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Knight05 (DayZ)

Plans to hotfix 0.50? (Dev reply please?)

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So not sure how many know this and I can't speak for ALL private servers, but most if not all at the moment seem to not be respawning new loot with server restarts whether automatic or manual. Same for stopping servers then restarting. I am no programmer/coder, but my guess is that every server is being treated as persistant right now. Because we dropped items in certain spots to see if they were there on restarts and sure enough they were everytime.


Imo this seems important enough to warrant a hotfix vs waiting an entire week to fix? Any chance of this happening or....?

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If I read things right - persistence is an opt out, not an opt in thing now. You may have your settings reversed. Check that first.

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If I read things right - persistence is an opt out, not an opt in thing now. You may have your settings reversed. Check that first.



My clans server has been out for months and has always been persistance off, we also double checked today with our hoster and they say persistance is off. I am willing to bet EVERY single server be it public or private right now is not refreshing/renewing loot on restarts and theyre all being treated as persistant. if this is true and I'm hoping a dev will come here to confirm then that means loot is NOT respawning, not resetting. So there will eventually be no loot anywhere except random tiny towns and even then small stuff and pretty soon the game will feel like an empty barren wasteland or hardcore x 5 mode :D


If this is the case I hope to god they would hot fix it and not wait 1-2 weeks for the next normal patching cycles otherwise I doubt many people will play as its not fun running around for 5 hours just to find a baseball bat.

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we turned persistence off on our server and loot respawns after every restart like it always has. so not EVERY server is being treated as persistent

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I server hopped quite a few servers last night and they were all looted.  Could be the case for the non private as well as non community hosted servers.

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but most if not all at the moment seem to not be respawning new loot with server restarts whether automatic or manual. Same for stopping servers then restarting.

Isn't that actually the way it is supposed to be? Servers respawn loot during uptime and not on restart.


Though the balance needs some work - at some places tons of loot are spawning (see picture above) while elsewhere you will not find anything. There is also a (probably intended) effect related to player dynamics: popular places and areas with lots of spawnpoints around will have much less lot available. This makes camping your spawn city less viable and rewards you when moving elsewhere.

Edited by Evil Minion

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Lack of loot? wtf?

I've literally found houses full of loot, that are kind of game breaking


Like this one

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=337751470 ico_external_link.gif


I will also report an excess of loot, good or bad... to include a walkie talkie and 9-volt battery side  by side. Which was cool, aside from the fact that the walkie is unresponsive to click commands and the "," "." no longer switches between channels.

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I and 3 friends were able to easily get fully geared last night in 2 hours on public hive servers with persistent loot enabled. Certainly no shortage of loot, if anything many gamebreaking buildings with far far too much loot in them.

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Persistent servers have had these issues for a while (pretty much since the beginning of persistence). Certain areas have either not loot or WAY too much loot. I do hope that it's tidied up a bit soon because playing on persistent servers makes the DayZ experience 10x better imo - but the loot issue is a bit of a game breaker.

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Some of the servers seem to have the kiddy on the reset button trying to get their fav loot. 

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So not sure how many know this and I can't speak for ALL private servers, but most if not all at the moment seem to not be respawning new loot with server restarts whether automatic or manual. Same for stopping servers then restarting. I am no programmer/coder, but my guess is that every server is being treated as persistant right now. Because we dropped items in certain spots to see if they were there on restarts and sure enough they were everytime.


Imo this seems important enough to warrant a hotfix vs waiting an entire week to fix? Any chance of this happening or....?


The public server I play on has the same issues. It has become persistant and loot does not spawn after a restart.

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I'm sure its both, its just a question of what is wrong exactly. Are the servers reset to some persistant server even if you opted early for them not to be? Or is something wrong on dayz side maybe where servers arent syncing with dayz to update with the hive to reset loot etc or respawn it (dont think respawning loot is actually working yet?).


Hopefully we can get a answer from a higher up soon this seems like it should be a bigger issue than it is currently =/

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