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Preventing Kuru

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So I read up a bit on Kuru, and its seems that you only get the disease from eating brain tissue, however, when in game you can get the disease from simply eating human meat. I feel like you should have the option to choose what areas of the animal or human you'd like to cut off, so as to avoid being infected. However there should also be added benefits to eating the brain, such as quickly boosting your energy, and having it last a long time due to the high amount of protein in the brain. Thoughts?

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Only problem is, too complicated for the DayZ SA community.. gotta remember a lot of the people who play like care bear mode.. :/ same with the mod community, hence Overpoch with OP weapons and indestructible bases.

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Or...and hear me out now as I know this sounds crazy...we can not eat humans like were a bunch of hippies that got raped and said rather than grow more food we'll just eat people.

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The last thing I need to hear from bandits is "Eat a dick" before they make me get in touch with my bisexual necrophiliac side. 

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I think eating human brains for an "added boost" is an inauthentic game mechanic.


Being a cannibal should have a "psychological" impact, in my opinion.


How that could be shown in game.... I'm not rightly sure.

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So I read up a bit on Kuru, and its seems that you only get the disease from eating brain tissue, however, when in game you can get the disease from simply eating human meat. I feel like you should have the option to choose what areas of the animal or human you'd like to cut off, so as to avoid being infected. However there should also be added benefits to eating the brain, such as quickly boosting your energy, and having it last a long time due to the high amount of protein in the brain. Thoughts?


The whole idea of Kuru is a bit off IMHO. First it was confined to the Fore people of PNG, and is now a historical disease. Second it has a lag time of years. To me it's a bad call. 


If you are going to add a potential down side to cannibalism (besides it's obvious ethical issues) there are plenty of other human diseases that could work better (e.g. viral hepatitis - off the top of my head).

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Didn't the recent status report say something about a prion disease?  Maybe not Kuru itself any more but something, even if it's mad cow disease.

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So I read up a bit on Kuru, and its seems that you only get the disease from eating brain tissue, however, when in game you can get the disease from simply eating human meat.


You don't get kuru, you get "brain disease". This brain disease could be some new type of disease exclusive to dayz lore.

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You don't get kuru, you get "brain disease". This brain disease could be some new type of disease exclusive to dayz lore.

Forgot to mention that you actually can get Kuru (and other prion diseases) from eating any meat from the infected, not just the brain, the brain and spinal tissues just have the highest concentrations of the disease, but pretty much the entire body has it.

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