Noble Savage 116 Posted December 10, 2014 (edited) Here's my own personal favourite kill, it was an exremely tough decision as I treasure the memory of each and every single precious kill, I mean how do you choose? there was the fisherman who cried, the panicky black lady of balota who almost managed to escape and of course the American squeaker I befriended at the airfield and had to tolerate until I finally found some rounds for my AK, who am I kidding 'favourite kill' lol, they are all acts of sublime gaming beauty in their own way haha, anyway here it is.... He was sat at the top of the town hall in novo reading from a book, his voice had a kind of singing quality to it, he was genuinely enjoying the literature and was so damned enthusiastic. every door was locked, I didn't want to smash my way in as that would no doubt spook him, so I went in search of a lock pick, it took a while but I finally found one in a house across the street. I sprinted up the stairs and began negotiating the locked doors, his happy joyous tones filling the air, eventually I was at the summit and the final barrier between us was removed, I raised my pump action shotgun, rounded the corner and behold, there he was, seated and still reading from his beloved text, I fired 3 shots at the side of his face and he died immediately, mid sentence. I love this kill because of the stark contrast between his happy, sunshiney voice and the stark brutality of the abrupt triple retort that emanated from the shotgun, truly a moment of wonder to be savoured. Many of us simply love killing players and this game offers up so many wonderful and weird opportunities to quench that twisted thirst, please share your treasured memories of your favourite kill and explain precisely why is it your favourite? Edited December 10, 2014 by Noble Savage 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettles 396 Posted December 10, 2014 I hit a guy with a wrench once. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jukaga 271 Posted December 10, 2014 I hit a guy with a wrench once. Was he giving you the finger outside of Berezino? That was me. Funniest death ever from my perspective. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jukaga 271 Posted December 10, 2014 Hard to say really what my favorite was. My last one was both funny and sad, I ran into a random along the coast and talked for a while. He was very carefree and didn't seem concerned. While he was looting I shot him once in the head and quickly apologized to him for the few seconds he could still hear me letting him know I was hungry and intended to eat him. I did then proceed to eat him, felt a little bad cause he was quite friendly but I was starving and wanted to try out cannibalism. I tried to feed a bambi some but when he saw what it was he tried to run off so I fed him a round as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Karmaterror 982 Posted December 11, 2014 (edited) Iv only killed a few in the SA but the first was defo the best. Very early alpha, im heading to NWA when I see a guy run into stary market. I went to the door and waved at him, he waved back so I went in. There were a couple zeds on us so I took care of them with my trust axe, then asked if he needed anything. He said he was hungry so I gave him couple opened tins of stuff. I said goodbye over direct and left the store, completely buzzed with adrenaline from the meet and happy it ended well. Casually jogging towards the treeline, then all of a sudden the guy comes barrelling past me full sprint axe swinging away. I stopped thinking naaahhhh I just helped him hes not trying this. *Whack* blood starts pouring off me...."right! that's it you little sh1t!" I started strafing round as I pulled out my own axe and we begun the dance of death. A good 10 swings each and down he went. I wasn't sure if he was dead as his body "slid" through a low wall and I thought he was crawling. Vaulted the wall and smacked the body 2 or 3 times to be sure. Lesson is just because some of us are friendly....dosent mean we wont kick your ass if you try something :P Edited December 11, 2014 by Karmaterror 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rags! 1966 Posted December 11, 2014 During the days of "Kalashnikov Jeep Spawn" I went to a server with 4/30 people with a Mosin Nagant and a PU Scope. I hid in the treeline outside the Cernaya Polana junkyard. Within half an hour I had killed two server hoppers. I was the deadliest black woman in Chernarus. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rickyriot 1009 Posted December 11, 2014 I believe, Noble Savage, the proverb I am looking for is, "pride comes before a fall".. ;) My favourite kill has yet to come. Sure I've been involved in some frantic and down right crazy firefights over the years in DayZ (mod and SA) however I do believe my crowning glory will be when I take you out with an arrow from a hidden location after tracking you down and while you take small value bambi kills to boost what seems to be an already inflated ego.. :P 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettles 396 Posted December 11, 2014 Was he giving you the finger outside of Berezino? That was me. Funniest death ever from my perspective. Haha, noo, I beaned the guy for science. We were testing the new helmet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 62 Posted December 11, 2014 (edited) Favourite kill so far? Well this was on experimental just as ghillie's came out, so there i was all ghillied up, living off the land, a true bushman, my weapon was a bow and arrow, and i had to head into town for something can't remember what, anyway i saw a guy in town, i followed him for a few mins, watched what he was doing because bandits taste better, and watched him shoot at a freshspawn, (this was up in Vybor btw) luckily he had *terrible* aim and missed the freshy altogether and started to chase him - the freshspawn ran right past me and i lined up my bow and fired at the bandit, one hit kill. Then I ate him *nom nom Edited December 11, 2014 by Cobaas 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dayy 173 Posted December 11, 2014 Ha, back in .49, a mate and myself stalked this bambi sniper all the way from Solin to Elektro. He settled down in sniper hill, and so we settled in a bush behind him, after letting him have a bit of fun, I said in mic "PeekaBoo I see you!" Poor sap got startled, jumped up, and we nailed him in the face. I walk over and say "Sorry mate, but wabbit season is over." 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TGPstolas 20 Posted December 11, 2014 My favorite was when these German bandits killed my friend and i, and when i respawned, they asked me if i'd come help them ouyt. gave me an akm with a full drum mag, and led me to their group. My friend picked off one guy, then i got the three others to huddle around a body looting, sprayed them all down. knocked one out, killed another, then chased the last one down and shot him in the back.came back to find the one guy unconscious, so i said some crude words about their group and told them to come back so i could kill them again. He said something in german, pretty sure it was something like "fuck you"After that, me and one of the other guys in the clan got pinned down in a house by a hacker, 99% positive it was one of the german guys, as he was cursing at us saying i shouldnt have betrayed his friends. eventually i relogged and got stuck under the house, and the guy tele'd to me(how i know he was hacking) and tried to feed me disinfectant spray. Too bad he didnt know when you're under that house you have a room the size of your character, making it so you cant shoot people/lie down. ;)was one of my favorite PvP moments in elektro.come to think of it, i think i died to a friendly grenade bouncing off the door of a building x) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
munchyuk 7 Posted December 11, 2014 I got a good-un.I play prettymuch pure hero, so killing is a pretty rare thing for me (i say rare, but I've played about 250 hours, so i must have wasted about 20-30 ppl now).I was in Severograd in an earlier patch, had a mosin, few other bits and bobs, not fully geared but good enough. Outside the police station i run into a naked bambi, he runs at me fists up like the douche he clearly is, and after a few attempts to tell him to back off, i waste him. Unbeknown to me this is all being watched, after a fire a shot into the rambo-bambi's chest the air explodes around me with m4 bullets (m4 was the only auto weapon in the game at the time, and still very common). I litterally have no idea wth is going on, and start panic sprinting towards bushes and cover. Once behind a house i fire off the remaining bullets of my mosin into some random trees, with no idea where the enemy are. I manage to escape into the train station undetected and start making my way out of the area, as stealthily as possible.As i approach the edge of the train yard i see another bambi, this time weilding a baseball bat running at me, this one screams "I'm friendly" in a 12 year olds voice with his weapon raised, while making a b-line for my face. Obviously I am not fooled, i raise the mosin, casually, no worries, he's not even zig zagging. I take aim, pull the trigger...... Click, i never fucking reloaded it. His bat connects with my face and I am left staring at the "you are unconcious" screen, all the while wondering why i bother being nice.To my suprise i awaken quickly, and find the guy mid-looting of me. I spring to my feet, and try to reason with the little twat. He raises my mosin and points it at my face laughing, I wish there was a minimum age that people were allowed to use a pc for gaming, so i wouldn't have to deal with cretins like this. He pulls the trigger....... Click. He didn't take my ammo....The melee battle which ensues is hilarious. I play DayZ on a pc with a buggered gfx card, which after approximately 40 mins of playing, reaches roughly the temperature of the surface of the sun, and FPS lowers to around 3-5, not great for pvp. This of course doesn't make the game particularly easy to play, so the mellee battle is long.... very long. During the whole fight I am trying to pursuade him to just drop the rifle and walk away, i won't even kill him, he refuses and continually screams "just kill me already!" repeatedly. His attitude is so depressing i eventually concede, and once i knock him unconcious i finish him off.Actually, that wasnt my favourite kill, i sprayed into a random bush once with an sks and a dead man fell out of it. But this ones a better story 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin Candie 189 Posted December 11, 2014 Nice story. Kids these days huh?My favorite kill was in new Balota military base. To keep it short - me and 2 buddies were looting the baseI hear an SKS fire oand shots landing near me. A hit. I am bleeding. Yelling through teamspeak. Another hit. I kiss the floor. Second hit broke my legs. Open my inventory, get the mosin in my hands. The whole freaking base is surrounded with forest and hills. Perfect for a sniper. I scope my mosin to a random point in the forest hoping to see the attacker. I spot him and see him fire another shot at me, missing this time. Pull the trigger, bam... He is dead. Patched myself up with rags and splints, just in time as my buddies reach me.All this happened in 10-15 seconds.I was proud of defending my self and that giant butt hole with SKS is loong gone. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted December 11, 2014 I have one I still remember vividly, mainly because it was so weird and unlikely. It was also one of my first kills. I was a newspawn near Berezino and had found a crossbow and arrows. I heard someone shooting an M4 so i ran inside a low red building and hid at the top of the stairwell. A few minutes later I hear running, a guy comes in with an m4, turns around and backs up the stairwell and sits down. I'm paralyzed at first, then pull out my crossbow and shoots him in the head. I had no doubt he wouldve killed me If I had said something but still feel kinda sad for the guy. I get his gear, go to Berezino and dies. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noble Savage 116 Posted December 11, 2014 some crackers here, it's great to see people openly celebrating the killing of other players, a much maligned aspect of this beautiful game, keep em coming. even you carebears must have shed a little blood in your time, come on, share your stories, lets have more favourite killings to peruse and enjoy at leisure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites