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Accidental dupe

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Couple of days ago to my surprise I duped my backpack. It was on exp server and I was just in the middle of crafting my last ghilie piece to swap it with my backpack. So while I was rearanging my items with my backpack on the ground, server crashed. It rollbacked me a couple of meters back along with all the items I had prior to crafting my ghilie top. I've ran towards the same direction and stumble upon identical backpack in the exact spot which I figured it duped. I never read about duping methods but this one seems pretty simple to recreate. Did this ever happened to you guys?

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You might be better off sending this as a bug report. Not sure posting duping methods is really approved of, despite your intentions.


But no, I've not experienced this.

Edited by BeefBacon
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First, you do not want to discuss dupes and the like. Report them, but posting about them is usually a waste of time as the thread gets locked/deleted.


Second, there is a bug with gear right now in exp especially that causes things to look like that are duped or doubled when in reality one of them disappears if you pick the other up.. eventually. My clan has had anything from pants to packs to guns look like they are on the ground as well as on us.. but if someone picks them up, they either vanish from the other guy, or eventually vanish from both or one of them. Meaning we have never once seen an item get duped on accident that could be used simultaneously by 2 players at once. One way or another it is not usable or it glitches back into 1 item. 


Third, duping is still a thing. Its rather obvious when you see some of the reddit posts that are out there from these current builds. Private shards are a nightmare for duping. Im glad my clanmates are all honest guys that feel the same way I do about cheating/duping/glitching.. because it just drives me nuts people do these things on purpose.


It makes like no sense at all. Like playing basketball with a football just because.. when the basketball is right there.

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It was on exp server

server crashed <_<

this one seems pretty simple to recreate

Are you sure?

Edited by Zyryanoff

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Known, and fix is in the pipeline.

Do not discuss in public exploits, however important you believe them to be.

Send a PM to myself or one of the Moderators.



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