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Christmas Ceasefire

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I didn't pay good money for this alpha to hold hands across Chernarus with a bunch of sissy boy scouts. Zombies with santa hats? Drag races? This isn't minecraft or a kindergarten simulator. It is what it is ....bleak !

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I didn't pay good money for this alpha to hold hands across Chernarus with a bunch of sissy boy scouts. Zombies with santa hats? Drag races? This isn't minecraft or a kindergarten simulator. It is what it is ....bleak !

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"We are the world... we are the children"


what about the churn?

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Keep in mind that this game wasn't build mainly for PvP, Survival doesn't necessary mean to survive other players. Many people abused the fact that they kill for fun, especially newbies who are just new in this game. I play this game mainly for the PvE aspects, ofcourse I'll protect myself, but it isn't in my eyes the main stay of this game.

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I didn't pay good money for this alpha to hold hands across Chernarus with a bunch of sissy boy scouts. Zombies with santa hats? Drag races? This isn't minecraft or a kindergarten simulator. It is what it is ....bleak !

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you dont even have a lawn grandpa.

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this is a great idea, im all for it. im not saying we need zombies in hats or being able to find presents, but this could be a great day to just chill and enjoy the game without worrying about other people ruining dayz

and for those who say this is supposed to model real life and what might/could happen, it actually happened in real life once. why cant we do it again IN A GAME.


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this is a great idea, im all for it. im not saying we need zombies in hats or being able to find presents, but this could be a great day to just chill and enjoy the game without worrying about other people ruining dayz

and for those who say this is supposed to model real life and what might/could happen, it actually happened in real life once. why cant we do it again IN A GAME.


Well you go right ahead and hop on a 50 player server on Xmas, head on down to electro...Im sure you right, Im sure every one will be no ass hats just for x-mas.....I'll just stay on the hill and wait for santa come by droping X-mas gifts for allll the newblets... :rolleyes:


Gosh this is such a win thread.....Lets keep it going guys......were almost there! Lets help this X-mas miracle happen!!!!!!!  


...psssssssp.... hey hey guys...record some good train wreck videos on x-mas I prob will not be on that day....I gotta see this shit!

Edited by CJFlint
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I might just humor this notion...


Well I'll be sure, during Christmas week and a few days after that I will deliver gifts to every person I come across. At high velocity, center mass. T'is the season for giving after all and I'm very generous.

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This idea reminds me of the Christmas Day cease fire that took place in the trenches of World War 1, between the Brits and the Germans. There was no guarantee that either side wasn't using the "cease fire" as a ploy to remain in their trenches and simply open up the moment the other side all climbed out of their trenches, but they didn't. They actually sang songs, shared rations, gave each other crude gifts. Now, I'm sure there were a few cases where soldiers fired upon their foes in-spite of the whole cease fire thing. I won't lie, I picked up on this story from one of Frankie's "War Stories" videos, but I found it fascinating none the less. Another interesting fact was, Adolf Hitler who must of been no more than 18-20 at the time, told his commanding officer that he refused to fraternize with the british for any reason at all.

Anyway, if this did happen, like if we could organize this event well, with a specific date, time and server, as well as a location on the map to meet up at before we all went off our own ways, I would definitely take part just to record. I imagine some funny shit would end up happening. lol.

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How ironic. A ceasefire to celebrate the very first zombie's birthday.


No ceasefire for me, though. Not one superstitious bone in my body.


Dec. 25 is just another day in DayZ...

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