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Any update on magic leg breaking?

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annoying bug for sure, happened to me about 10 times lately. glad to see that dev's takes care of it ! it happened to me in fire stations, red and green two stories houses and prison buldings.


this kind of alpha game is tricky. we all know that alphas is not for bugfixing. but as it's an open alpha played by thousand of players, game breaking bugs still have to be corrected in my opinion.


most of the players actually buy the game to play it, not to be part of the development process. dev's are aware of it and start to handle this "misanderstanding" pretty well.


even if it's an alpha, an open alpha NEEDS some bugfixing ! that may slow down the developpement progress a little, but that the drawback of the money input of early access (the other one is whiney peoples i guess ^^).

Edited by Zboub le météor

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Devs have stated more times than can be counted that the Alpha is not focused on bug fixing. It's focused on adding new content into the game. You've been here since January. This is a very basic concept that you should know by now. How you are unaware of this boggles my mind. 


I've played the game over 500 hours, and this bug has only killed me about four times that I can remember. Which is about once every 125 hours. Which I wouldn't really call "Game Breaking". The people I play with know about this glitch...and we simply don't go to places where it can happen if we aren't prepared to take the risk of getting killed by the bug. 


Saying that the top priority for the Devs is to fix a leg breaking bug that only happens in certain places that you can simply avoid going to is idiotic. Have any of you ever considered...oh, I don't know...simply not going onto the places that the bug could kill you in? Has that thought ever crossed your mind? If it has and you continue to put yourself at risk knowing the possibilities and then complaining about it being Bohemia's fault is hardly something you can blame on them. 


That's just stupidity.


And there ain't no bug fixin' for that. 



*AHEM* Apparently you are not entirely correct. They are fixing it. 


I'm not meaning to perpetuate this bickering, but from what I have seen from your posts you are quite condescending as mentioned and a bit arrogant. Perhaps you should tone it down a bit for the sake of saving the mods from having to clean up useless dribble.



The team is already on the case (leg breaking/instant death): http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=5169

Edited by JacksSparrow

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Could you believe me this happened to me 4 times in a row on experimental, same day aswell.

Edited by Miracool

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Could you believe me this happened to me 4 times in a row on experimental, same day aswell.


High Pings will cause it more often.. 

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Devs have stated more times than can be counted that the Alpha is not focused on bug fixing. It's focused on adding new content into the game. You've been here since January. This is a very basic concept that you should know by now. How you are unaware of this boggles my mind. 


The team is already on the case (leg breaking/instant death): http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=5169


Now you know why I wasn't listening to you, Rags. So yes, apparently I was calling the Dev team "liars", in yours words. It feels nice to be right.

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Those who have read my posts will know that I have always been supportive of DayZ. I've been a player for nigh on 3 years now (mod and SA) and have accepted with good grace the flaws and bugs that both the mod and the Alpha SA are littered with. I also understand it takes time for games to be developed and in many ways we are still a year away from something you could consider "semi-complete", however.....



I spent 4 hours yesterday, fighting against all adversity to keep my character alive. For almost 2 hours on a server that seems to give out no loot, I was starving to death with a monochrome screen and struggling to get by on the odd apple and the occasional tin of soda. I dodged 4 different fire fights when I was not armed. Ducking between buildings hiding in hedgerows and chancing my luck time and again. Slowly, but surely, I built up my character. As I say it was touch and go for nearly all of my 4 hour session and it was only in that last hour did I finally get my shit together. 


In that final hour I managed to get a backpack, clothing, healthy, a couple of weapons and some ammo and was really chuffed at what was an epic battle against all the odds. Last night I logged off in a very safe spot feeling really happy about how well I had done and what a good little game DayZ was. When I logged back into the game today, all my gear was still there, I checked all my health and it ensured it was all green with a quick drink of a soda. I then spent a couple of minutes checking around me. Nobody. I was way up the North of the map well beyond any settlements, near the map edge. 


I ran about 3 paces and "YOU ARE DEAD". No gunshot, nobody near me, just "YOU ARE DEAD" insta-death.


Sick as a mofo parrot, to say the least. I can deal with being trapped in stairwells, or killed by a rogue truck door, or even a cheeky gunshot from a hacker, but for just running along flat ground? I have gone from having such good will towards the game to absolutely none in a matter of seconds.

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Those who have read my posts will know that I have always been supportive of DayZ. I've been a player for nigh on 3 years now (mod and SA) and have accepted with good grace the flaws and bugs that both the mod and the Alpha SA are littered with. I also understand it takes time for games to be developed and in many ways we are still a year away from something you could consider "semi-complete", however.....



I spent 4 hours yesterday, fighting against all adversity to keep my character alive. For almost 2 hours on a server that seems to give out no loot, I was starving to death with a monochrome screen and struggling to get by on the odd apple and the occasional tin of soda. I dodged 4 different fire fights when I was not armed. Ducking between buildings hiding in hedgerows and chancing my luck time and again. Slowly, but surely, I built up my character. As I say it was touch and go for nearly all of my 4 hour session and it was only in that last hour did I finally get my shit together. 


In that final hour I managed to get a backpack, clothing, healthy, a couple of weapons and some ammo and was really chuffed at what was an epic battle against all the odds. Last night I logged off in a very safe spot feeling really happy about how well I had done and what a good little game DayZ was. When I logged back into the game today, all my gear was still there, I checked all my health and it ensured it was all green with a quick drink of a soda. I then spent a couple of minutes checking around me. Nobody. I was way up the North of the map well beyond any settlements, near the map edge. 


I ran about 3 paces and "YOU ARE DEAD". No gunshot, nobody near me, just "YOU ARE DEAD" insta-death.


Sick as a mofo parrot, to say the least. I can deal with being trapped in stairwells, or killed by a rogue truck door, or even a cheeky gunshot from a hacker, but for just running along flat ground? I have gone from having such good will towards the game to absolutely none in a matter of seconds.


Right, and I don't give a shit what all the trolls here say about Alpha status. This bug seriously needs to be fixed. It's ruining the ability of the paying Alpha testers to do their job (us).


I am fully loaded right now and refuse to go into any second story building, until I die or until this bug is fixed.

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To the mod who merged this, you are wrong to merge it into this thread. My problem was nothing to do with leg breaking and everything to do with just instant death.

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