always has the first shot, he will always have the first kill, unless he meets another bandit.

The more time goes by, the more people turn into "shoot on sight murderers".

Obviously there needs to be some harsh feature that makes a bandit think twice before committing a murder.


Pretty easy. Some type of bounty system. Problem fixed.

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Charlie Chaplin makes a point against the its human nature excuse.

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Give someone unlimited power without any consequences and see what happens.

In this game you have power in terms of a gun and in a zombie apokalypse its total anarchy, in this game players are actually doing as they would irl. The irl carebears who trust all those strangers would probably die within a week maybe two if two carebears found each other.

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  'Nightmare_Pwner said:

Shootin people on sight IS REALISTIC.

Its a fucking zombie Apoc. You don't know he inner evil and satanic cultist fucks that will emerge and thrive in a real life Zombie Apoc.

I await the day I can rape' date=' murder, pillage and rape with no consequences from law or government. The day it hits. The local high school with sluts here I come.


Those hot girls would be dead on day 1 because they are too weak and stupid and have lots of beans. Sex will be the least important priority. You'll be so ravenously hungry and exhausted and you'd prefer the pleasure of ending the pain with a bullet to your head.

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Just put a system like this in-

This will be building on the Humanity System which is in the game now.

I believe that DayZ should be very brutal game to all game styles.

From "Psychology of killing" (Reference for system)


"Obsessional and Complusive States are like Conversion Hysteria except the soldier is more aware of what is going on. The soldier understands that fear is causing everything but he cannot do anything about it. This can be manifested by uncontrollable tremors, palpitations, stammers, tics and so on. After a while the trooper may find some kind of hysteria that allows him to escape psychic responsibility for the physical symptoms."

"Character Disorders are when a soldier becomes fixated on certain actions or things. Paranoia may include irascibility, depression and anxiety about his personal safety. Schizoids become hypersensitive and prefer to be alone. Epileptoid's become more prone to violent and sometimes unpredictable rages. Some become obsessed with religion and some become psychotic. In essence a person's very character has changed."

I designed the system to be like the Temp system…where you first lose/ decline in humanity which leads to the in system Heartbeat but if it drops to 0 (very low) and it’s been an amount of time in this state then you would get effects just like in the Temp system you get a cough/sick-lose blood.

Humanity needs to return to original starting level after each death. This will help balance variables and also not force players to play a certain style when they wish to change from a more protective shoot on site survivor to a wants to help out other survivors.

Let’s say for making numbers simple, we will use a 0-10 humanity number scale.

10= Start/full humanity

0= No Humanity

When a player kills another player-

Player is injured and returns fire and kills other player = -1 to Humanity scale

Player shoot other player and is not injured/hit during conflict = -2 to Humanity scale

Player shots player from great distance (snipers) and kills player = -3 to Humanity scale (The reason for snipering players gives a net larger lost in humanity is because they have the largest choice to not shoot and let a player go since they have the least amount of risk to them.)

As the player lowers their humanity, they start to hear the heart beat as it is in game now. But when your humanity =0 and it stays at 0 for let’s say 1 to 2 hours (these are place holder numbers) then like in the Temp system where you get a cold or shakes, while The Humanity system moves to a second level as well.

From my Reference material-

This second level of low humanity that is Humanity =0 for 1-2 hours would be:

The player would then hear gun shots, Zombie/infected voices, a gun reloading, sounds that would make a player un able to tell if it’s real or not without looking around. This would happen every so often. Script could do a get sound effect XYZ and play then do a random number = seconds/mins before another set of sounds are played again. The idea is to have it random and happen after a certain amount of time so the player will not be able to know this is from the low humanity. If the player’s water/food levels are low then this also could trigger a more constant cycle of sounds in a shorter cycle of time. This would continue until you up your Humanity to 1.

(I’m right now against adding tremors or tics to this system since it more heavily puts a burden on the player, rather it be subtle like the temp system.)

Now with this system you need a way to bring back humanity in a way that can’t be exploited but team of players.

To gain back humanity just like in the Temp System, we could make a new item that would be the antibiotics for Low Humanity.

This item could be some pills or a shot of something. (It should not be the in game pain killers because you will have players with low humanity hunting newly spawn players since they have no gun and pain killers) This should be a new item.

This item/pills/drug would only bump you from 0 humanity to 1. This means the condition could return if you kill again. To solve this from being always on the edge there needs to be a way to raise Humanity in general.

If you can script for giving blood transfusions or bandages to increase humanity but do a check so that it only raises it if it’s a different player you bandaging or to only allow players to raise from bandage ever so many minutes. And even then it should be adding only 1 to the humanity scale.

I can see humanity being raised with mechanics built around building a society and settlements. This system I’m laying out might be something that can be placed in when those side missions and building a settlement/society is ready to be implemented into DayZ.

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the other day I was crawling through elektro with a broken leg and 1.8k blood, then a woman with about 5 zombies ran up to me, then started circling me and killed me with her axe. I just thought it was so funny as i was like 1 minute from the hospital. I didn't rage and complain on the forums, i started again, stop complaining.

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  'MaximMalcon said:

I am so beyond sick of seeing numerous threads over and over about this. Dude seriously just suck it up and be more aware of your surroundings. People will kill you for gear. Get used to it.

Guess what' date=' these threads will continue, if you are able to think logically even for a slightest bit, you would understand why.


Yes, these threads will continue. However it will not be because it is a broken mechanic that a majority wishes changed, but because forums for games are always littered with a whiny vocal minority stomping their feet pretending to be a majority.

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  'Dirkyd said:

I am so beyond sick of seeing numerous threads over and over about this. Dude seriously just suck it up and be more aware of your surroundings. People will kill you for gear. Get used to it.

Guess what' date=' these threads will continue, if you are able to think logically even for a slightest bit, you would understand why.


Yes, these threads will continue. However it will not be because it is a broken mechanic that a majority wishes changed, but because forums for games are always littered with a whiny vocal minority stomping their feet pretending to be a majority.

your right because the majority of the community enjoy killing other players minding themselves.

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If this mod had "friendly" bandits, i doubt i would play it. It's what makes this mod special. U don't get the same rush when u sprint towards a town in other games or the reason you prone around. You even think twice before fire your pistol. Name one fucking game where u would think before firing your gun?

I am only gonna be playing mods from now on. No more of these sugar-coated-rainbow games.

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  'Orthus said:

I am so beyond sick of seeing numerous threads over and over about this. Dude seriously just suck it up and be more aware of your surroundings. People will kill you for gear. Get used to it.

Guess what' date=' these threads will continue, if you are able to think logically even for a slightest bit, you would understand why.


Yes, these threads will continue. However it will not be because it is a broken mechanic that a majority wishes changed, but because forums for games are always littered with a whiny vocal minority stomping their feet pretending to be a majority.

your right because the majority of the community enjoy killing other players minding themselves.

Honestly yes, think about it, if nobody wanted to kill each other in a videogame then why do most multiplayer games involve killing each other? The problem here is to many people have a WOW mentality when it comes to their loot. They are scared shitless to lose it and lose sleep at night in anger and sadness when they do. Pvp isn't the problem, and complaining about it because you don't like it isn't productive. the problem lies in the fact that cooperation is difficult, and that turns most watered down gamers off. They want a press A to hold hands and loot freely style of game, not the oh we actually have to work hard at creating a cooperative community. Now I will digress and say this mod needs more options and even benefits for working together, but it is an alpha so things will still be added.

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I don't believe indiscriminate killing would be realistic in any scenario. But there is little else to do in the game.

Well, you could STOP PLAYING until there are more things to do. Sticking around being "bored" and turning that into to a reason to PK for no other reason is a waste of your time and other players. Just leave and come back when you're not bored with the content.

K. thanks.

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I'd kill all of you if it meant me (and my family/friends) surviving longer. Wouldn't be offended if you did the same.

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  'Arty said:

If this mod had "friendly" bandits' date=' i doubt i would play it. It's what makes this mod special. U don't get the same rush when u sprint towards a town in other games or the reason you prone around. You even think twice before fire your pistol. Name one fucking game where u would think before firing your gun?

I am only gonna be playing mods from now on. No more of these sugar-coated-rainbow games.


Thinking before firing doesn't change a damn thing when the foregone conclusion is that everyone is a threat and must die.

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Hey bro, it's a zombie apocalypse, it dosen't exist in REAL LIFE.

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  'Elo001 said:

What I've read in this topic is disgusting.

To all those claiming they would shoot IRL on sight just to be sure: please don't procreate' date=' do it for the sake of society.

If you can openly say that you would kill anybody on sight just to stay save there's something wrong with you


*Claps* I totally LOL'ed...and I agree completely.

Some people like to state as fact that DayZ represents "the end of the world" and that "all hope is lost", but I think that it's way more subjective than that. If a zombie apocalypse actually happened, I think that people would quickly figure out that there are tactics they can use to survive and keep surviving. 1) Fortification -- We can do it, zombies can't. 2) Agriculture/Herding -- We don't NEED to kill for beans. We just need to fortify an area where we can grow them. 3) Time -- Even though they are legion, there is a limited number of zombies. If they are infected humans, they will eventually die. If they are risen dead, they will eventually rot to the point that they are of minimal danger.

Obviously, no one knows what would happen in such a situation. However, I think it's incredibly short sighted to think that KoS would be the norm. People would take chances on trusting others for the principle reason that it's the best way to survive long term. People need someone to keep watch while they sleep. People need others with different skill sets than theirs (medicine, agriculture, physical strength, mechanical aptitude, etc.) to help them survive. People need companionship. When winter comes, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

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What's funny is- 50% of the posters who claim they'd shoot on sight in real life are too young/don't own one, or are opposed to the ownership of a firearm. (not saying you can't believe in such an opinion, even if I differ.)

So tell me again how everyone would be shooting each other with sniper rifles and handguns with such frequency as this again? End of story. There should be some balance here, OP has a point, even though he might have went about it too far at first.

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Ok, had to jump back in this thread simply for the comedy the simple minded bring into it.

There's a reason human beings trample each other to get away from a fire without a second thought. They want to live. Think on that for a second, then by all means tell me how out of character that is for people.

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It is a fucking zombie apocalypse. Nobody in real-life would shoot other survivors the second they see them. So rocket if you want to make a realistic zombie simulator please fucking do something to remove the shoot on sight mentality..

Jeah right nobody would act this way in real-life cause we all have seen so many zombie MOVIES(!!!!)

Or did you survived so many zombie apocalypses yourself that you can say this?

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  'evoxtom said:

What's funny is- 50% of the posters who claim they'd shoot on sight in real life are too young/don't own one' date=' or are opposed to the ownership of a firearm. (not saying you can't believe in such an opinion, even if I differ.)

So tell me again how everyone would be shooting each other with sniper rifles and handguns with such frequency as this again? End of story. There should be some balance here, OP has a point, even though he might have went about it too far at first.


The survival feeling is still out there, just not in the big cities. I can imagine big cities becoming a dangerous place in a zombie apocalypse, gangs forming up and such, turf wars. It's not all fun and communism out there, when survival instinct takes over it's anyone's game.

Personally I'd gather a few friends and take a hike to the nearest forest and live off of hunting. Possibly killing on sight any bypassers in case they detect us. Exactly what I am doing in game atm although I can't collect water from other than cities so we are forced to loot some of 'em

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There should definitely be murders and robbing and all that other fun stuff, but the current state of the game is pure DM. Since this is alpha, I'm sure there will be something in the future to prevent this from being a 225km² Counter-Strike map.

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  'Tandwan said:

Ok' date=' had to jump back in this thread simply for the comedy the simple minded bring into it.

There's a reason human beings trample each other to get away from a fire without a second thought. They want to live. Think on that for a second, then by all means tell me how out of character that is for people.


So I guess running for your life because of a danger, and involuntarily hurting someone as you panic, is the same as pointing a gun at someone and pulling a trigger? You mean to tell me these are morally the same?

So, everyone is a murder by nature? Everyone is paranoid of a murder because they just picked up a m14? Come on dude stop expecting this game is so real and this has to do with real moral issues.

No matter what rocket shoves down your throat saying this isn't a game- truth is that it actually is. Asking for balance in a game isn't wrong, especially in testing. T

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This game is amazing.

I love the sandbox. I love the risk, the danger.

While a vocal minority in this game, in this thread, may not like having to watch their back or find reason to trust instead of openly trust, this game is gaining a lot of new players due to the sandbox playstyle.

Anything goes. Best game I have played in a long time.

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To all the kids who thinks they would kill on sight in real life.. First "hahaha", second:

You watch too much TV.

Of course these kind of attitude will exists in any disaster. But they are overly exagerated by media as it is very good for audience. these behaviors (looting and killing) represent like 5% of the people. You take that as it is the rule when it is actually only the behaviour of a loud minority.

Mainstream Media doesnt report on people sharing food supply or water in disaster. They focus on the looters killers rapist. Because it is entertaining for the people who watch. People like you, like me.

Your vision of the world is therefore biased. And now you can't even picture a real world where the common denominator is something other than stupidity and violence. You are wrong.

Even in a concentration camp, where it seems your life was about to violently end in the next moment for no reason, even in that situation, people shared water, food, and tried to help each other as they could. Some would not of course, and thats just normal.

But lots of them just tried to hold on their humanity for ONE GOOD REASON ONLY :


By the way. I am totally opposed to any kind of murder regulation in a sandbox. Let bandits play as they want. Survivors just need more benefits - from a gameplay mechanics point of view - when they regroup and cooperate.

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