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a MAJOR game change without changing any current mechanics

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Edit: I'm suggesting a SECOND map that is less spread out than Chernarus ie: centralized loot spawns. No changes to current mechanics. Changes to the game apply to all the maps, obviously. I'm just suggesting a new map in contrast with the current one.

One map spreads everyone out and puts hot spots around. The other focuses players to one area an puts reasons to leave the hot spot.

There's a way to address many common complaints without resorting to "bandit penalties" or major feature additions like base building or a major philosophy change such as PvP rules. It's as simple as adding a new map as an alternative to Chernarus.

Map/Environment has a huge impact on playstyle. If this new map was designed to facilitate human interaction, rather than encouraging seclusion, there would be less complaints about how (1) the infected are too easy/predictable, (2) trading posts/hospitals could be viable, (3) people would complain less about PK, and (4) there might be something to do at "end game".

(1) While you can control your own Z spawns, you cant control other people's. Lots of people in one small area means lots of Z.

- A single player spawns a set number of Z, so you could spawn them all on one side of a secluded town, and hit the loots spots on the other side without threat. No secluded towns means no free loot.

- We've all seen the "hordes" that can form organically in cherno/elektro. What if there were 20-30 players within Z spawn range of each other. Attracting Z's would have huge ramifications.

- No need to implement a "horde" feature when hundreds of zombies are in the same area as almost all of the loot spawns.

(2) a small outpost that is actually defensible, away from the one big clusterfuck city, like with a surrounding wall with only 1 or 2 entrances could be a place where people set up shop and have a chance at actually policing.

- Two or three of these could facilitate gang wars/raids. Routes between the outposts and the city would be more traveled, encouraging banditry.

- Player enforced (NOT game enforced) safe zones could only be possible if players could actually control who comes and goes from their camp,

- You wouldn't need to have "base building" mechanics if the map already provided viable spots.

(3) if the vast majority of loot spawns were centralized, we wouldnt have to run for hours for a CHANCE to find something we actually want (boring), limiting the rage you feel from "OMG ALL THAT TIME WASTED CUZ OF SOME ASSHOLE".

- Less focus on avoiding people to loot, more focus on fighting over it.

- Respawning wouldn't put you an hour away from your body so suicide spam wouldn't help you.

- People that like to hang out away from the city (like those who control outposts) would be forced to go back to the city for food/water/med supplies.

- If you never wanted to be shot at in the first place, you could just stay with Chernarus.

(4) getting everything you want/need would not take days, maybe hours, so you wouldn't be so reluctant to take big risks like trying to form up with strangers and take over an outpost.

- Groups holding outposts gives way to groups fighting other groups.

- Completing your kit feels so anti-climactic anyway (now that i have everything it's time to log off and never play again).

- As a bonus, you could actually meet up with your friends in a reasonable amount of time.

- Running Simulator 2012 would be reserved for Chernarus.

Also, only one place to refill jerry cans, imagine the fights to control that resource.

Players who prefer a more action would go here to play, and leave all those who prefer to PvE or be left alone on Chernarus. Implementing PvP flags and "safe zones" would be unnecessary because people would know that one map is for a slower paced gameplay, while the other is for killing people and group vs group play. I imagine all those people who camp Cherno/Elektro looking to shoot people indiscriminately would rather play on a more condensed map with definite traffic areas.

If the map was properly designed, I'm fairly certain it can address the majority of complaints that are repeated over and over on these forums (that are unrelated to bugs/exploits). Don't hesitate to tell me why I'm wrong, and I'm pretty sure we can think of a way that map design could address your point.

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Bringing this back from the dead even though no one cares.

Need a place for exploits to take center stage so these things can be worked out sooner rather than later.

Need a place for people that have already figured out the game and just want to dick around.

Need a place to go to interact with others so that the "first person i've seen in an hour, might as well kill him" victims have more than just a flashlight.

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What about a Manhattan map? All the lone wolves could hang in Central Park.

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I dont think the setting/location is important. The only thing thats important is a direct contrast to Chernarus, where the majority of players in the server are in the same general vicinity, rather than spread out with miles in between them.

Playing axe murderer to just freak people out is how i get over a really painful death. it sucks running through an empty cherno/elektro and feeling like im just starting the item grind again.

If you play super carefully then you never see anyone, or if you do then you can avoid them or shoot them in the back. What am i supposed to do, purposely run around like an idiot and not pay attention so that I don't notice the guy who ends up shooting me? You can minimize risk to the point where all you need to worry about are server hoppers.

Right now there are 50 player servers but what about when there are 100, 200? Lag isn't the only thing you need to worry about. Will zombie/loot spawns work as intended with 30 people in elektro? Are placeable items barbwire/tents/traps? You'll need a lot of barricades to make a kickass fort, but you dont want people spamming them everywhere just to be dicks.

How about Z agro mechanics? If they hear something and start moving toward the source, will a massive horde form? If there were enough of them and no where to run (long term), would their indoor speed turn out to be ok?

We can test all that. We just need more players per square meter.

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ye they should fix the fact that this game is more of a running simulator then a zombie apocalypse simulator and they should add that you can make safe camps on the map that not requirs redeculsy flat surface becuse all pepole who want a defensive base in irl will build it on a high ground so have a better view and harder to get

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i like the idea of 1 place to fill jerry cans, also cities need to be MUCH bigger...

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i like the idea of 1 place to fill jerry cans' date=' also cities need to be MUCH bigger...


1 place to refill jerry cans would also give barn/farm spawns a late game purpose

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JUST wanted to add clan teams/groups could be added so people could spawn/respawn on/near their allies to work as a group and to stop clan-based issues with players killing others for an item/items and pretending it was an accident(as allies would re spawn close by and would be the only one able to loot their body within say 2min of re spawning). This would mean people could actually work a a team without having to know each other in the real world and/or be on team speak. As currently unless you know the other players around in real life you can guarantee they will simply backstab you and take your stuff even if yourve been working as a team.

ye they should fix the fact that this game is more of a running simulator then a zombie apocalypse simulator and they should add that you can make safe camps on the map that not requirs redeculsy flat surface becuse all pepole who want a defensive base in irl will build it on a high ground so have a better view and harder to get

LOL at Running simulator, since you now re-spawn with NOTHING!! And without a weapon zombies just r*pe you until your forced to abort disconnect or re-spawn.

Last patch may have stopped respawning players killing each other in starting areas, but replaced it with the gaming being very much a running/dying to zombies simulator

I dont know about large scale safe bases, but it would be cool to use collected resources to make some kind of hilltop fort to store items in/ defend, so you could clan based raids or fire fights

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Add teams, make it clan based and you will get SHITY COD/BF3 wanabe

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Add teams' date=' make it clan based and you will get SHITY COD/BF3 wanabe


I agree. This is exactly the philosophy change that ISN'T needed. I can almost guarantee that people would hesitate to shoot everyone on sight when they're in direct chat range of 20+ other people, not to mention 100+ zombies.

LOL at Running simulator' date=' since you now re-spawn with NOTHING!! And without a weapon zombies just r*pe you until your forced to abort disconnect or re-spawn.

Last patch may have stopped respawning players killing each other in starting areas, but replaced it with the gaming being very much a running/dying to zombies simulator

I dont know about large scale safe bases, but it would be cool to use collected resources to make some kind of hilltop fort to store items in/ defend, so you could clan based raids or fire fights


Trust me, once you've figured out how the zombies work, you'll realize that you don't even need a melee weapon.

I know I'm in the minority, but I actually liked deathmatch beach. Some of my most memorable firefights were mak duels near the coast. It's just too easy to avoid danger now.

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ONE place to refill jerry cans? Are you fucking shitting me? That would be the one most camped place on the whole map.

People are already complaining about not having enough access to vehicles. Imagine what would happen if you couldn't get your hands on fuel anymore, because there would be more bandits waiting than on the NW airfield.

You don't like running, but the only means of faster travel would become utterly useless if there was only one spot to refuel.

There's room for improvement, map-wise, but I don't think, adding more pvp zones will help getting rid of pvp...

Looking for a place to set up a fortified area? Try green mountain. It has only two entrances. A blue gate and a little hole in the wall. Easily defendable and you got a nice view from top of the tower.

Y'all must be doing something wrong. I have never been shot at the coast after spawning. Even Elektro isn't all that dangerous.

You spawn with nothing, so you got nothing to lose. Run into a town, find a building with two entrances, run through it, and the zombie train you've pulled will stop right there.

It's so easy. It takes about half an hour to get your basic gear together. Broken bones are so much more dangerous than other players during the first hour of playing. I just don't get why everyone seems to have such troubles surviving.

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ONE place to refill jerry cans? Are you fucking shitting me? That would be the one most camped place on the whole map.

People are already complaining about not having enough access to vehicles. Imagine what would happen if you couldn't get your hands on fuel anymore' date=' because there would be more bandits waiting than on the NW airfield.


That's the point. You'd better bring some friends. Find a car in the city? Better find some jerry cans if you don't want to go to the gas station.

You don't like running' date=' but the only means of faster travel would become utterly useless if there was only one spot to refuel. [/i']

Running is pointless unless you have somewhere to go. You wouldn't have any loot spawns to run to if they were all in one big city. Cars wouldn't be just transportation that you try to hide from everyone else. If the map is small someone will find it when you log out. Better use it wisely.

There's room for improvement' date=' map-wise, but I don't think, adding more pvp zones will help getting rid of pvp... [/i']

Not pvp zones. A map. Not get rid of pvp, give pvp somewhere better to go.

Some people play Chernarus, others play Utes or something (Utes is definitely too small). If you wanted to pvp, I'd bet you'd rather see 4 people per 1km sq. rather than 1 person per 4km sq. They wouldn't be playing on the same server. If you wanted to be alone and drive your truck around for more loot thats fine too, play Chernarus.

Looking for a place to set up a fortified area? Try green mountain. It has only two entrances. A blue gate and a little hole in the wall. Easily defendable and you got a nice view from top of the tower.

Perfect' date=' now put 3 of those equal distances from each other and the only gas station. Put all those 3x that distance to the city (aka loot).

Y'all must be doing something wrong. I have never been shot at the coast after spawning. Even Elektro isn't all that dangerous.

You spawn with nothing, so you got nothing to lose. Run into a town, find a building with two entrances, run through it, and the zombie train you've pulled will stop right there.

It's so easy. It takes about half an hour to get your basic gear together. Broken bones are so much more dangerous than other players during the first hour of playing. I just don't get why everyone seems to have such troubles surviving.

It is boring. 1 person per 4km sq. is just ridiculous.

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wow, you really want to make dayz another arcade shooter? no thanks, pal

also, you'd need a character location etc. for every map, that means the master servers memory needs will DOUBLE

if you want that kind of gameplay, i'd suggest you ZombiePanic source

i personally like dayz like it is right now, except for the server hopping and combat DCing

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Sounds like you want to better facilitate clan-play. Which is alright. Only problem is that by implementing your methods, you're facilitating clan play and otherwise destroying solo/casual-group play.

Not to mention this will instead of being a koS game, you turn it into a glorified team death match where the guys who spend insane amounts of time on the game hold the monopoly over everything.

That's not O.K.

I understand that to an extent you need to better reward players who spend a lot of their time playing. That makes sense; but instead you'll be suggesting a world where clans are best rewarded, and subsequently prevent all others from getting any kind of playability.

A world where bandit trolls and clans run amok, ruining the experience for the rest of the 90% of the playerbase.

No, thanks.

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Sounds like you want to better facilitate clan-play. Which is alright. Only problem is that by implementing your methods' date=' you're facilitating clan play and otherwise destroying solo/casual-group play.[/i']

I don't see how adding a second map would kill solo/casual play

Not to mention this will instead of being a koS game' date=' you turn it into a glorified team death match where the guys who spend insane amounts of time on the game hold the monopoly over everything.

That's not O.K.[/i']

Hold monopoly over a giant city? I dont' see it. Hold monopoly over a 'base' that has no loots spawns? Oh noes.

I understand that to an extent you need to better reward players who spend a lot of their time playing. That makes sense; but instead you'll be suggesting a world where clans are best rewarded' date=' and subsequently prevent all others from getting any kind of playability.[/i']

Stay on Chernarus then?

A world where bandit trolls and clans run amok' date=' ruining the experience for the rest of the 90% of the playerbase.

No, thanks.[/i']

What I'm suggesting is giving those bandit trolls and clans a place to run amok where everyone understands that this is exactly what the map is designed to facilitate. Stay on Chernarus if you want to be left alone. It's as if you're saying you want everyone to play on Chernarus and behave the way you want. Solo/Lonely play? Chernarus. Chaotic play? Other map that isn't Chernarus. Not, everyone play on Chernarus, and everyone play the way I think you should play.

Let me tell you what my routine has come down to.

- Go to top of the mountain NW of Krasnostav

- Check for someone else's zombie spawns

- Approach town from NW and spawn zombies on that side of town

- Go to Market on SE side of town, where there are 0 zombies

- Run to my Dirtbike, ride it to the airport

- Loot airport

- Hide Dirtbike

- Hang out nearby and wait if someone was following me to my hiding spot

- Log off

Do I want to "kill" this type of gameplay? No, I want a map where this gameplay is not possible simply because there are other people around.


' pid='245202' dateline='1341399982']

wow' date=' you really want to make dayz another arcade shooter? no thanks, pal


I do? Please tell me how you've come to this conclusion. I'm not suggesting teams, target player info on the hud, safe zones or pvp flags, or any of that other bullshit. I'm suggesting a SECOND map that is smaller than Chernarus with centralized loot spawns. No changes to current mechanics. Changes to the game apply to all the maps, obviously. I'm just suggesting a new map in contrast with the current one.

One map spreads everyone out and puts hot spots around. The other focuses players to one area an puts reasons to leave the hot spot.

' pid='245202' dateline='1341399982']

also' date=' you'd need a character location etc. for every map, that means the master servers memory needs will DOUBLE


Thats true. And they would have to separate the characters across every map, so that you couldn't item grind on an easy items map then hop over to the "run through the forest to items" map.

' pid='245202' dateline='1341399982']

if you want that kind of gameplay' date=' i'd suggest you ZombiePanic source

i personally like dayz like it is right now, except for the server hopping and combat DCing


not replying to that

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I had a similar idea, I don't think it would work because of how the current servers are set up and it's one of the selling points of the game. I do have an idea though... Add in a new island, remove the current map end so that those there will die and the equipment lost, add in an island that we can use a boat or chopper to get to from the furthest north points of the map. There wouldn't be any better loot or anything but more of a step up from the "starting zone".

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That would be better than what we have now, but it doesn't really address the problem that the majority of group play is spent trying to meet up then trying not to do anything if not everyone is on.

I agree it would detract a bit from the character of the mod tho, but it's alpha, right..

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defentley need some kinda base/safe house system.. it would be awesome 2 see if arma3 dayz u could nail doors shut on houses after you find a hammer, nails and some wooden boards/planks

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I think you have some good ideas in there. Might be able to implement some different things once we had 2 or more maps.

Would certainly be fun for alpha to jump in there, but I am telling you it will/would be a total bloodbath.

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I Like the idea of creating a new map that has a better layout, but I don't think that having 2 different maps is the way to go. Part of the fun is in the interaction between people of different playstyles.

I play as a lone wolf, but it wouldn't be fun if I didn't think somebody was going to shoot me at any moment. It's this tension that makes the game for me. Otherwise it would just be a nature walk scavenger hunt.

Lets say I played as a Lolsniper, the game wouldn't be as much fun without saps like me to pick off.

We need each other, whether we like it or not.

I do agree with you that resources should be highly localized. One gas station is a good start. What if NVG only spawned in one building? A compass can only be gotten from a certain town? Now you have to go to these places to get these things, and so does everyone else.

I think this would be an improvement over being able to just hit random loot spawns until luck provides you with your kit.

Also, greater player density would help things immensely, and I believe that servers of up to 200 players have already been hinted at. Time will tell.

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