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Could someone please explain this.

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I was in a tree eating and the field I was near a guy came through very quickly.  This person never noticed me but what I saw intrigued me and I watched until he disappeared. The player was gliding across the ground (legs not moving) and seemed to be constantly trying to take his weapon off his back but couldn't.  Is this some kinda of bug on my end causing me to not see hiim correctl?  It also seemed he was moving faster then normal. Ty for any insight.

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It could have been a dead body glitching out. I've certainly had that before, where the body just repeats it's last movement and continues in the direction it was travelling upon death.

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This is something known. It doesn't always happen for everyone and it doesn't always look the same for everyone, most definitely not happening for the person in question.


It is a bug at the moment.

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Very common and somewhat hilarious.  Nothing better then watching your comrade moon walk forwards across the airstrip dancing whilst being shot at, the panic in voice does not match the bodies way of showing 0 fecks given.

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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I swear to god there is grease all over the floor everywhere in chernarus. Hence why so many people break their legs, and bodies slip n slide everywhere.

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Both different bugs.


One is the 'taking a gun'-bug, the other one is the 'crouchslidething'-bug.


Both funny but you don't see them when you are the one who is bugging. You can fix the 'taking a gun'-bug by re-equipping your weapon.

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Some call it the Lekukeracha, others call it the hokey pokey and some ever call it the Mamba.


It has even been refereed to as the "Dance of our people"


whatever you consider it as, its hilarious.

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When someones using his compas i get a ani that looks like hes playing with his self or it looks like he is rowing a Kanu! No shit!

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This is something known. It doesn't always happen for everyone and it doesn't always look the same for everyone, most definitely not happening for the person in question.


It is a bug at the moment.

Both different bugs.


One is the 'taking a gun'-bug, the other one is the 'crouchslidething'-bug.


Both funny but you don't see them when you are the one who is bugging. You can fix the 'taking a gun'-bug by re-equipping your weapon.

I usually see the two things happen together. This used to be a LOT more common, and in fact I can't say I've even seen it happen very recently. Must be uncommon these days.

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Yeah it's rather common actually, friends and I call it the "weapon glitch" it's related to desync and usually occurs when you join a server after the person who has their weapon out.

To get out of it simply put your weapon away, pull your melee, put it away and get your weapon back out.

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I had great fun following my friend around as he danced his way through Elektro. It was fitting considering the moves he was busting.

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Enjoy it while it lasts. Literally looks like the guy is wrestling with a snake around his neck or something over and over.

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