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About Da_Reapa1

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Da_Reapa1

    How about a BTR-70?

    I think a BRDM would be a better choice for balance reasons, since sustained fire from 7.62mm weapons would probably take one down.
  2. just a heads up to anyone looking to join these guys, they are known hackers and bandits
  3. Da_Reapa1

    An Expert Ambush

    Yesterday, me and a friend were playing on Namalsk. We heard some guys talking over side chat voice. They said that they were in Natija Army Base. Me and my friend decided to try to kill them. We drove our vehicle most of the way and hid it on the road leading to the base. We slipped in and found the base empty. One of the people we were hunting made an announcement over side chat. They said there were 2 UAZs at the base and that if you can fix them, you can have them. After surveying the area around the UAZs we decided it was not a trap. The two guys had already left. I decided to set up an ambush. My friend hid near the UAZs and i hid on the top floor of one of the towers. I said in side chat that i had enough car wheels to fix both UAZs and that they could have one. So they decided to come back. After a few minutes they arrived. One set up on a hill with an M14 to provide overwatch while the other went down to the UAZs. . He asked where i was and i told him i was on my way down there and that he should just wait a moment. He decided to get into one of the UAZs while he waited. My friend reported over our Steam chat that he had a clear shot on the one in the UAZ. "Engage," I ordered. He immediately fired with his M4A1 into the UAZ, killing the man inside almost instantly. I opened fire with my M4A1 on the other one. I saw at least 5 rounds hit him before he ducked behind cover. He bled out without even getting a shot off. We looted the bodies, found a Coyote backpack in one of the towers and headed back to our car. The only valuable item we got off of our victims was the M14.
  4. Sounds fun, if you get enough people i would like to play.
  5. Sounds interesting. I would like to join up, how do i?
  6. i totally agree, i had an AS50 in cherno today and it was so easy to kill that it was just boring. I went in expecting the thrill of killing at close to med range, but didn't get it. I think that a long range sniper kill should be a difficult achievement, just like sneaking up on someone and gunning them down without losing your own head is.
  7. Da_Reapa1

    Why I host a non-hive server

    DayZ would not exist without modified code. Go flame Rocket for stealing the hard work of the other guys at Bohemia.
  8. Da_Reapa1

    Why did I spend $30 for this?

    I'm sure a lot of people are going to reply "you paid for the game, not the mod!" because they failed to pay any attention to the OP
  9. Da_Reapa1

    Trading for Ghillie or SVD Camo or NVG

    I don't know if you are trolling or are just new, but in case it's the latter, as50s use m107 mags...
  10. Da_Reapa1

    Community picks - Weapons

    i like the akm, its powerful, fairly accurate, common ammo and totally rips players and zombies to pieces. I also like the m16a2.
  11. Da_Reapa1

    Chicago 57 Admin abuse [GSG] Clan

    i agree they should be blacklisted and the server shut down
  12. Da_Reapa1

    Electric and Natural lighting's V 4.0

    I like the idea except for the "reward" part. I think putting light up is its own reward. Groups could synchronize movement and light up the city right when its time to fire on some bandits. brilliant idea. imagine you and your clan are walking down a street and suddenly the whole place lights up and gunshots are coming from all directions. even being on the receiving end of that would be pretty fun.
  13. i like the idea of 1 place to fill jerry cans, also cities need to be MUCH bigger...
  14. Da_Reapa1

    Heli Crash Site Alternative

    I am on board with this 100%
  15. Da_Reapa1

    Any stories you feel bad about?

    i feel pretty bad about how badly me and 2 other guys humiliated a group of 6 bandits today... They had the element of surprise, the high ground, and cover. We walked into an ambush, the guy in the lead got sniped but managed to stop the bleeding at .8 blood (amazing). I managed to drop one with m m16a2 before being shot into unconsciousness. But the pathetic part is when the third guy in my group killed 5 bandits with his m107. We killed 6 bandits who had cover, high ground, and surprise on their side without taking a single loss...