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I was wondering to if you guys can add  vehicles to Dayz. Its better transportation to get to places faster without getting killed by zombies or players. Next update I hope there will be vehicles.  Anyone want vehicles in Dayz?   



A list of vehicles to be added  






Military Vehicles


Off road vehicles

Edited by Thumper1999
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Already in the works. Many threads suggested. Will come when it comes, V3S truck next one or two patches. Search function. #BeatingaDeadHorse

Edited by Sniper-Wolf
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This must be your first day on the Internet. 

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  On 11/13/2014 at 11:22 PM, Thumper1999 said:

I was wondering to if you guys can add  vehicles to Dayz. Its better transportation to get to places faster without getting killed by zombies or players. Next update I hope there will be vehicles.  Anyone want vehicles in Dayz?   



A list of vehicles to be added  






Military Vehicles


Off road vehicles

1, this is already confirmed, suggested, etc. and also, if your going to suggest vehicles and vehicle related things, please don't make your own thread, we don't need any more "unofficial" lists. Please go add your suggestions to the official thread. Ill post a link for you. However, everything in your list is already on the official list. still, go check it out and see if theres anything not on the list you would like to add.


Official Vehicle List: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/210326-the-communitys-official-vehiclevehicle-idea-thread-version-15-now-with-constantly-changing-polls/

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This thread will sadly not go anywhere and seeing as the vehicles are already in active development this is not a suggestion anymore:




If you have any further questions / additions, feel free to send me a PM. But for now make sure that you get familiar with the game and the suggestions around here - as this eliminates duplicate threads.

Edited by kichilron

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