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Mp 133 is dope

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I killed 5 people and wounded an m4 guy im cherno and then got killed by a hacker. however on some people it was a one shot kill and on some it wasn't even though I was close and it was a chest shot. why is that?


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Because wonky DayZ hit detection/lag/desync plus scattergun randomization of pellets. 

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Because some people have more things in their pockets /

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  On 12/7/2014 at 5:12 AM, Gews said:

Because some people have more things in their pockets /

i wish. I had a vest on with two pistols inside that took several round from an SKS, I didn't even bleed. So I figured I go with two kevlar helmets and I should be golden. Nope, didn't help even a little bit.

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Items in pocket make you take more damage! Idk if its just for bleeding or if its for losing health..

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Shotgun Guy shot me yesterday in Hospital Staircase ....He's dead now. After taking 2 hits point blank i could still shot the crap out of him. Jacket and Pants ruined no bleeding at all.


That was dope imo.

Edited by Krawallkurt

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  On 12/7/2014 at 4:28 PM, Krawallkurt said:

Shotgun Guy shot me yesterday in Hospital Staircase ....He's dead now. After taking 2 hits point blank i could still shot the crap out of him. Jacket and Pants ruined no bleeding at all.


That was dope imo.


Was at the other end of a simmilar experience at the NWAF, Me and my buddy both armed with mp113's I shoot a guy three times twice in the chest once in the head at 20-50m~ Friend pops him at 100m~ Didnt even slow him down.

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Yeah the damage dealt by shotties is a little discerning, you can get killed with 1 shot fully loaded, but try that against an enemy and you wish you had a different gun. But I digress, tis just a game. I will still hope for a Spas-12 or similar. 

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ive been murked by the repeater but I have murdered many with the 357 mag

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  On 12/9/2014 at 4:57 AM, Osprey98 said:

is the reapeter better than the mp133?

Took my friend about five shots point blank to kill a guy. I've put a couple shots into another guy with one only for my friend to finish him off with two shots from an SKS.

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shotguns suck! killed a guy at nw the other day, he had a double barrel, i had a magnum. 

got two shots off, breaking my legs and ruining EVERYTHING. got him in the chest with all 6 rounds. 

do yourself a favor, dont clear buildings with a shotgun when the other guy has a better kit ;D

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one shot headshot with the repeater.


I killed a guy whom was sniping in svet sneaking up only having one bullet in that Baby. dude even wore a helmet.


Love the Thing since than.


Shotguns Performance isent reliable, alltho the 133 makes it a bit more stable due to RoF.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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I've a M4 + two mags to it which I looted from two heli crash sites and I found it first on full servers.  :)

Why are people always in cities in DayZ with little to no 'rare' loot?

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Why are people always in cities in DayZ with little to no 'rare' loot?



And what are you doing with all the "rare" stuff ?


Because when you come back to "un-civilisation" its "you are dead" rather quickly given you Play alone. We did hourlong lootruns for rare shit, but for now its not worth it. I rather stalk svet/berezino/novo for 2h and have lots of contact than running to nwae for the 100th time. Sure maybe if i get super bored and have the 1-2h to spare i do it again.


This dynamic might Change as soon as persistance is a bit more under control.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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Do u believe that people will stop death matching in cities - when we've more persistance items in Dayz like tents and cars and end game base building?

I really doubt it, because I think many people do it,because they are used to K/D games like BF4 and CoD.

When this is game is 'done' in (2016-2017) people will still take their car from their base and head down to the coast for a bit of roof top sniping.  


I enjoy the survival part of dayz - if I can shadow a player from a distance, that's a lot of fun without getting revealed.

I sometimes place rare loots in barn etc. to other survivors to enjoy. 

I don't play Dayz like a BF4 or CoD game.

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